Graviton Programming language
## Build requirements
* Rust nightly with cargo
## How to build
0. Run `cargo build`
## What is Graviton?
Graviton is a fast programming language that is minimal and simplistic with a simple and easy to read compiler. Everything is an expression unless a semicolon is used `;` then it becomes a statement which gives a clear distinction between expressions and statements.
Graviton is still under heavy development so it is bound to have breaking changes
## Examples
[Iterative fibonacci example](./examples/fib.grav)
import "/std";
println("Iterative Fibonacci example");
let fib = (n: I32) {
let mut prevprevn = 0;
let mut prevn = 0;
let mut curn = 1;
let mut i = 2;
while i <= n {
prevprevn = prevn;
prevn = curn;
curn = prevprevn + prevn;
i = i + 1;
print("Enter a number: ");
let n = read_num();
let fib_number: I32 = fib(n);
let output = if fib_number != fib(14) {
} else {
println("Input was 14 so result will be negated for demonstration");
print("Fibonacci of ");
print(" is ");
## How can follow the progress?
* There is a [Trello](https://trello.com/b/Z2PQHhgy/graviton) board set up for this project