# GridDB Driver for Rust This is a fork of the GridDB Rust client library. Please see the original repository [here](https://github.com/griddb/rust_client) for details. ## Supported functionalities: - STRING, BOOL, BYTE, SHORT, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, TIMESTAMP, BLOB type for GridDB - Put single row, get row with key - Normal query, aggregation with TQL ## Not yet supported: - GEOMETRY, Array type for GridDB - Multi-Put/Get/Query (batch processing) - Timeseries-specific function, affinity Please refer to the following files for more detailed information. - [Rust Client API Reference](https://griddb.github.io/rust_client/RustAPIReference.htm) ## Get Started To use this driver, add the following to your `Cargo.toml` ``` [dependencies] griddb = "0.6.0" ``` ### Connecting to GridDB ``` use griddb::griddb::StoreFactory::*; fn main() { // get default factory let factory = StoreFactory::get_instance(); let properties = vec![ ("notification_member", ""), ("cluster_name", "myCluster"), ("user", "admin"), ("password", "admin"), ]; // get gridstore function let store = match factory.get_store(properties) { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error factory get_store() with error code: {:?}", error), }; let _con = match store.get_container("point01") { Ok(_result) => println!("Successfully Connected to GridDB"), Err(error) => panic!("Error store get_container() with error code: {:?}", error), }; } ``` ### Creating time-series container ``` use griddb::griddb::ContainerInfo::*; use griddb::griddb::StoreFactory::*; use griddb::griddb::Type::*; let store = match factory.get_store(properties) { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error factory get_store() with error code: {:?}", error), }; // Creating Time Series Container let tsinfo = ContainerInfo::ContainerInfo( "device13", vec![ ("ts", Type::Timestamp), ("co", Type::Double), ("humidity", Type::Double), ("light", Type::Bool), ("lpg", Type::Double), ("motion", Type::Bool), ("smoke", Type::Double), ("temp", Type::Double), ], ContainerType::TimeSeries, true, ); ``` ### Creating collection container ``` use griddb::griddb::ContainerInfo::*; use griddb::griddb::StoreFactory::*; use griddb::griddb::Type::*; let store = match factory.get_store(properties) { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error factory get_store() with error code: {:?}", error), }; let colinfo = ContainerInfo::ContainerInfo( "deviceMaster2", vec![ ("sensorID", Type::String), ("location", Type::String), ], ContainerType::Collection, true, ); ``` ### Inserting data ``` use griddb::griddb::ContainerInfo::*; use griddb::griddb::StoreFactory::*; use griddb::griddb::Type::*; use griddb::griddb::Value::*; use griddb::gsvec; use chrono:: Utc; let ts = match store.put_container(&tsinfo, false) { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error store put_container() with error code: {:?}", error), }; // Grab current time to use as time value for container let timestamp: Timestamp = Timestamp { value: Utc::now().timestamp_millis(), }; ts.put(gsvec![timestamp, 0.004342, 49.0, false, 0.00753242, false, 0.0212323, 23.2]); let timestamp_second: Timestamp = Timestamp { value: Utc::now().timestamp_millis() + 1000, }; ts.put(gsvec![timestamp_second, 0.0065342, 31.0, false, 0.753242, false, 0.02653323, 27.2]); ts.commit(); ``` ### Reading data ``` use griddb::get_value; use griddb::griddb::ContainerInfo::*; use griddb::griddb::StoreFactory::*; use griddb::griddb::Type::*; use griddb::griddb::Value::*; let query = match ts.query("select *") { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error container query data with error code: {:?}", error), }; let row_set = match query.fetch() { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error query fetch() data with error code: {:?}", error), }; while row_set.has_next() { let row_data = match row_set.next() { Ok(result) => result, Err(error) => panic!("Error row set next() row with error code: {:?}", error), }; let ts: Timestamp = get_value![row_data[0]]; let timestamp_number: i64 = ts.value; let co: f64 = get_value![row_data[1]]; let humidity: f64 = get_value![row_data[2]]; let light: bool = get_value![row_data[3]]; let lpg: f64 = get_value![row_data[4]]; let motion: bool = get_value![row_data[5]]; let smoke: f64 = get_value![row_data[6]]; let temp: f64 = get_value![row_data[7]]; let tup_query = (timestamp_number, co, humidity, light, lpg, motion, smoke, temp); println!( "Device13: ts={0} co={1} humidity={2} light={3} lpg={4} motion={5} smoke={6} temp={7}", tup_query.0, tup_query.1, tup_query.2, tup_query.3, tup_query.4, tup_query.5, tup_query.6, tup_query.7 ); } ```