Title_en,OctetNo,Contents_en,Note_en,noteIDs,codeTable,flagTable,Status spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,15,Spectral representation type,(see Code table 3.6),,3.6,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,16-19,N - bi-Fourier resolution parameter,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,20-23,M - bi-Fourier resolution parameter,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,24,Bi-Fourier truncation type,(see Code table 3.25),,3.25,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,25-32,Lx - size in metres of the domain along x-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,33-40,Lux - size in metres of model forecast subdomain along x-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,41-48,Lcx - width in metres of coupling area within forecast domain along x-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,49-56,Ly - size in metres of the domain along y-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,57-64,Luy - size in metres of model forecast subdomain along y-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,65-72,Lcy - width in metres of coupling area within forecast domain along y-axis,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,73,Shape of the Earth,(see Code table 3.2),,3.2,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,74,Scale factor of radius of spherical Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,75-78,Scaled value of radius of spherical Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,79,Scale factor of major axis of oblate spheroid Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,80-83,Scaled value of major axis of oblate spheroid Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,84,Scale factor of minor axis of oblate spheroid Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,85-88,Scaled value of minor axis of oblate spheroid Earth,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,89-92,La1 - latitude of first grid point,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,93-96,Lo1 - longitude of first grid point,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,97-100,LaD - latitude where Dx and Dy are specified,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,101-104,LoV - longitude of meridian parallel to y-axis along which latitude increases as the y-coordinate increases,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,105,Projection centre flag,(see Flag table 3.5),,,3.5,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,106-109,Latin 1 - first latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,110-113,Latin 2 - second latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,114-117,Latitude of the southern pole of projection,,,,,Operational spectral Lambert conformal with modelling subdomains definition,118-121,Longitude of the southern pole of projection,,,,,Operational