macro_rules! machine { ( devices: { $($device_name:ident: { modules: { $($module_name:ident: { sections: [$($section_name:expr),* $(,)*] }),* $(,)* } }),* $(,)* } ) => {{ let mut builder = graphiti::DescriptionBuilder::new(); // Add device nodes $( builder.add_node(stringify!($device_name).to_string(), stringify!($device_name).to_string()).unwrap(); )* // Add module nodes and connect them to devices $( $( let module_str = format!("{}_{}", stringify!($device_name), stringify!($module_name)); builder.add_node(module_str.clone(), module_str.clone()).unwrap(); builder.add_edge(stringify!($device_name).to_string(), stringify!($device_name).to_string(), vec![module_str]).unwrap(); )* )* // Add section nodes and connect them to modules $( $( $( let section_str = format!("{}_{}_{}", stringify!($device_name), stringify!($module_name), stringify!($section_name)); builder.add_node(section_str.clone(), section_str.clone()).unwrap(); let module_str = format!("{}_{}", stringify!($device_name), stringify!($module_name)); builder.add_edge(module_str.clone(), module_str, vec![section_str]).unwrap(); )* )* )* }}; } fn main() { let machine_description = machine! { devices: { device: { modules: { light_module: { sections: [identity_section, zones_section] }, hvac_module: { sections: [] }, discovery_module: { sections: [] } } }, another_device: { modules: { conveyance_module: { sections: [identity_section, positions_section] } } } } }; println!("{machine_description:#?}"); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_custom_macro() { let machine = machine! { devices: { device1: { modules: { module_a: { sections: ["section1", "section2"] }, module_b: { sections: ["section3", "section4"] } } }, device2: { modules: { module_c: { sections: ["section5"] } } } } }; } }