
Graphul is an Express inspired web framework using a powerful extractor system. Designed to improve, speed, and scale your microservices with a friendly syntax, Graphul is built with Rust. that means Graphul gets memory safety, reliability, concurrency, and performance for free. helping to save money on infrastructure.

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If you want to see more code examples , please visit our [Examples Folder]( ## common examples - [Context](#-context) - [JSON](#-json) - [Resource](#-resource) - [Static files](#-static-files) - [Groups](#-groups) - [Share state](#-share-state) - [Share state with Resource](#-share-state-with-resource) - [Middleware](#-middleware) - [Routers](#-routers) - [Templates](#-templates) - [Swagger - OpenAPI]( - ⭐️ help us by adding a star on [GitHub Star]( to the project ## 🛫 Graphul vs most famous frameworks out there Graphul ## 📖 Context ```rust use graphul::{http::Methods, Context, Graphul}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); // /samuel?country=Colombia app.get("/:name", |c: Context| async move { /* statically typed query param extraction let value: Json = match c.parse_params().await let value: Json = match c.parse_query().await */ let name = c.params("name"); let country = c.query("country"); let ip = c.ip(); format!("My name is {name}, I'm from {country}, my IP is {ip}",) });"").await; } ``` ## 📖 JSON ```rust use graphul::{Graphul, http::Methods, extract::Json}; use serde_json::json; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.get("/", || async { Json(json!({ "name": "full_name", "age": 98, "phones": [ format!("+44 {}", 8) ] })) });"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Resource ```rust use std::collections::HashMap; use graphul::{ async_trait, extract::Json, http::{resource::Resource, response::Response, StatusCode}, Context, Graphul, IntoResponse, }; use serde_json::json; type ResValue = HashMap; struct Article; #[async_trait] impl Resource for Article { async fn get(c: Context) -> Response { let posts = json!({ "posts": ["Article 1", "Article 2", "Article ..."] }); (StatusCode::OK, c.json(posts)).into_response() } async fn post(c: Context) -> Response { // you can use ctx.parse_params() or ctx.parse_query() let value: Json = match c.payload().await { Ok(data) => data, Err(err) => return err.into_response(), }; (StatusCode::CREATED, value).into_response() } // you can use put, delete, head, patch and trace } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.resource("/article", Article);"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Static files ```rust use graphul::{Graphul, FolderConfig, FileConfig}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); // path = "/static", dir = public app.static_files("/static", "public", FolderConfig::default()); // single page application app.static_files("/", "app/build", FolderConfig::spa()); app.static_file("/about", "templates/about.html", FileConfig::default());"").await; } ``` ### 🌟 static files with custom config ```rust use graphul::{Graphul, FolderConfig, FileConfig}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.static_files("/", "templates", FolderConfig { // single page application spa: false, // it support gzip, brotli and deflate compress: true, // Set a specific read buffer chunk size. // The default capacity is 64kb. chunk_size: None, // If the requested path is a directory append `index.html`. // This is useful for static sites. index: true, // fallback - This file will be called if there is no file at the path of the request. not_found: Some("templates/404.html"), // or None }); app.static_file("/path", "templates/about.html", FileConfig { // it support gzip, brotli and deflate compress: true, chunk_size: Some(65536) // buffer capacity 64KiB });"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Groups ```rust use graphul::{ extract::{Path, Json}, Graphul, http::{ Methods, StatusCode }, IntoResponse }; use serde_json::json; async fn index() -> &'static str { "index handler" } async fn name(Path(name): Path) -> impl IntoResponse { let user = json!({ "response": format!("my name is {}", name) }); (StatusCode::CREATED, Json(user)).into_response() } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); // GROUP /api let mut api ="api"); // GROUP /api/user let mut user ="user"); // GET POST PUT DELETE ... /api/user user.resource("/", Article); // GET /api/user/samuel user.get("/:name", name); // GROUP /api/post let mut post ="post"); // GET /api/post post.get("/", index); // GET /api/post/all post.get("/all", || async move { Json(json!({"message": "hello world!"})) });"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Share state ```rust use graphul::{http::Methods, extract::State, Graphul}; #[derive(Clone)] struct AppState { data: String } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let state = AppState { data: "Hello, World 👋!".to_string() }; let mut app = Graphul::share_state(state); app.get("/", |State(state): State| async { });"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Share state with Resource ```rust use graphul::{ async_trait, http::{resource::Resource, response::Response, StatusCode}, Context, Graphul, IntoResponse, }; use serde_json::json; struct Article; #[derive(Clone)] struct AppState { data: Vec<&'static str>, } #[async_trait] impl Resource for Article { async fn get(ctx: Context) -> Response { let article = ctx.state(); let posts = json!({ "posts":, }); (StatusCode::OK, ctx.json(posts)).into_response() } // you can use post, put, delete, head, patch and trace } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let state = AppState { data: vec!["Article 1", "Article 2", "Article 3"], }; let mut app = Graphul::share_state(state); app.resource("/article", Article);"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Middleware - [Example using tracing]( ```rust use graphul::{ Req, middleware::{self, Next}, http::{response::Response,Methods}, Graphul }; async fn my_middleware( request: Req, next: Next ) -> Response { // your logic } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.get("/", || async { "hello world!" }); app.middleware(middleware::from_fn(my_middleware));"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Routers - [Example Multiple Routers]( ```rust use graphul::{http::Methods, Graphul}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.get("/", || async { "Home" }); // you can use: Graphul::post, Graphul::put, Graphul::delete, Graphul::patch let route_get = Graphul::get("/hello", || async { "Hello, World 👋!" }); // you can also use the `route` variable to add the route to the app app.add_router(route_get);"").await; ``` #### 💡 Graphul::router ```rust use graphul::{ Req, middleware::{self, Next}, http::{response::Response,Methods}, Graphul }; async fn my_router() -> Graphul { let mut router = Graphul::router(); router.get("/hi", || async { "Hey! :)" }); // this middleware will be available only on this router router.middleware(middleware::from_fn(my_middleware)); router } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.get("/", || async { "hello world!" }); app.add_router(my_router().await);"").await; } ``` ## 📖 Templates ```rust use graphul::{ http::Methods, Context, Graphul, template::HtmlTemplate, }; use askama::Template; #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "hello.html")] struct HelloTemplate { name: String, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut app = Graphul::new(); app.get("/:name", |c: Context| async move { let template = HelloTemplate { name: c.params("name") }; HtmlTemplate(template) });"").await; } ``` ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT license]( ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in `Graphul` by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.