![Build](https://github.com/Haxos/graphific/workflows/Build/badge.svg) [![Latest Version]][crates.io] [![Documentation]][docs.rs] # graphific Graphific is a graph & network data structure library written in Rust. The name is a combination of graph, and the Pacific ocean because there are a lot of cargo routes (Cargo being the default packet manager for Rust). Graphific is still under development. We do not recommend using it in production environment. ## Goals of the library Here are the different focus point of the library by decreasing order of importance: 1. **Ready-to-use API** : well documented and easy to include in an already existing project. 1. **Data integrity** : include functional programming. 1. **Thorough tested** : A lot of unit tests. 1. **Performance** : Big O notation optimized and parallelism. ## Contributing We welcome anyone and all kind of contribution ! Here are some rules : * Before submitting a pull request, please open an [issue](https://github.com/Haxos/graphific/issues) and refer it on the pull request. * Refer to the aim of the library. You can have the most performant code, if it's not documented, it will not be accepted. ## Credits Original creator : [Adrian Mayo Cartes](https://github.com/Haxos/) Inspired by : [petgraph](https://github.com/petgraph/petgraph) and [graphlib](https://github.com/purpleprotocol/graphlib) Special thanks to [Paul Reeve](https://github.com/paulreeve717) for suggesting the name. [crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/graphific [Latest Version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/graphific.svg [Documentation]: https://docs.rs/graphific/badge.svg [docs.rs]: https://docs.rs/graphific