Title_en,SubTitle_en,CodeFlag,Value,MeaningParameterDescription_en,Note_en,noteIDs,UnitComments_en,Status Type of Interval,,0,,Smaller than first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,1,,Greater than second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,2,,Between first and second limit. The range includes the first limit but not the second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,3,,Greater than first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,4,,Smaller than second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,5,,Smaller or equal first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,6,,Greater or equal second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,7,,Between first and second. The range includes the first limit and the second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,8,,Greater or equal first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,9,,Smaller or equal second limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,10,,Between first and second limit. The range includes the second limit but not the first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,11,,Equal to first limit,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,12-191,,Reserved,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,192-254,,Reserved for local use,,,,Operational Type of Interval,,255,,Missing,,,,Operational