gramatica ===== This crate provides a binary to compile grammars into Rust code and a library implementing Earley's parsing algorithm to parse the grammars specified. # Usage This crate is `gramatica`. To use it you should install it in order to acquire the `gramatica_compiler` binary and also add `gramatica` to your dependencies in your project's `Cargo.toml`. ```toml [dependencies] gramatica = "0.2.1" ``` Then, if you have made a grammar file `example.rsg` execute `gramatica_compiler example.rsg >`. Afterwards you may use the generated file `` as a source Rust file. # Recent changes * Now it is possible to use bindings and mutable references. Like in a rule `(LPar, a @ Left(_), Right(ref mut b), RPar) => (std::mem::take(a),std::mem::take(b))`. * Added `parser::cursor` to be used instead of `source_index` to avoid indexing over unicode strings. * Improved management of large files. * Added `vebosity` argument to `Parser::parse`. # Example: calculator The classical example is to implement a calculator. ```rust //This is a just Rust header that it is copied literally extern crate gramatica; use std::cmp::Ordering; use gramatica::{Associativity,EarleyKind,State,Parser,ParsingTablesTrait,AmbiguityInfo}; //Here the proper grammar begins. //These lines are processed by gramatica_compiler to generate the Token enum and the parsing tables. //We begin by terminal tokens (symbols that are not in the left of any rule but have a literal representation). //For this example all terminals are regular expressions. The first argument of re_terminal! is the type entry, as used in a enum. re_terminal!(Num(f64),"[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?"); re_terminal!(Plus,"\\+"); re_terminal!(Minus,"-"); re_terminal!(Star,"\\*"); re_terminal!(Slash,"/"); re_terminal!(Caret,"\\^"); re_terminal!(LPar,"\\("); re_terminal!(RPar,"\\)"); re_terminal!(NewLine,"\\n"); re_terminal!(_,"\\s+");//Otherwise skip spaces //Now is the turn of nonterminal tokens. The first one is the default start symbol. //These have rules written as match clauses, with the pattern being the reduction of the nonterminal token and the expression being the value the token takes when reducing. //In this case the type of the symbol is empty and so is the expression nonterminal Input { () => (), (Input,Line) => (), } //Although the value type of Line is empty we may have code executed on the reduction nonterminal Line { (NewLine) => (), (Expression(value), NewLine) => { println!("{}",value); }, } //Finally a token with value type. Each rule creates the value in a different way. //Most rules are annotated to avoid ambiguities nonterminal Expression(f64) { (Num(value)) => value, #[priority(addition)] #[associativity(left)] (Expression(l),Plus,Expression(r)) => l+r, #[priority(addition)] #[associativity(left)] (Expression(l),Minus,Expression(r)) => l-r, #[priority(multiplication)] #[associativity(left)] (Expression(l),Star,Expression(r)) => l*r, #[priority(multiplication)] #[associativity(left)] (Expression(l),Slash,Expression(r)) => l/r, #[priority(addition)] #[associativity(left)] (Minus,Expression(value)) => -value, #[priority(exponentiation)] #[associativity(right)] (Expression(l),Caret,Expression(r)) => l.powf(r), (LPar,Expression(value),RPar) => value, } //The ordering macro-like sets the order of application of the previously annotated rules ordering!(exponentiation,multiplication,addition); //Finally an example of using the grammar to parse some lines from stdin. //We could do this or something similar in a different file if we desired to. use std::io::BufRead; fn main() { let stdin=std::io::stdin(); for rline in stdin.lock().lines() { let line=rline.unwrap()+"\n"; println!("line={}",line); match Parser::::parse(&line,None) { Err(x) => println!("error parsing: {:?}",x), Ok(x) => println!("parsed correctly: {:?}",x), }; } } ``` # Advanced Lexer To define terminal tokens not expressable with regular expressions you may use the following. It must containg a _match function returning an option containing the number of chars mathed and the value of the token. ```rust terminal LitChar(char) { fn _match(parser: &mut Parser, source:&str) -> Option<(usize,char)> { let mut characters=source.chars(); if ('\'')) { let mut; let mut size=3; if c=='\\' { c=(; size=4; } if'\'' { Some((size,c)) } else { None } } else { None } } } ``` Since version 0.1.1 there is also a `keyword_terminal!` macro: ```rust keyword_terminal!(Const,"const"); ``` # Parsing values as match clauses Each rule is written as a match clause, whose ending expression is the value that the nonterminal token gets after being parsed. For example, to parse a list of statements: ```rust nonterminal Stmts(Vec) { (Stmt(ref stmt)) => vec![stmt.clone()], (Stmts(ref stmts),Stmt(ref stmt)) => { let mut new=(stmts.clone()); new.push(stmt.clone()); new }, } ``` Reductions only execute if they are part of the final syntactic tree. # Precedence by annotations To avoid ambiguities you have two options: to ensure the grammar does not contain them or to priorize rules by introducing annotations. In the example of the calculator we have seen two kinds: - `#[priority(p_name)]` to declare a rule with priority `p_name`. Later there should be a `ordering!(p_0,p_1,p_2,...)` macro-like to indicate that `p_0` should reduce before `p_1`. - `#[associativity(left/right)]` to decide how to proceed when nesting the same rule. # Example: Parsing JSON ```rust extern crate gramatica; use std::cmp::Ordering; use gramatica::{Associativity,EarleyKind,State,Parser,ParsingTablesTrait,AmbiguityInfo}; //See use std::rc::Rc; //We define an auxiliar type to store JSON values #[derive(Clone,Debug,PartialEq)] enum JsonValue { Literal(String), Number(f64), Object(Vec<(String,JsonValue)>), Array(Vec), True, False, Null, } // ---- Start of the grammar ---- keyword_terminal!(True,"true"); keyword_terminal!(False,"false"); keyword_terminal!(Null,"null"); re_terminal!(Number(f64),"[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?"); terminal LitStr(String) { //This function has limited escaping capabilities fn _match(parser: &mut Parser, source:&str) -> Option<(usize,String)> { let mut ret=None; let mut characters=source.chars(); if (!=(Some('"')) { } else { let mut size=1; let mut r=String::from("\""); while true { match { None => break, Some('"') => { ret=(Some((size+1,r+&"\""))); break; }, Some('\\') => { match { None => break, //Some(c) => r+='\\'+c, Some(c) => { r.push('\\'); r.push(c); } }; size+=2; }, Some(c) => { //r+=&String::from(c); r.push(c); size+=1; }, }; } } ret } } re_terminal!(LBrace,"\\{"); re_terminal!(RBrace,"\\}"); re_terminal!(LBracket,"\\["); re_terminal!(RBracket,"\\]"); re_terminal!(Comma,","); re_terminal!(Colon,":"); re_terminal!(_,"\\s+|\n");//Otherwise skip spaces nonterminal Object(JsonValue) { (LBrace,RBrace) => JsonValue::Object(vec![]), (LBrace,Members(ref list),RBrace) => JsonValue::Object(list.clone()), } nonterminal Members(Vec<(String,JsonValue)>) { (Pair(ref s,ref value)) => vec![(s.clone(),value.clone())], //(Pair,Comma,Members) => (), (Members(ref list),Comma,Pair(ref s,ref value)) => { let mut new=(list.clone()); new.push((s.clone(),value.clone())); new }, } nonterminal Pair(String,JsonValue) { (LitStr(ref s),Colon,Value(ref value)) => (s.clone(),value.clone()), } nonterminal Array(Vec) { (LBracket,RBracket) => vec![], (LBracket,Elements(ref list),RBracket) => list.clone(), } nonterminal Elements(Vec) { (Value(ref value)) => vec![value.clone()], //(Value,Comma,Elements) => (), (Elements(ref list),Comma,Value(ref value)) => { let mut new=(list.clone()); new.push(value.clone()); new }, } nonterminal Value(JsonValue) { (LitStr(ref s)) => JsonValue::Literal(s.clone()), (Number(v)) => JsonValue::Number(v), (Object(ref value)) => value.clone(), (Array(ref list)) => JsonValue::Array(list.clone()), (True) => JsonValue::True, (False) => JsonValue::False, (Null) => JsonValue::Null, } // ---- End of the grammar ---- use std::io::{BufRead,Read}; //As example, we parse stdin for a JSON object fn main() { let stdin=std::io::stdin(); let mut buf=String::new(); stdin.lock().read_to_string(&mut buf); match Parser::::parse(&buf,None) { Err(x) => println!("error parsing: {:?}",x), Ok(x) => println!("parsed correctly: {:?}",x), }; } ``` # Example: Parsing basic XML ```rust //A very basic xml grammar extern crate gramatica; use std::cmp::Ordering; use gramatica::{Associativity,EarleyKind,State,Parser,ParsingTablesTrait,AmbiguityInfo}; // see // also use std::rc::Rc; //We define an auxiliar type to store XML elements #[derive(Clone,Debug,PartialEq)] struct XMLElement { name: String, attrs: Vec<(String,String)>, contents: Vec, } #[derive(Clone,Debug,PartialEq)] enum XMLContent { Element(XMLElement), Data(String), } // ---- Start of the grammar ---- re_terminal!(Space(String),"(\\s|\n)+"); re_terminal!(Ident(String),"[a-zA-Z\\x80-\\xff_][a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff_]*"); terminal LitStr(String) { fn _match(parser: &mut Parser, source:&str) -> Option<(usize,String)> { let mut ret=None; let mut characters=source.chars(); if (!=(Some('"')) { } else { let mut size=1; let mut r=String::from("\""); while true { match { None => break, Some('"') => { ret=(Some((size+1,r+&"\""))); break; }, Some('\\') => { match { None => break, //Some(c) => r+='\\'+c, Some(c) => { r.push('\\'); r.push(c); } }; size+=2; }, Some(c) => { //r+=&String::from(c); r.push(c); size+=1; }, }; } } ret } } re_terminal!(CloseEmpty,"/>"); re_terminal!(BeginClose,""); re_terminal!(Other(char),"."); nonterminal Document(XMLElement) { (Element(ref elem)) => elem.clone(), } nonterminal Element(XMLElement) { (EmptyElemTag(ref name,ref attrs)) => XMLElement{name:name.clone(),attrs:attrs.clone(),contents:vec![]}, (STag(ref name, ref attrs),Content(ref content),ETag) => XMLElement{name:name.clone(),attrs:attrs.clone(),contents:content.clone()}, } nonterminal EmptyElemTag(String,Vec<(String,String)>) { (LT,Ident(ref name),Attributes(ref attrs),MaybeSpace,CloseEmpty) => (name.clone(),attrs.clone()), } nonterminal Attributes(Vec<(String,String)>) { () => vec![], (Attributes(ref attrs),Space,Attribute(ref a, ref b)) => { let mut new=(attrs.clone()); new.push((a.clone(),b.clone())); new }, } nonterminal Attribute(String,String) { (Ident(ref a),Equal,LitStr(ref b)) => (a.clone(),b.clone()), } nonterminal STag(String,Vec<(String,String)>) { (LT,Ident(ref name),Attributes(ref attrs),MaybeSpace,GT) => (name.clone(),attrs.clone()), } nonterminal ETag(String) { (BeginClose,Ident(ref s),MaybeSpace,GT) => s.clone(), } nonterminal Content(Vec) { (CharData(ref s)) => vec![XMLContent::Data(s.clone())], (CharData(ref s),Contents(ref list)) => { let mut new=vec![XMLContent::Data(s.clone())]; new.extend(list.iter().map(|x|x.clone())); new }, } nonterminal Contents(Vec) { () => vec![], (Contents(ref list),Element(ref elem),CharData(ref s)) => { let mut new=(list.clone()); new.push(XMLContent::Element(elem.clone())); if s!="" { new.push(XMLContent::Data(s.clone())); } new }, } nonterminal MaybeSpace { () => (), (Space) => (), } nonterminal CharData(String) { () => String::new(), (CharData(ref s),Space(ref o)) => format!("{}{}",s,o), (CharData(ref s),Ident(ref o)) => format!("{}{}",s,o), (CharData(ref s),Equal) => format!("{}=",s), (CharData(ref s),Other(o)) => format!("{}{}",s,o), } // ---- End of the grammar ---- use std::io::{BufRead,Read}; //As example, we parse stdin for a XML element fn main() { let stdin=std::io::stdin(); let mut buf=String::new(); stdin.lock().read_to_string(&mut buf); match Parser::::parse(&buf,None) { Err(x) => println!("error parsing: {:?}",x), Ok(x) => println!("parsed correctly: {:?}",x), }; } ```