.TH GRC-RS 1 .Sh NAME .b grc-rs .SH SYNOPSIS .B grc-rs .I [options] COMMAND [args] ... .SH DESCRIPTION .B grs-rs Runs any command and colourises it's output according to a set of rules. Rules are imported from .BR grc and .BR grcat configuration files. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-help Show summary of options. .TP .B \-\-aliases Output a list of shell commands to generate aliases for supported and installed binaries. .TP .B \-\-all-aliases Output a list of shell commands with aliases for all supported binaries. .TP .B \-\-except=\fIalias\fR[\fI,alias\fR[,...]\fR] List of aliases to exclude from list of shell commands generated by .B \-\-aliases or .B \-\-all-aliases .TP .B \-\-colour=\fR[\fI\,on,off,auto\fR] Enable/disable colour output (default auto). .SH CONFIGURATION FILES .B grc-rs reads its configuration from all of the following locations (same format as \fBgrc-rs.conf\fR), if available. All matching rules are read and used. /etc/grc.conf ~/.grc ~/.config/grc/grc /etc/grc-rs.conf ~/.grc-rs ~/.config/grc-rs/grc-rs Any \fBgrcat\fR configuration (e.g. \fBconf.\fIxyz\fR) are searched for in all of these locations. Only the first found file is read and used. ~/.config/grc ~/.config/grc-rs ~/.local/share/grc-rs ~/.local/share/grc /usr/share/grc-rs /usr/share/grc To extend the existing configuration for a command that is already configured, simply add a new rule in \fB~/.grc-rs\fR and have a unique \fBconf.\fIcommand\fR. To replace existing rules for a known command, create \fB~/.config/grc-rs/conf.\fIcommand\fR and it will be used instead of the one from \fB/usr/share/grc\fR. .SH SEE ALSO .BR grc "(1) .BR grcat "(1) .SH AUTHOR Written by Lars Christensen