use graphile_worker_migrations::{ migrate, sql::{ m000001::M000001_MIGRATION, m000002::M000002_MIGRATION, m000003::M000003_MIGRATION, m000004::M000004_MIGRATION, m000005::M000005_MIGRATION, m000006::M000006_MIGRATION, m000007::M000007_MIGRATION, m000008::M000008_MIGRATION, m000009::M000009_MIGRATION, m000010::M000010_MIGRATION, }, MigrateError, }; use helpers::with_test_db; use serde_json::json; use sqlx::query; mod helpers; #[tokio::test] async fn migration_install_schema_and_second_migration_does_not_harm() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { query("drop schema if exists graphile_worker cascade") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to migrate"); let migrations = test_db.get_migrations().await; assert_eq!(migrations.len(), 18); let m0 = &migrations[0]; assert_eq!(, 1); test_db .add_job("assert_job_works", json!({}), Default::default()) .await; let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.task_identifier, "assert_job_works"); for _ in 0..3 { migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to migrate"); } let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); assert_eq!(jobs[0].task_identifier, "assert_job_works"); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn migration_can_take_over_from_pre_existing_migrations_table() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { // Drop existing schema and create a pre-existing migrations table let initial_stmts = &[ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS graphile_worker CASCADE", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS graphile_worker", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS graphile_worker.migrations(id INT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, breaking BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL)", "INSERT INTO graphile_worker.migrations (id) VALUES (1)", ]; let mut tx = test_db.test_pool.begin().await.unwrap(); for stmt in initial_stmts { query(stmt).execute(tx.as_mut()).await.unwrap(); } M000001_MIGRATION .execute(&mut tx, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to execute migration"); tx.commit().await.unwrap(); // Perform migration migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to migrate"); // Assert migrations table exists and has relevant entries let migration_rows = test_db.get_migrations().await; assert!( migration_rows.len() >= 18, "There should be at least 18 migrations" ); let migration_2 = migration_rows.iter().find(|m| == 2).unwrap(); assert!(!migration_2.breaking, "Migration 2 should not be breaking"); let migration_11 = migration_rows.iter().find(|m| == 11).unwrap(); assert!(migration_11.breaking, "Migration 11 should be breaking"); // Assert job schema files have been created test_db .add_job("assert_jobs_work", json!({}), Default::default()) .await; let jobs_rows = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs_rows.len(), 1, "There should be one job"); assert_eq!( jobs_rows[0].task_identifier, "assert_jobs_work", "The job should match 'assert_jobs_work'" ); // Assert that re-migrating causes no issues for _ in 0..3 { migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to re-migrate"); } let jobs_rows_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_rows_after.len(), 1, "There should still be one job after re-migrating" ); assert_eq!( jobs_rows_after[0].task_identifier, "assert_jobs_work", "The job should still match 'assert_jobs_work' after re-migrating" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn aborts_if_database_is_more_up_to_date_than_current_worker() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { // Drop existing schema to ensure a clean state query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS graphile_worker CASCADE;") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); // Perform initial migration migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker") .await .expect("Failed to perform initial migration"); // Insert a more up-to-date migration to simulate a future schema version query("INSERT INTO graphile_worker.migrations (id, ts, breaking) VALUES (999999, '2023-10-19T10:31:00Z', true);") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); // Attempt to migrate again and expect it to fail due to version incompatibility let migration_result = migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker").await; assert!( matches!( migration_result, Err(MigrateError::IncompatbleRevision { latest_migration, latest_breaking_migration, highest_migration }) if latest_migration == 999999 && latest_breaking_migration == 999999 && highest_migration == 18 ), "Expected migration to abort due to database being more up to date than current worker" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn throws_helpful_error_message_in_migration_11() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { // Drop existing schema to ensure a clean state query("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS graphile_worker;") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS graphile_worker.migrations(id INT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, breaking BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL);") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); // Manually run the first 10 migrations let migrations = &[ M000001_MIGRATION, M000002_MIGRATION, M000003_MIGRATION, M000004_MIGRATION, M000005_MIGRATION, M000006_MIGRATION, M000007_MIGRATION, M000008_MIGRATION, M000009_MIGRATION, M000010_MIGRATION, ]; let mut tx = test_db.test_pool.begin().await.unwrap(); for migration in migrations { migration.execute(&mut tx, "graphile_worker").await.unwrap(); let sql = "insert into graphile_worker.migrations (id, breaking) values ($1, $2)"; query(sql) .bind(migration.migration_number() as i64) .bind(migration.is_breaking()) .execute(tx.as_mut()) .await .unwrap(); } tx.commit().await.unwrap(); // Lock a job query("SELECT graphile_worker.add_job('lock_me', '{}');") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); query("UPDATE SET locked_at = NOW(), locked_by = 'test_runner';") .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .unwrap(); // Attempt to perform migration tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let migration_result = migrate(&test_db.test_pool, "graphile_worker").await; assert!( matches!(migration_result, Err(MigrateError::LockedJobInMigration11)), "Expected migration to fail due to locked jobs" ); }) .await; }