use std::{env, error::Error, fs::File, io::BufReader, path::Path}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // This example shows how to decode values inside a layer in a GRIB2 message. // The example also shows how to obtain the latitude-longitude locations of grid // points, which are usually used in conjunction with the grid point values. // Take the first argument as an input file path and the second argument as a // layer index. let mut args = env::args().skip(1); if let (Some(file_path), Some(index), Some(subindex)) = (,, { let index: (usize, usize) = (index.parse()?, subindex.parse()?); decode_layer(file_path, index) } else { panic!("Usage: decode_layer "); } } fn decode_layer

(path: P, message_index: (usize, usize)) -> Result<(), Box> where P: AsRef, { // Open the input file in a normal way. let f = File::open(path)?; let f = BufReader::new(f); // Read with the reader. let grib2 = grib::from_reader(f)?; // Find the target submessage. let (_index, submessage) = grib2 .iter() .find(|(index, _)| *index == message_index) .ok_or("no such index")?; // Obtain latitude-longitude locations as an iterator. let latlons = submessage.latlons()?; // Prepare a decoder. let decoder = grib::Grib2SubmessageDecoder::from(submessage)?; // Actually dispatch a decoding process and get an iterator of decoded values. // There are various methods available for compressing GRIB2 data, but some are // not yet supported by this library and may return errors. let values = decoder.dispatch()?; // Iterate over decoded values along with locations. for ((lat, lon), value) in { println!("{lat} {lon} {value}"); } Ok(()) }