/* * Copyright (c) Vicent Marti. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of clar, distributed under the ISC license. * For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* required for sandboxing */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include # include # include # include # define _MAIN_CC __cdecl # ifndef stat # define stat(path, st) _stat(path, st) # endif # ifndef mkdir # define mkdir(path, mode) _mkdir(path) # endif # ifndef chdir # define chdir(path) _chdir(path) # endif # ifndef access # define access(path, mode) _access(path, mode) # endif # ifndef strdup # define strdup(str) _strdup(str) # endif # ifndef strcasecmp # define strcasecmp(a,b) _stricmp(a,b) # endif # ifndef __MINGW32__ # pragma comment(lib, "shell32") # ifndef strncpy # define strncpy(to, from, to_size) strncpy_s(to, to_size, from, _TRUNCATE) # endif # ifndef W_OK # define W_OK 02 # endif # ifndef S_ISDIR # define S_ISDIR(x) ((x & _S_IFDIR) != 0) # endif # define p_snprintf(buf,sz,fmt,...) _snprintf_s(buf,sz,_TRUNCATE,fmt,__VA_ARGS__) # else # define p_snprintf snprintf # endif # ifndef PRIuZ # define PRIuZ "Iu" # endif # ifndef PRIxZ # define PRIxZ "Ix" # endif # ifdef _MSC_VER typedef struct stat STAT_T; # else typedef struct _stat STAT_T; # endif #else # include /* waitpid(2) */ # include # define _MAIN_CC # define p_snprintf snprintf # ifndef PRIuZ # define PRIuZ "zu" # endif # ifndef PRIxZ # define PRIxZ "zx" # endif typedef struct stat STAT_T; #endif #include "clar.h" static void fs_rm(const char *_source); static void fs_copy(const char *_source, const char *dest); static const char * fixture_path(const char *base, const char *fixture_name); struct clar_error { const char *test; int test_number; const char *suite; const char *file; int line_number; const char *error_msg; char *description; struct clar_error *next; }; static struct { int argc; char **argv; enum cl_test_status test_status; const char *active_test; const char *active_suite; int total_skipped; int total_errors; int tests_ran; int suites_ran; int report_errors_only; int exit_on_error; int report_suite_names; struct clar_error *errors; struct clar_error *last_error; void (*local_cleanup)(void *); void *local_cleanup_payload; jmp_buf trampoline; int trampoline_enabled; cl_trace_cb *pfn_trace_cb; void *trace_payload; } _clar; struct clar_func { const char *name; void (*ptr)(void); }; struct clar_suite { const char *name; struct clar_func initialize; struct clar_func cleanup; const struct clar_func *tests; size_t test_count; int enabled; }; /* From clar_print_*.c */ static void clar_print_init(int test_count, int suite_count, const char *suite_names); static void clar_print_shutdown(int test_count, int suite_count, int error_count); static void clar_print_error(int num, const struct clar_error *error); static void clar_print_ontest(const char *test_name, int test_number, enum cl_test_status failed); static void clar_print_onsuite(const char *suite_name, int suite_index); static void clar_print_onabort(const char *msg, ...); /* From clar_sandbox.c */ static void clar_unsandbox(void); static int clar_sandbox(void); /* Load the declarations for the test suite */ #include "clar.suite" #define CL_TRACE(ev) \ do { \ if (_clar.pfn_trace_cb) \ _clar.pfn_trace_cb(ev, \ _clar.active_suite, \ _clar.active_test, \ _clar.trace_payload); \ } while (0) void cl_trace_register(cl_trace_cb *cb, void *payload) { _clar.pfn_trace_cb = cb; _clar.trace_payload = payload; } /* Core test functions */ static void clar_report_errors(void) { int i = 1; struct clar_error *error, *next; error = _clar.errors; while (error != NULL) { next = error->next; clar_print_error(i++, error); free(error->description); free(error); error = next; } _clar.errors = _clar.last_error = NULL; } static void clar_run_test( const struct clar_func *test, const struct clar_func *initialize, const struct clar_func *cleanup) { _clar.test_status = CL_TEST_OK; _clar.trampoline_enabled = 1; CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__TEST__BEGIN); if (setjmp(_clar.trampoline) == 0) { if (initialize->ptr != NULL) { initialize->ptr(); } CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__TEST__RUN_BEGIN); test->ptr(); CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__TEST__RUN_END); } _clar.trampoline_enabled = 0; if (_clar.local_cleanup != NULL) { _clar.local_cleanup(_clar.local_cleanup_payload); } if (cleanup->ptr != NULL) { cleanup->ptr(); } CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__TEST__END); _clar.tests_ran++; /* remove any local-set cleanup methods */ _clar.local_cleanup = NULL; _clar.local_cleanup_payload = NULL; if (_clar.report_errors_only) { clar_report_errors(); } else { clar_print_ontest(test->name, _clar.tests_ran, _clar.test_status); } } static void clar_run_suite(const struct clar_suite *suite, const char *filter) { const struct clar_func *test = suite->tests; size_t i, matchlen; if (!suite->enabled) { return; } if (_clar.exit_on_error && _clar.total_errors) { return; } if (!_clar.report_errors_only) { clar_print_onsuite(suite->name, ++_clar.suites_ran); } _clar.active_suite = suite->name; _clar.active_test = NULL; CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__SUITE_BEGIN); if (filter) { size_t suitelen = strlen(suite->name); matchlen = strlen(filter); if (matchlen <= suitelen) { filter = NULL; } else { filter += suitelen; while (*filter == ':') { ++filter; } matchlen = strlen(filter); } } for (i = 0; i < suite->test_count; ++i) { if (filter && strncmp(test[i].name, filter, matchlen)) { continue; } _clar.active_test = test[i].name; clar_run_test(&test[i], &suite->initialize, &suite->cleanup); if (_clar.exit_on_error && _clar.total_errors) { return; } } _clar.active_test = NULL; CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__SUITE_END); } static void clar_usage(const char *arg) { printf("Usage: %s [options]\n\n", arg); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -sname\tRun only the suite with `name` (can go to individual test name)\n"); printf(" -iname\tInclude the suite with `name`\n"); printf(" -xname\tExclude the suite with `name`\n"); printf(" -v \tIncrease verbosity (show suite names)\n"); printf(" -q \tOnly report tests that had an error\n"); printf(" -Q \tQuit as soon as a test fails\n"); printf(" -l \tPrint suite names\n"); exit(-1); } static void clar_parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { char *argument = argv[i]; if (argument[0] != '-') { clar_usage(argv[0]); } switch (argument[1]) { case 's': case 'i': case 'x': { /* given suite name */ int offset = (argument[2] == '=') ? 3 : 2, found = 0; char action = argument[1]; size_t j, arglen, suitelen, cmplen; argument += offset; arglen = strlen(argument); if (arglen == 0) { clar_usage(argv[0]); } for (j = 0; j < _clar_suite_count; ++j) { suitelen = strlen(_clar_suites[j].name); cmplen = (arglen < suitelen) ? arglen : suitelen; if (strncmp(argument, _clar_suites[j].name, cmplen) == 0) { int exact = (arglen >= suitelen); /* Do we have a real suite prefix separated by a * trailing '::' or just a matching substring? */ if (arglen > suitelen && (argument[suitelen] != ':' || argument[suitelen + 1] != ':')) { continue; } ++found; if (!exact) { _clar.report_suite_names = 1; } switch (action) { case 's': _clar_suites[j].enabled = 1; clar_run_suite(&_clar_suites[j], argument); break; case 'i': _clar_suites[j].enabled = 1; break; case 'x': _clar_suites[j].enabled = 0; break; } if (exact) { break; } } } if (!found) { clar_print_onabort("No suite matching '%s' found.\n", argument); exit(-1); } break; } case 'q': _clar.report_errors_only = 1; break; case 'Q': _clar.exit_on_error = 1; break; case 'l': { size_t j; printf("Test suites (use -s to run just one):\n"); for (j = 0; j < _clar_suite_count; ++j) { printf(" %3d: %s\n", (int)j, _clar_suites[j].name); } exit(0); } case 'v': _clar.report_suite_names = 1; break; default: clar_usage(argv[0]); } } } void clar_test_init(int argc, char **argv) { clar_print_init( (int)_clar_callback_count, (int)_clar_suite_count, "" ); if (clar_sandbox() < 0) { clar_print_onabort("Failed to sandbox the test runner.\n"); exit(-1); } _clar.argc = argc; _clar.argv = argv; } int clar_test_run() { if (_clar.argc > 1) { clar_parse_args(_clar.argc, _clar.argv); } if (!_clar.suites_ran) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < _clar_suite_count; ++i) { clar_run_suite(&_clar_suites[i], NULL); } } return _clar.total_errors; } void clar_test_shutdown() { clar_print_shutdown( _clar.tests_ran, (int)_clar_suite_count, _clar.total_errors ); clar_unsandbox(); } int clar_test(int argc, char **argv) { int errors; clar_test_init(argc, argv); errors = clar_test_run(); clar_test_shutdown(); return errors; } static void abort_test(void) { if (!_clar.trampoline_enabled) { clar_print_onabort( "Fatal error: a cleanup method raised an exception."); clar_report_errors(); exit(-1); } CL_TRACE(CL_TRACE__TEST__LONGJMP); longjmp(_clar.trampoline, -1); } void clar__skip(void) { _clar.test_status = CL_TEST_SKIP; _clar.total_skipped++; abort_test(); } void clar__fail( const char *file, int line, const char *error_msg, const char *description, int should_abort) { struct clar_error *error = calloc(1, sizeof(struct clar_error)); if (_clar.errors == NULL) { _clar.errors = error; } if (_clar.last_error != NULL) { _clar.last_error->next = error; } _clar.last_error = error; error->test = _clar.active_test; error->test_number = _clar.tests_ran; error->suite = _clar.active_suite; error->file = file; error->line_number = line; error->error_msg = error_msg; if (description != NULL) { error->description = strdup(description); } _clar.total_errors++; _clar.test_status = CL_TEST_FAILURE; if (should_abort) { abort_test(); } } void clar__assert( int condition, const char *file, int line, const char *error_msg, const char *description, int should_abort) { if (condition) { return; } clar__fail(file, line, error_msg, description, should_abort); } void clar__assert_equal( const char *file, int line, const char *err, int should_abort, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[4096]; int is_equal = 1; va_start(args, fmt); if (!strcmp("%s", fmt)) { const char *s1 = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *s2 = va_arg(args, const char *); is_equal = (!s1 || !s2) ? (s1 == s2) : !strcmp(s1, s2); if (!is_equal) { if (s1 && s2) { int pos; for (pos = 0; s1[pos] == s2[pos] && s1[pos] && s2[pos]; ++pos) /* find differing byte offset */; p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%s' != '%s' (at byte %d)", s1, s2, pos); } else { p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%s' != '%s'", s1, s2); } } } else if(!strcmp("%.*s", fmt)) { const char *s1 = va_arg(args, const char *); const char *s2 = va_arg(args, const char *); int len = va_arg(args, int); is_equal = (!s1 || !s2) ? (s1 == s2) : !strncmp(s1, s2, len); if (!is_equal) { if (s1 && s2) { int pos; for (pos = 0; s1[pos] == s2[pos] && pos < len; ++pos) /* find differing byte offset */; p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%.*s' != '%.*s' (at byte %d)", len, s1, len, s2, pos); } else { p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%.*s' != '%.*s'", len, s1, len, s2); } } } else if (!strcmp("%ls", fmt)) { const wchar_t *wcs1 = va_arg(args, const wchar_t *); const wchar_t *wcs2 = va_arg(args, const wchar_t *); is_equal = (!wcs1 || !wcs2) ? (wcs1 == wcs2) : !wcscmp(wcs1, wcs2); if (!is_equal) { if (wcs1 && wcs2) { int pos; for (pos = 0; wcs1[pos] == wcs2[pos] && wcs1[pos] && wcs2[pos]; ++pos) /* find differing byte offset */; p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%ls' != '%ls' (at byte %d)", wcs1, wcs2, pos); } else { p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%ls' != '%ls'", wcs1, wcs2); } } } else if(!strcmp("%.*ls", fmt)) { const wchar_t *wcs1 = va_arg(args, const wchar_t *); const wchar_t *wcs2 = va_arg(args, const wchar_t *); int len = va_arg(args, int); is_equal = (!wcs1 || !wcs2) ? (wcs1 == wcs2) : !wcsncmp(wcs1, wcs2, len); if (!is_equal) { if (wcs1 && wcs2) { int pos; for (pos = 0; wcs1[pos] == wcs2[pos] && pos < len; ++pos) /* find differing byte offset */; p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%.*ls' != '%.*ls' (at byte %d)", len, wcs1, len, wcs2, pos); } else { p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%.*ls' != '%.*ls'", len, wcs1, len, wcs2); } } } else if (!strcmp("%"PRIuZ, fmt) || !strcmp("%"PRIxZ, fmt)) { size_t sz1 = va_arg(args, size_t), sz2 = va_arg(args, size_t); is_equal = (sz1 == sz2); if (!is_equal) { int offset = p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, sz1); strncat(buf, " != ", sizeof(buf) - offset); p_snprintf(buf + offset + 4, sizeof(buf) - offset - 4, fmt, sz2); } } else if (!strcmp("%p", fmt)) { void *p1 = va_arg(args, void *), *p2 = va_arg(args, void *); is_equal = (p1 == p2); if (!is_equal) { p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%p != %p", p1, p2); } } else { int i1 = va_arg(args, int), i2 = va_arg(args, int); is_equal = (i1 == i2); if (!is_equal) { int offset = p_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, i1); strncat(buf, " != ", sizeof(buf) - offset); p_snprintf(buf + offset + 4, sizeof(buf) - offset - 4, fmt, i2); } } va_end(args); if (!is_equal) { clar__fail(file, line, err, buf, should_abort); } } void cl_set_cleanup(void (*cleanup)(void *), void *opaque) { _clar.local_cleanup = cleanup; _clar.local_cleanup_payload = opaque; } #include "clar/sandbox.h" #include "clar/fixtures.h" #include "clar/fs.h" #include "clar/print.h"