[package] name = "gray_matter" version = "0.2.8" authors = ["yuchanns ", "Knut Magnus Aasrud "] edition = "2018" license = "MIT" description = "Smart front matter parser. An implementation of gray-matter in rust. Parses YAML, JSON, TOML and support for custom parsers." homepage = "https://github.com/the-alchemists-of-arland/gray-matter-rs" repository = "https://github.com/the-alchemists-of-arland/gray-matter-rs" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["markdown", "parse", "front-matter", "gray-matter", "front-matter-parsers"] exclude = [ ".github/*" ] [dependencies] serde = { version = "1.0.137", features = ["derive"] } json = { package = "serde_json", version = "1.0.81" } toml = { version = "0.5.9", optional = true } yaml = { package = "yaml-rust2", version = "0.8.0", optional = true } [features] default = ["toml", "yaml"] [dev-dependencies] cargo-husky = { version = "1", features = ["precommit-hook", "run-cargo-test", "run-cargo-clippy", "run-cargo-fmt"] }