use grafton_visca::{ command::{ pan_tilt::{PanSpeed, PanTiltDirection, TiltSpeed}, InquiryCommand, PanTiltCommand, ZoomCommand, }, send_command_and_wait, AppError, TcpTransport, UdpTransport, ViscaInquiryResponse, ViscaResponse, ViscaTransport, }; use log::{debug, error, info}; use std::{env, time::Duration}; fn main() -> Result<(), AppError> { env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("debug")).init(); info!("Starting application"); let default_protocol = "udp"; let default_ip_address = ""; let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let protocol = if args.len() > 1 { &args[1] } else { default_protocol }; let ip_address = if args.len() > 2 { &args[2] } else { default_ip_address }; let udp_port = "1259"; let tcp_port = "5678"; let use_udp = protocol.eq_ignore_ascii_case("udp"); let address = if use_udp { format!("{}:{}", ip_address, udp_port) } else { format!("{}:{}", ip_address, tcp_port) }; let mut transport: Box = if use_udp { Box::new(UdpTransport::new(&address)?) } else { Box::new(TcpTransport::new(&address)?) }; debug!("Sending Pan/Tilt home command"); let pan_tilt_home_command = PanTiltCommand { direction: PanTiltDirection::Home, pan_speed: PanSpeed::STOP, tilt_speed: TiltSpeed::STOP, }; send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &pan_tilt_home_command)?; std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); debug!("Inquiring Pan/Tilt position"); if let Ok(ViscaResponse::InquiryResponse(ViscaInquiryResponse::PanTiltPosition { pan, tilt })) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &InquiryCommand::PanTiltPosition) { info!("Pan position: {}, Tilt position: {}", pan, tilt); } else { error!("Failed to get Pan/Tilt position"); } let complex_movements = [ (PanTiltDirection::Up, 5, 3), (PanTiltDirection::Right, 4, 3), (PanTiltDirection::Down, 4, 2), (PanTiltDirection::Left, 4, 3), (PanTiltDirection::UpLeft, 3, 3), (PanTiltDirection::DownRight, 3, 3), ]; for (direction, pan_speed, tilt_speed) in complex_movements.iter() { debug!("Sending Pan/Tilt {:?} command", direction); let pan_tilt_command = PanTiltCommand { direction: *direction, pan_speed: PanSpeed::new(*pan_speed).expect("Invalid Pan Speed"), tilt_speed: TiltSpeed::new(*tilt_speed).expect("Invalid Tilt Speed"), }; send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &pan_tilt_command)?; std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)); debug!("Sending Pan/Tilt stop command"); let pan_tilt_stop_command = PanTiltCommand { direction: PanTiltDirection::Stop, pan_speed: PanSpeed::STOP, tilt_speed: TiltSpeed::STOP, }; send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &pan_tilt_stop_command)?; std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } debug!("Inquiring Pan/Tilt position"); if let Ok(ViscaResponse::InquiryResponse(ViscaInquiryResponse::PanTiltPosition { pan, tilt })) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &InquiryCommand::PanTiltPosition) { info!("Pan position: {}, Tilt position: {}", pan, tilt); } else { error!("Failed to get Pan/Tilt position"); } debug!("Inquiring initial Zoom position"); if let Ok(ViscaResponse::InquiryResponse(ViscaInquiryResponse::ZoomPosition { position })) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &InquiryCommand::ZoomPosition) { info!("Initial Zoom position: {}", position); } else { error!("Failed to get initial Zoom position"); } let zoom_movements = [ ZoomCommand::TeleStandard, ZoomCommand::WideStandard, ZoomCommand::TeleVariable(5), ZoomCommand::WideVariable(5), ]; for command in zoom_movements.iter() { debug!("Sending {:?} command", command); if let Err(e) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, command) { error!("Error while sending zoom command: {:?}", e); return Err(AppError::Visca(e)); } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)); debug!("Inquiring Zoom position after {:?}", command); if let Ok(ViscaResponse::InquiryResponse(ViscaInquiryResponse::ZoomPosition { position })) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &InquiryCommand::ZoomPosition) { info!("Zoom position after {:?}: {}", command, position); } else { error!("Failed to get Zoom position after {:?}", command); } } debug!("Sending Zoom stop command"); send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &ZoomCommand::Stop)?; debug!("Inquiring final Zoom position"); if let Ok(ViscaResponse::InquiryResponse(ViscaInquiryResponse::ZoomPosition { position })) = send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &InquiryCommand::ZoomPosition) { info!("Final Zoom position: {}", position); } else { error!("Failed to get final Zoom position"); } debug!("Sending Pan/Tilt home command"); send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &pan_tilt_home_command)?; debug!("Sending Zoom home command"); send_command_and_wait(&mut *transport, &ZoomCommand::WideStandard)?; Ok(()) }