mod common; #[cfg(feature = "async_gremlin")] #[allow(unused_imports)] mod aio { use gremlin_client::{aio::GremlinClient, ConnectionOptions, GremlinError, TlsOptions}; use gremlin_client::{Edge, GValue, Map, Vertex}; use super::common::aio::{connect, create_edge, create_vertex, drop_vertices}; #[cfg(feature = "async-std-runtime")] use async_std::prelude::*; #[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")] use tokio_stream::StreamExt; #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_client_connection_ok() { connect().await; } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_ok_credentials() { let client = GremlinClient::connect( ConnectionOptions::builder() .host("localhost") .port(8183) .credentials("stephen", "password") .ssl(true) .tls_options(TlsOptions { accept_invalid_certs: true, }) .build(), ) .await .expect("Cannot connect"); let result = client.execute("g.V().limit(1)", &[]).await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "{:?}", result); } #[cfg(feature = "async-std-runtime")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] async fn test_empty_query() { let graph = connect().await; assert_eq!( 0, graph .execute("g.V().hasLabel('NotFound')", &[]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal") .count() .await ) } #[cfg(feature = "async-std-runtime")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] async fn test_session_empty_query() { let mut graph = connect().await; let mut sessioned_graph = graph .create_session("test-session".to_string()) .await .expect("It should create a session"); assert_eq!( 0, sessioned_graph .execute("g.V().hasLabel('NotFound')", &[]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal") .count() .await ); sessioned_graph .close_session() .await .expect("It should close the session."); } #[cfg(feature = "async-std-runtime")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] async fn test_keep_alive_query() { let graph = connect().await; assert_eq!( 0, graph .execute("g.V().hasLabel('NotFound')", &[]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal") .count() .await ); async_std::task::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(2500)).await; assert_eq!( 0, graph .execute("g.V().hasLabel('NotFound')", &[]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal") .count() .await ) } #[cfg(feature = "async-std-runtime")] #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] async fn test_partial_content() { let graph = connect().await; drop_vertices(&graph, "Partial") .await .expect("Failed to drop vertices"); for i in 0..1000 { graph .execute("g.addV('Partial').property('id',_id)", &[("_id", &i)]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal"); } assert_eq!( 1000, graph .execute("g.V().hasLabel('Partial')", &[]) .await .expect("It should execute a traversal") .count() .await ); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_wrong_query() { let error = connect() .await .execute("g.V", &[]) .await .expect_err("it should return an error"); match error { GremlinError::Request((code, message)) => { assert_eq!(597, code); assert_eq!("No such property: V for class: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource",message) } _ => panic!("wrong error type"), } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_wrong_alias() { let error = connect() .await .alias("foo") .execute("g.V()", &[]) .await .expect_err("it should return an error"); match error { GremlinError::Request((code, message)) => { assert_eq!(499, code); assert_eq!("Could not alias [g] to [foo] as [foo] not in the Graph or TraversalSource global bindings",message) } _ => panic!("wrong error type"), } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_vertex_query() { let graph = connect().await; let vertices = graph .execute( "g.V().hasLabel('person').has('name',name)", &[("name", &"marko")], ) .await .expect("it should execute a query") .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(|f| f.take::()) .collect::, _>>() .await .expect("It should be ok"); assert_eq!("person", vertices[0].label()); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_edge_query() { let graph = connect().await; let edges = graph .execute("g.E().hasLabel('knows').limit(1)", &[]) .await .expect("it should execute a query") .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(|f| f.take::()) .collect::, _>>() .await .expect("It should be ok"); assert_eq!("knows", edges[0].label()); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_vertex_creation() { let graph = connect().await; let mark = create_vertex(&graph, "mark").await; assert_eq!("person", mark.label()); let value_map = graph .execute("g.V(identity).valueMap()", &[("identity",]) .await .expect("should fetch valueMap with properties") .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(|f| f.take::()) .collect::, _>>() .await .expect("It should be ok"); assert_eq!(1, value_map.len()); assert_eq!( Some(&GValue::List(vec![String::from("mark").into()].into())), value_map[0].get("name") ); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "async-std-runtime", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tokio-runtime", tokio::test)] async fn test_edge_creation() { let graph = connect().await; let mark = create_vertex(&graph, "mark").await; let frank = create_vertex(&graph, "frank").await; let edge = create_edge(&graph, &mark, &frank, "knows").await; assert_eq!("knows", edge.label()); assert_eq!(&mark, edge.out_v()); assert_eq!(&frank, edge.in_v()); let edges = graph .execute("g.V(identity).outE()", &[("identity",]) .await .expect("should fetch edge") .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(|f| f.take::()) .collect::, _>>() .await .expect("It should be ok"); assert_eq!(1, edges.len()); let edge = &edges[0]; assert_eq!("knows", edge.label()); assert_eq!(&mark, edge.out_v()); assert_eq!(&frank, edge.in_v()); } }