use chrono::Utc; use graphile_worker::{worker_utils::CleanupTask, JobSpec}; use indoc::formatdoc; use crate::helpers::with_test_db; mod helpers; #[tokio::test] async fn cleanup_with_delete_permafailed_jobs() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker_utils = test_db .create_worker_options() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker") .create_utils(); // Create a selection of jobs let jobs = test_db.make_selection_of_jobs().await; let permafail_job_ids = [ *, *, *, ] .to_vec(); // Permanently fail selected jobs let failed_jobs = worker_utils .permanently_fail_jobs(&permafail_job_ids, "TESTING!") .await .expect("Failed to permanently fail jobs"); assert_eq!( failed_jobs.len(), permafail_job_ids.len(), "Should have permanently failed the specified jobs" ); // Cleanup permanently failed jobs worker_utils .cleanup(&[CleanupTask::DeletePermenantlyFailedJobs]) .await .expect("Failed to cleanup permanently failed jobs"); // Fetch all jobs from the database let remaining_jobs = test_db.get_jobs().await; let remaining_job_ids = remaining_jobs.iter().map(|job|>(); // Verify that only the non-permanently-failed jobs remain let expected_remaining_ids = [*, *].to_vec(); assert_eq!( remaining_job_ids, expected_remaining_ids, "Only non-permanently-failed jobs should remain" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn cleanup_with_gc_job_queues() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker_utils = test_db .create_worker_options() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker") .create_utils(); let mut jobs = Vec::new(); let specs = [ ("worker1", "test", "test_job1"), ("worker2", "test2", "test_job2"), ("worker3", "test3", "test_job3"), ]; let mut a = 0; let mut date = Utc::now(); for (worker_id, queue_name, task_identifier) in specs.iter() { date -= chrono::Duration::minutes(1); a += 1; let job = worker_utils .add_raw_job( task_identifier, serde_json::json!({ "a": a }), JobSpec { queue_name: Some(queue_name.to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); jobs.push(job.clone()); // Lock job using the large SQL query let sql = formatdoc!( r#" WITH j AS ( UPDATE {schema}._private_jobs SET locked_at = $1, locked_by = $2 WHERE id = $3 RETURNING * ), q AS ( UPDATE {schema}._private_job_queues SET locked_by = $2, locked_at = $1 FROM j WHERE {schema} = j.job_queue_id ) SELECT * FROM j; "#, schema = "graphile_worker" ); sqlx::query(&sql) .bind(date) .bind(worker_id) .bind( .execute(&test_db.test_pool) .await .expect("Failed to lock job"); } // Unlock worker3 and complete the last job worker_utils .force_unlock_workers(&["worker3"]) .await .expect("Failed to unlock worker3"); let last_job = jobs.pop().expect("There should be at least one job"); worker_utils .complete_jobs(&[*]) .await .expect("Failed to complete the last job"); // Perform GC_JOB_QUEUES cleanup worker_utils .cleanup(&[CleanupTask::GcJobQueues]) .await .expect("Failed to cleanup job queues"); // Fetch remaining job queues let remaining_queues = test_db.get_job_queues().await; let remaining_queue_names: Vec<_> = remaining_queues .iter() .map(|q| q.queue_name.clone()) .collect(); // Verify that only the expected job queues remain let expected_queues = vec!["test".to_string(), "test2".to_string()]; assert_eq!( remaining_queue_names, expected_queues, "Only non-empty job queues should remain after cleanup" ); }) .await; } #[tokio::test] async fn cleanup_with_gc_task_identifiers() { with_test_db(|test_db| async move { let worker_utils = test_db .create_worker_options() .init() .await .expect("Failed to create worker") .create_utils(); let task_identifiers = ["job3", "test_job1", "test_job2", "test_job3"]; let mut completed_job_id = None; for task_identifier in task_identifiers.iter() { let job = worker_utils .add_raw_job(task_identifier, serde_json::json!({}), JobSpec::default()) .await .expect("Failed to add job"); if *task_identifier == "test_job2" { completed_job_id = Some(*; } } // Complete the "test_job2" if let Some(job_id) = completed_job_id { worker_utils .complete_jobs(&[job_id]) .await .expect("Failed to complete the job"); } // Fetch task identifiers before cleanup let mut tasks_before = test_db.get_tasks().await; tasks_before.sort(); assert_eq!( tasks_before, { let mut vec = vec!["job3", "test_job1", "test_job2", "test_job3"]; vec.sort(); vec }, "All task identifiers should be present before cleanup" ); // Perform GC_TASK_IDENTIFIERS cleanup worker_utils .cleanup(&[CleanupTask::GcTaskIdentifiers]) .await .expect("Failed to cleanup task identifiers"); // Fetch task identifiers after cleanup let mut tasks_after = test_db.get_tasks().await; tasks_after.sort(); assert_eq!( tasks_after, { let mut vec = vec!["job3", "test_job1", "test_job3"]; vec.sort(); vec }, "Only relevant task identifiers should remain after cleanup" ); }) .await; }