use std::{collections::VecDeque, ops::Add, rc::Rc}; use crate::helpers::StaticCounter; use chrono::{Duration, Timelike, Utc}; use graphile_worker::{JobSpec, JobSpecBuilder, TaskHandler, WorkerContext}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::json; use tokio::{ sync::{oneshot, Mutex, OnceCell}, task::spawn_local, time::{sleep, Instant}, }; mod helpers; #[tokio::test] async fn it_should_run_jobs() { static JOB2_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job2 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job2 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job2"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB2_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let start = Utc::now(); { let utils = worker.create_utils(); utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": 1 }), JobSpec { queue_name: Some("myqueue".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert!(job.run_at > start); assert!(job.run_at < Utc::now()); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 1); let job_queue = &job_queues[0]; assert_eq!(job_queue.queue_name, "myqueue"); assert_eq!(job_queue.job_count, 1); assert_eq!(job_queue.locked_at, None); assert_eq!(job_queue.locked_by, None); worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); assert_eq!(JOB2_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 0); let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 0); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn it_should_schedule_errors_for_retry() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), String> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Err("fail".to_string()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let start = Utc::now(); { let utils = worker.create_utils(); utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": 1 }), JobSpec { queue_name: Some("myqueue".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } { let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.task_identifier, "job3"); assert_eq!(job.payload, json!({ "a": 1 })); assert!(job.run_at > start); assert!(job.run_at < Utc::now()); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 1); let job_queue = &job_queues[0]; assert_eq!(job_queue.queue_name, "myqueue"); assert_eq!(job_queue.job_count, 1); assert_eq!(job_queue.locked_at, None); assert_eq!(job_queue.locked_by, None); } worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); { let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.task_identifier, "job3"); assert_eq!(job.attempts, 1); assert_eq!(job.max_attempts, 25); assert_eq!( job.last_error, Some("TaskError(\"\\\"fail\\\"\")".to_string()) ); // It's the first attempt, so delay is exp(1) ~= 2.719 seconds assert!(job.run_at > start + chrono::Duration::milliseconds(2719)); assert!(job.run_at < Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::milliseconds(2719)); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 1); let q = &job_queues[0]; assert_eq!(q.queue_name, "myqueue"); assert_eq!(q.job_count, 1); assert_eq!(q.locked_at, None); assert_eq!(q.locked_by, None); } }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn it_should_retry_jobs() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), String> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Err("fail 2".to_string()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); { let utils = worker.create_utils(); utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": 1 }), JobSpec { queue_name: Some("myqueue".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } // Run the job (it will error) worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); // Should do nothing the second time, because it's queued for the future (assuming we run this fast enough afterwards!) worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); // Tell the job to run now test_db.make_jobs_run_now("job3").await; let start = Utc::now(); worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 2); // Should be rejected again { let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.task_identifier, "job3"); assert_eq!(job.attempts, 2); assert_eq!(job.max_attempts, 25); assert_eq!( job.last_error, Some("TaskError(\"\\\"fail 2\\\"\")".to_string()) ); // It's the second attempt, so delay is exp(2) ~= 7.389 seconds assert!(job.run_at > start + chrono::Duration::milliseconds(7389)); assert!(job.run_at < Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::milliseconds(7389)); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 1); let q = &job_queues[0]; assert_eq!(q.queue_name, "myqueue"); assert_eq!(q.job_count, 1); assert_eq!(q.locked_at, None); assert_eq!(q.locked_by, None); } }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn it_should_supports_future_scheduled_jobs() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); { let utils = worker.create_utils(); utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": 1 }), JobSpec { run_at: Some(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::seconds(3)), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } // Run all the jobs now (none should run) worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 0); // Still not ready worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 0); // Make the job ready test_db.make_jobs_run_now("job3").await; worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); // It should be successful { let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 0); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 0); } }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn it_shoud_allow_update_of_pending_jobs() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: String, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Rust is more precise than postgres, so we need to remove the nanoseconds let run_at = Utc::now() .add(chrono::Duration::seconds(60)) .with_nanosecond(0) .unwrap(); let utils = worker.create_utils(); // Schedule a future job - note incorrect payload utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "wrong" }), JobSpec { run_at: Some(run_at), job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Assert that it has an entry in jobs / job_queues let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.run_at, run_at); // Run all jobs (none are ready) worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 0); // update the job to run immediately with correct payload let now = Utc::now().with_nanosecond(0).unwrap(); utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "right" }), JobSpec { run_at: Some(now), job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Assert that it has updated the existing entry and not created a new one let updated_jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(updated_jobs.len(), 1); let updated_job = &updated_jobs[0]; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(updated_job.run_at, now); // Run the task worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn it_schedules_a_new_job_if_existing_is_completed() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: String, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let utils = worker.create_utils(); // Schedule a job to run immediately with job key "abc" and a payload. utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "first" }), JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Run the worker once to process the job. worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); // Assert the job has been called once. assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); // Attempt to update the job. Since the previous job is completed, it should schedule a new one. utils .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "second" }), JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Run the worker again to process the new job. worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); // Assert the job has been called twice, indicating the new job was scheduled and run. assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 2); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn schedules_a_new_job_if_existing_is_being_processed() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static RX1: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); static RX2: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: String, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { let n = JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; match n { 1 => { let mut rx_opt = RX1.get().unwrap().lock().await; if let Some(rx) = rx_opt.take() { rx.await.unwrap(); } } 2 => { let mut rx_opt = RX2.get().unwrap().lock().await; if let Some(rx) = rx_opt.take() { rx.await.unwrap(); } } _ => unreachable!("Job3 should only be called twice"), }; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let (tx1, rx1) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); let (tx2, rx2) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); RX1.set(Mutex::new(Some(rx1))).unwrap(); RX2.set(Mutex::new(Some(rx2))).unwrap(); let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule the first job worker .create_utils() .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "first" }), JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add first job"); let worker = Rc::new(worker); tracing::info!("Starting worker"); // Run the first job let run_once_1 = spawn_local({ let worker = worker.clone(); async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); } }); tracing::info!("Waiting for first job to be picked up"); // Wait for the first job to be picked up let start_time = Instant::now(); while JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await < 1 { if start_time.elapsed().as_secs() > 5 { panic!("Job3 should have been executed by now"); } sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1); // Schedule a new job with the same key while the first one is being processed worker .create_utils() .add_raw_job( "job3", json!({ "a": "second" }), JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add second job"); // Complete the first job tx1.send(()).unwrap(); run_once_1.await.expect("Failed to run worker"); // Run the worker again to pick up the second job let run_once_2 = spawn_local({ let worker = worker.clone(); async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); } }); // Complete the second job tx2.send(()).unwrap(); run_once_2.await.expect("Failed to run worker"); // Ensure both jobs have been processed assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 2); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn schedules_a_new_job_if_the_existing_is_pending_retry() { static JOB5_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job5 { succeed: bool, } impl TaskHandler for Job5 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job5"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), String> { JOB5_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; if !self.succeed { return Err("fail".to_string()); } Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule a job that is initially set to fail worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job5 { succeed: false }, JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Run the worker to process the job, which should fail worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!( JOB5_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "job5 should have been called once" ); // Check that the job is scheduled for retry let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1, "There should be one job scheduled for retry"); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.attempts, 1, "The job should have one failed attempt"); let last_error = job .last_error .as_ref() .expect("The job should have a last error"); assert!( last_error.contains("fail"), "The job's last error should contain 'fail'" ); // No job should run now as it is scheduled for the future worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!( JOB5_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "job5 should still be called only once" ); // Update the job to succeed worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job5 { succeed: true }, JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), run_at: Some(Utc::now()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to update job"); // // Assert that the job was updated and not created as a new one let updated_jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( updated_jobs.len(), 1, "There should still be only one job in the database" ); let updated_job = &updated_jobs[0]; assert_eq!( updated_job.attempts, 0, "The job's attempts should be reset to 0" ); assert!( updated_job.last_error.is_none(), "The job's last error should be cleared" ); // Run the worker again, and the job should now succeed worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); assert_eq!( JOB5_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 2, "job5 should have been called twice" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn job_details_are_reset_if_not_specified_in_update() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let run_at = Utc::now() .add(Duration::seconds(3)) .with_nanosecond(0) .unwrap(); // Schedule a future job worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 1 }, JobSpec { queue_name: Some("queue1".into()), run_at: Some(run_at), max_attempts: Some(10), job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Assert initial job details let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1); let original = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(original.attempts, 0); assert_eq!(original.key, Some("abc".to_string())); assert_eq!(original.max_attempts, 10); assert_eq!(original.payload, serde_json::json!({"a": 1})); assert_eq!(original.queue_name, Some("queue1".to_string())); assert_eq!(original.run_at, run_at); assert_eq!(original.task_identifier, "job3"); // Update job without specifying new details worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 1 }, // maintaining payload for comparison JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to update job"); // Check that omitted details have reverted to default values let updated_jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(updated_jobs.len(), 1); let updated_job = &updated_jobs[0]; assert_eq!(updated_job.attempts, 0); assert_eq!(updated_job.key, Some("abc".to_string())); assert_eq!(updated_job.max_attempts, 25); // Default value for max_attempts assert_eq!(updated_job.payload, serde_json::json!({"a": 1})); // Payload remains unchanged assert_eq!(updated_job.queue_name, None); // Queue name should not change unless explicitly updated assert_ne!(updated_job.run_at, run_at); // `run_at` should revert to the default (current time) // Update job with new details let run_at2 = Utc::now() .add(Duration::seconds(5)) .with_nanosecond(0) .unwrap(); worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 2 }, JobSpec { queue_name: Some("queue2".into()), run_at: Some(run_at2), max_attempts: Some(100), job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to update job with new details"); // Check that details have changed let final_jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(final_jobs.len(), 1); let final_job = &final_jobs[0]; assert_eq!(final_job.attempts, 0); assert_eq!(final_job.key, Some("abc".to_string())); assert_eq!(final_job.max_attempts, 100); assert_eq!(final_job.payload, serde_json::json!({"a": 2})); assert_eq!(final_job.queue_name, Some("queue2".to_string())); assert_eq!(final_job.run_at, run_at2); assert_eq!(final_job.task_identifier, "job3"); // Assuming the task identifier remains unchanged }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn pending_jobs_can_be_removed() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Job3 { a: u32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule a job worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 1 }, JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Assert that it has an entry in jobs let jobs_before_removal = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_before_removal.len(), 1, "There should be one job scheduled" ); // Remove the job worker .create_utils() .remove_job("abc") .await .expect("Failed to remove job"); // Check there are no jobs let jobs_after_removal = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after_removal.len(), 0, "There should be no jobs scheduled after removal" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn jobs_in_progress_cannot_be_removed() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static RX: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: i32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; // Wait on the receiver, simulating a deferred operation let mut rx_mutex_guard = RX.get().unwrap().lock().await; if let Some(rx) = rx_mutex_guard.take() { rx.await.unwrap(); } Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>(); RX.set(Mutex::new(Some(rx))).unwrap(); let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule a job let utils = worker.create_utils(); utils .add_job( Job3 { a: 123 }, JobSpec { job_key: Some("abc".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); // Check it was inserted let jobs_before = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs_before.len(), 1, "Job should be scheduled"); // Run the worker in a separate task to pick up the job let worker_handle = spawn_local(async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); }); // Wait for the job to be picked up let start_time = Instant::now(); while JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await < 1 { if start_time.elapsed().as_secs() > 5 { panic!("Job3 should have been picked up by now"); } sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "Job should be in progress"); // Attempt to remove the job utils .remove_job("abc") .await .expect("Failed to attempt job removal"); // Check it was not removed let jobs_during = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_during.len(), 1, "Job should not be removed while in progress" ); // Complete the job tx.send(()).expect("Failed to send completion signal"); // Wait for the worker task to complete worker_handle.await.expect("Worker task failed"); // Verify the job completed assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "Job should have completed"); // Check the job is removed after completion let jobs_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after.len(), 0, "Job should be removed after completion" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn runs_jobs_asynchronously() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static JOB_RX: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: i32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; let mut rx = JOB_RX.get().unwrap().lock().await; if let Some(receiver) = rx.take() { receiver.await.unwrap(); } Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); JOB_RX.set(Mutex::new(Some(rx))).unwrap(); let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule a job let start = Utc::now(); worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 1 }, JobSpec { queue_name: Some("myqueue".into()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); let worker_id = worker.worker_id().to_owned(); // Start the worker to pick up the job let worker_handle = spawn_local(async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); }); // Wait for the job to be picked up but not completed let start_time = Instant::now(); while JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await < 1 { if start_time.elapsed().as_secs() > 5 { panic!("Job3 should have been picked up by now"); } sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "Job should be in progress but not completed" ); // Check job and queue state to ensure they reflect an in-progress job let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 1, "There should be one job in progress"); let job = &jobs[0]; assert_eq!(job.task_identifier, "job3"); assert_eq!(job.payload, serde_json::json!({ "a": 1 })); assert!( job.run_at >= start && job.run_at <= Utc::now(), "Job run_at should be within expected range" ); assert_eq!(job.attempts, 1, "Job attempts should be incremented"); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!( job_queues.len(), 1, "There should be one queue with a job in progress" ); let q = &job_queues[0]; assert_eq!(&q.queue_name, job.queue_name.as_ref().unwrap()); assert_eq!(q.job_count, 1); assert!(q.locked_at.is_some(), "The job should be locked"); assert!( q.locked_at.unwrap() >= start && q.locked_at.unwrap() <= Utc::now(), "The lock time should be within expected range" ); assert_eq!(q.locked_by, Some(worker_id)); // Complete the job tx.send(()).expect("Failed to send completion signal"); worker_handle.await.expect("Worker task failed"); // Verify the job completed assert_eq!(JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 1, "Job should have completed"); // Check the job is removed after completion let jobs_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after.len(), 0, "Job should be removed after completion" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn runs_jobs_in_parallel() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static RXS: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); RXS.set(Mutex::new(vec![])).unwrap(); let mut txs = vec![]; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: i32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { let rx = RXS .get() .expect("OnceCell should be set globally at the beginning of the test") .lock() .await .remove(0); // Obtain the receiver for this job JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; rx.await .expect("The receiver should not be dropped before the job completes"); Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .concurrency(10) .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let worker = Rc::new(worker); // Schedule 5 jobs in different queues for i in 1..=5 { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); txs.push(tx); RXS.get().unwrap().lock().await.push(rx); worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: i }, JobSpec { queue_name: Some(format!("queue_{}", i)), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } let start = Utc::now(); // Run 5 worker instances in parallel let mut handles = vec![]; let worker_clone = worker.clone(); handles.push(spawn_local(async move { worker_clone.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); })); // Wait for all jobs are picked up let start_time = Instant::now(); while JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await < 5 { if start_time.elapsed().as_secs() > 20 { panic!("Job3 should have been picked up by now"); } sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 5, "All jobs should be in progress" ); // Verify jobs and queues state let jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!(jobs.len(), 5, "There should be 5 jobs in progress"); let job_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; assert_eq!(job_queues.len(), 5, "There should be 5 job queues"); for q in job_queues { assert_eq!(q.job_count, 1, "Each queue should have one job"); assert!(q.locked_at.unwrap() >= start && q.locked_at.unwrap() <= Utc::now()); } // Complete all jobs for tx in txs { tx.send(()).expect("Failed to send completion signal"); } // Wait for all worker instances to finish for handle in handles { handle.await.expect("Worker task failed"); } // Verify all jobs completed assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 5, "All jobs should have completed" ); let jobs_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after.len(), 0, "All jobs should be removed after completion" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn single_worker_runs_jobs_in_series_purges_all_before_exit() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static RXS: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); RXS.set(Mutex::new(VecDeque::new())).unwrap(); let mut txs = vec![]; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: i32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { let rx = RXS.get().unwrap().lock().await.pop_front().unwrap(); // Obtain the receiver for the current job rx.await.unwrap(); // Wait for the signal to complete the job JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); // Schedule 5 jobs for _ in 1..=5 { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); txs.push(tx); RXS.get().unwrap().lock().await.push_back(rx); worker .create_utils() .add_job(Job3 { a: 1 }, JobSpec::default()) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } // Start the worker to pick up and run the jobs let worker_handle = spawn_local(async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); }); // Sequentially complete each job and verify progress let mut i = 0; for tx in txs { i += 1; // Complete the current job tx.send(()).expect("Failed to send completion signal"); // Wait a brief moment to ensure the job is picked up sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, i, "Job {} should be in progress", i, ); } // Wait for the worker to finish processing all jobs worker_handle.await.expect("Worker task failed"); // Verify all jobs were completed assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 5, "All jobs should have completed" ); // Check that all jobs are purged from the database let jobs_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after.len(), 0, "All jobs should be removed after completion" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn jobs_added_to_the_same_queue_will_be_ran_serially_even_if_multiple_workers() { static JOB3_CALL_COUNT: StaticCounter = StaticCounter::new(); static RXS: OnceCell>>> = OnceCell::const_new(); RXS.set(Mutex::new(VecDeque::new())).unwrap(); let mut txs = vec![]; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Job3 { a: i32, } impl TaskHandler for Job3 { const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "job3"; async fn run(self, _ctx: WorkerContext) -> Result<(), ()> { let rx = RXS.get().unwrap().lock().await.pop_front().unwrap(); // Obtain the receiver for the current job rx.await.unwrap(); // Wait for the signal to complete the job JOB3_CALL_COUNT.increment().await; Ok(()) } } helpers::with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker = test_db .create_worker_options() .define_job::() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker"); let worker = Rc::new(worker); // Schedule 5 jobs to the same queue for _ in 1..=5 { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); txs.push(tx); RXS.get().unwrap().lock().await.push_back(rx); worker .create_utils() .add_job( Job3 { a: 1 }, JobSpecBuilder::new().queue_name("serial").build(), ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); } // Start multiple worker instances to process the jobs let mut handles = vec![]; for _ in 0..3 { let worker = worker.clone(); handles.push(spawn_local(async move { worker.run_once().await.expect("Failed to run worker"); })); } // Sequentially complete each job and verify progress for i in 1..=5 { // Give other workers a chance to interfere sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Complete the current job txs.remove(0) .send(()) .expect("Failed to send completion signal"); // Wait for the job to be picked up let start_time = Instant::now(); while JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await < i { if start_time.elapsed().as_secs() > 5 { panic!("Job3 should have been picked up by now"); } sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } } // Wait for all worker instances to finish for handle in handles { handle.await.expect("Worker task failed"); } // Verify all jobs were completed assert_eq!( JOB3_CALL_COUNT.get().await, 5, "All jobs should have completed" ); // Check that all jobs are purged from the database let jobs_after = test_db.get_jobs().await; assert_eq!( jobs_after.len(), 0, "All jobs should be removed after completion" ); }) .await; }