use super::*; struct Obj { idx: u32, size: u32, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Batch { pub idx_range: usVec2, pub xyzw: Vec, pub uv: Vec, pub rgba: Vec, objs: Vec, } impl Batch { pub fn new(z: u32) -> Self { Self { objs: vec![Obj { idx: z, size: 0 }], ..Def() } } pub fn typ<'a>(&self, cache: &'a [PrimCache]) -> &'a PrimImpl { get(cache, self.objs.first().valid()) } pub fn contains(&self, cache: &[PrimCache], (o, z): (&PrimImpl, u32)) -> bool { let (t, objs) = (self.typ(cache), &self.objs); t.batchable(o) && objs.binary_search_by(|o| o.idx.cmp(&z)).is_ok() } pub fn covers(&self, cache: &[PrimCache], (o, z): (&PrimImpl, u32)) -> bool { let (t, objs, obj) = (self.typ(cache), self.objs.iter(), o.obj()); !(t.batchable(o) || !t.obj().ordered() || !objs.take_while(|i| i.idx <= z).any(|i| { let l = get(cache, i).obj().base(); l.intersects(obj.base()) })) } pub fn covered(&self, cache: &[PrimCache], (o, z): (&PrimImpl, u32)) -> bool { let (t, objs, obj) = (self.typ(cache), self.objs.iter(), o.obj()); !(t.batchable(o) || !t.obj().ordered() || !objs.rev().take_while(|i| i.idx >= z).any(|i| { let l = get(cache, i).obj().base(); l.intersects(obj.base()) })) } pub fn shrink_and_empty(&mut self, cache: &mut [PrimCache], z: u32) -> bool { let objs = &mut self.objs; let l = objs.iter().rposition(|i| i.idx < z).map(|i| i + 1).unwrap_or(0); if !objs[l..].is_empty() { objs.drain(l..).for_each(|o| cache.at_mut(o.idx).state = State::MISMATCH); objs.first().map(|o| cache.at_mut(o.idx).state |= State::BATCH_RESIZED); } objs.is_empty() } pub fn try_add(&mut self, cache: &[PrimCache], (o, z): (&PrimImpl, u32)) -> bool { if !self.typ(cache).batchable(o) { return false; } self.objs.push(Obj { idx: z, size: 0 }); true } pub fn interferes(&self, cache: &[PrimCache], o: &PrimImpl) -> bool { let (t, mut objs, obj) = (self.typ(cache).obj(), self.objs.iter(), o.obj()); t.ordered() && obj.ordered() && objs.any(|i| { let l = get(cache, i).obj().base(); l.intersects(obj.base()) }) } pub fn redraw(&mut self, aspect: Vec2, cache: &[PrimCache]) -> (u32, State) { let Self { xyzw, rgba, uv, objs, .. } = self; let (len, mut state) = objs.iter_mut().fold((0, State::empty()), |(start, flush), Obj { idx, size }| { let &PrimCache { state, ref o } =*idx); let (obj, idx) = (o.obj(), *idx); let (new_size, state) = (|| { if (state ^ State::BATCH_RESIZED).is_empty() { return (*size, state); } let new_size = obj.vert_count(); let state = (|| { if state.contains(State::MISMATCH) { let to = usize(start + new_size); xyzw.resize(to * 4, f16(0)); rgba.resize(to * 4, 0); uv.resize(to * 2, f16(0)); return State::MISMATCH; } if new_size > *size { let O = f16::ZERO; let (at, s) = ulVec2((start, new_size - *size)); xyzw.splice(at * * 4, vec![O; s * 4]); rgba.splice(at * * 4, vec![0; s * 4]); uv.splice(at * * 2, vec![O; s * 2]); return State::FULL | State::BATCH_RESIZED; } if new_size < *size { let (from, to) = ulVec2((start + new_size, start + *size)); xyzw.drain(from * * 4); rgba.drain(from * * 4); uv.drain(from * * 2); return State::FULL | State::BATCH_RESIZED; } state })(); let (z, s) = <(f32, usize)>::to((idx, start)); obj.write_mesh( aspect, BatchedObj { z: f16(1. - z / 1000.), state, xyzw: &mut xyzw[s * 4..], rgba: &mut rgba[s * 4..], uv: &mut uv[s * 2..], }, ); (new_size, state) })(); *size = new_size; (start + new_size, flush | state) }); if state.contains(State::BATCH_RESIZED) { let to = usize(len); xyzw.truncate(to * 4); rgba.truncate(to * 4); uv.truncate(to * 2); state |= State::FULL; } (len, state) } } fn get<'a>(cache: &'a [PrimCache], o: &Obj) -> &'a PrimImpl { & }