center_code,process_code,name 7,2,"Ultra Violet Index Model" 7,3,"NCEP/ARL Transport and Dispersion Model" 7,4,"NCEP/ARL Smoke Model" 7,5,"Satellite Derived Precipitation and temperatures, from IR" 7,6,"NCEP/ARL Dust Model" 7,10,"Global Wind-Wave Forecast Model" 7,11,"Global Multi-Grid Wave Model (Static Grids)" 7,12,"Probabilistic Storm Surge" 7,19,"Limited-area Fine Mesh (LFM) analysis" 7,25,"Snow Cover Analysis" 7,30,"Forecaster generated field" 7,31,"Value added post processed field" 7,39,"Nested Grid forecast Model (NGM)" 7,42,"Global Optimum Interpolation Analysis (GOI) from GFS model" 7,43,"Global Optimum Interpolation Analysis (GOI) from 'Final' run" 7,44,"Sea Surface Temperature Analysis" 7,45,"Coastal Ocean Circulation Model" 7,46,"HYCOM - Global" 7,47,"HYCOM - North Pacific basin" 7,48,"HYCOM - North Atlantic basin" 7,49,"Ozone Analysis from TIROS Observations" 7,52,"Ozone Analysis from Nimbus 7 Observations" 7,53,"LFM-Fourth Order Forecast Model" 7,64,"Regional Optimum Interpolation Analysis (ROI)" 7,68,"80 wave triangular, 18-layer Spectral model from GFS model" 7,69,"80 wave triangular, 18 layer Spectral model from 'Medium Range Forecast' run" 7,70,"Quasi-Lagrangian Hurricane Model (QLM)" 7,73,"Fog Forecast model - Ocean Prod. Center" 7,74,"Gulf of Mexico Wind/Wave" 7,75,"Gulf of Alaska Wind/Wave" 7,76,"Bias corrected Medium Range Forecast" 7,77,"126 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from GFS model" 7,78,"126 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from 'Medium Range Forecast' run" 7,79,"Backup from the previous run" 7,80,"62 wave triangular, 28 layer Spectral model from 'Medium Range Forecast' run" 7,81,"Analysis from GFS (Global Forecast System)" 7,82,"Analysis from GDAS (Global Data Assimilation System)" 7,84,"MESO ETA Model (currently 12 km)" 7,86,"RUC Model from FSL (isentropic; scale: 60km at 40N)" 7,87,"CAC Ensemble Forecasts from Spectral (ENSMB)" 7,88,"NOAA Wave Watch III (NWW3) Ocean Wave Model" 7,89,"Non-hydrostatic Meso Model (NMM) Currently 8 km)" 7,90,"62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model extension of the 'Medium Range Forecast' run" 7,91,"62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model extension of the GFS model" 7,92,"62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model run from the 'Medium Range Forecast' final analysis" 7,93,"62 wave triangular, 28 layer spectral model run from the T62 GDAS analysis of the 'Medium Range Forecast' run" 7,94,"T170/L42 Global Spectral Model from MRF run" 7,95,"T126/L42 Global Spectral Model from MRF run" 7,96,"Global Forecast System Model" 7,98,"Climate Forecast System Model" 7,100,"RUC Surface Analysis (scale: 60km at 40N)" 7,101,"RUC Surface Analysis (scale: 40km at 40N)" 7,105,"RUC Model from FSL (isentropic; scale: 20km at 40N)" 7,107,"Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)" 7,108,"LAMP" 7,109,"RTMA (Real Time Mesoscale Analysis)" 7,110,"NAM Model - 15km version" 7,111,"NAM model, generic resolution" 7,112,"WRF-NMM (Nondydrostatic Mesoscale Model) model, generic resolution" 7,113,"Products from NCEP SREF processing" 7,114,"NAEFS Products from joined NCEP, CMC global ensembles" 7,115,"Downscaled GFS from NAM eXtension" 7,116,"WRF-EM (Eulerian Mass-core) model, generic resolution " 7,120,"Ice Concentration Analysis" 7,121,"Western North Atlantic Regional Wave Model" 7,122,"Alaska Waters Regional Wave Model" 7,123,"North Atlantic Hurricane Wave Model" 7,124,"Eastern North Pacific Regional Wave Model" 7,125,"North Pacific Hurricane Wave Model" 7,126,"Sea Ice Forecast Model" 7,127,"Lake Ice Forecast Model" 7,128,"Global Ocean Forecast Model" 7,129,"Global Ocean Data Analysis System (GODAS)" 7,130,"Merge of fields from the RUC, NAM, and Spectral Model" 7,131,"Great Lakes Wave Model" 7,140,"North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR)" 7,141,"Land Data Assimilation and Forecast System" 7,150,"NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS)" 7,151,"NWS Flash Flood Guidance System (NWSFFGS)" 7,152,"WSR-88D Stage II Precipitation Analysis" 7,153,"WSR-88D Stage III Precipitation Analysis" 7,180,"Quantitative Precipitation Forecast" 7,181,"River Forecast Center Quantitative Precipitation Forecast mosaic" 7,182,"River Forecast Center Quantitative Precipitation estimate mosaic" 7,183,"NDFD product generated by NCEP/HPC" 7,184,"Climatological Calibrated Precipiation Analysis - CCPA" 7,190,"National Convective Weather Diagnostic" 7,191,"Current Icing Potential automated product" 7,192,"Analysis product from NCEP/AWC" 7,193,"Forecast product from NCEP/AWC" 7,195,"Climate Data Assimilation System 2 (CDAS2)" 7,196,"Climate Data Assimilation System 2 (CDAS2)" 7,197,"Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS)" 7,198,"Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS)" 7,199,"Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR)" 7,200,"CPC Manual Forecast Product" 7,201,"CPC Automated Product" 7,210,"EPA Air Quality Forecast" 7,211,"EPA Air Quality Forecast" 7,215,"SPC Manual Forecast Product" 7,220,"NCEP/OPC automated product"