Griffin Wallet ============== This CLI wallet is based on a minimized version of the [Tuxedo wallet]( It is provided for demonstration purposes of the UTxO features of the Griffin Solochain Node. ## Installation You should have a properly installed Griffin node to build the wallet. After following the [instructions to do that](, run ```bash cargo +nightly build --release -p griffin-wallet ``` As explained in the node installation instructions, omitting the `--release` will build the "debug" version. ## Basic usage In terminal, run the node in development mode: ```bash ./target/release/griffin-solochain-node --dev ``` In another terminal, one can interact with the node by issuing wallet commands. Every time the wallet starts (without the `--help` or `--version` command-line options), it will try to synchronize its database with the present chain state, unless there is a mismatch with the genesis hash. To list the whole UTxO set, run ```bash ./target/release/griffin-wallet show-all-outputs ``` When this is done for the first, the output will look like this: ``` [2024-11-14T12:37:20Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 5 [2024-11-14T12:37:20Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 6 ###### Unspent outputs ########### 998f074b5357d465fdd99198c65af6a418522e5a1688e2674c935702fef38d0600000000: owner address 6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4, datum Some(CuteOutput), amount: 314000000 Coins, Multiassets: (0x0298…2005) tokenA: 271000000 (0x0298…2005) tokenB: 1123581321 ``` This “genesis” UTxO belongs to Shawn's address. In order to spend it, we need to add his public/secret key pair (pk/sk) to the wallet keystore. We do this by generating the pair with the corresponding seed phrase: ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet insert-key "news slush supreme milk chapter athlete soap sausage put clutch what kitten" [2024-11-14T12:38:19Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 6 [2024-11-14T12:38:19Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 26 The generated public key is 7b155093789404780735f4501c576e9f6e2b0a486cdec70e03e1ef8b9ef99274 (5Er65XH4...) Associated address is 0x6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4 ``` We use the `generate-key` command to have another pk/sk and address available for experimenting. ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet generate-key [2024-11-14T12:38:53Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 26 [2024-11-14T12:38:53Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 37 Generated public key is 3538f889235842527b946255962241591cdc86cb99ba566afde335ae94262ee4 (5DGVKT7k...) Generated Phrase is "vibrant assume service vibrant six unusual trumpet ten truck raise verify soft" Associated address is 0x614fdf13c0aabb2c2e6df7a0ac0f5cb5aaabca448af8287e54681273dd ``` Now we spend the output, generating a new UTxO for the last address: ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet spend-value --input 998f074b5357d465fdd99198c65af6a418522e5a1688e2674c935702fef38d0600000000 --amount 200000000 --recipient 0x614fdf13c0aabb2c2e6df7a0ac0f5cb5aaabca448af8287e54681273dd [2024-11-14T12:41:18Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 37 [2024-11-14T12:41:18Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 86 Note: Excess input amount goes to Shawn. [2024-11-14T12:41:18Z INFO griffin_wallet::money] Node's response to spend transaction: Ok("0x5a1974d3e3d32c075b220513125c9457ac9efc59a651d36704c0c7a4e389b6e6") Transaction queued. When accepted, the following UTxOs will become available: "dcb998d9e000c19fd20e41afeff6e1e0d9366e6e6c756c8173e52fc8061638f600000000" worth Coin(200000000). "dcb998d9e000c19fd20e41afeff6e1e0d9366e6e6c756c8173e52fc8061638f601000000" worth Multiasset(114000000, EncapBTree({0x0298aa99f95e2fe0a0132a6bb794261fb7e7b0d988215da2f2de2005: EncapBTree({AssetName("tokenA"): 271000000, AssetName("tokenB"): 1123581321})})). ``` All command-line arguments admit short versions (run `./target/release/griffin-wallet -h` for details). The next invocation spends the first UTxO and sends some coins back to Shawn: ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet spend-value --input dcb998d9e000c19fd20e41afeff6e1e0d9366e6e6c756c8173e52fc8061638f600000000 --amount 150000000 --witness 3538f889235842527b946255962241591cdc86cb99ba566afde335ae94262ee4 [2024-11-14T12:47:45Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 184 [2024-11-14T12:47:45Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 215 Note: Excess input amount goes to Shawn. [2024-11-14T12:47:45Z INFO griffin_wallet::money] Node's response to spend transaction: Ok("0xbcc0e3f157c660e022890ea9a8ddf1e7a324dd7ae30496a774d4f04046b5097a") Transaction queued. When accepted, the following UTxOs will become available: "bf73bc5bcf3afa75a7070041c635d78f6613aa3b753956e93053077cf9dc4b8e00000000" worth Coin(150000000). "bf73bc5bcf3afa75a7070041c635d78f6613aa3b753956e93053077cf9dc4b8e01000000" worth Coin(50000000). ``` In this second example, we had to explicitly state the pk of the owning address to allow spenditure; in order to be successful, the sk must be stored in the wallet's keystore. (If the `--witness` argument is missing, Shawns pk is implied, cf. the first spend.) The UTxO set at this point is ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet show-all-outputs [2024-11-14T12:48:44Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 215 [2024-11-14T12:48:44Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 234 ###### Unspent outputs ########### bf73bc5bcf3afa75a7070041c635d78f6613aa3b753956e93053077cf9dc4b8e00000000: owner address 6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4, datum None, amount: 150000000 Coins bf73bc5bcf3afa75a7070041c635d78f6613aa3b753956e93053077cf9dc4b8e01000000: owner address 6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4, datum None, amount: 50000000 Coins dcb998d9e000c19fd20e41afeff6e1e0d9366e6e6c756c8173e52fc8061638f601000000: owner address 6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4, datum None, amount: 114000000 Coins, Multiassets: (0x0298…2005) tokenA: 271000000 (0x0298…2005) tokenB: 1123581321 ``` Finally, to send some coins *and* `tokenA`s from the last UTxO to the other account, we do: ``` ./target/release/griffin-wallet spend-value --input dcb998d9e000c19fd20e41afeff6e1e0d9366e6e6c756c8173e52fc8061638f601000000 --amount 14000000 --policy 0x0298aa99f95e2fe0a0132a6bb794261fb7e7b0d988215da2f2de2005 --name tokenA --token-amount 200000000 --recipient 0x614fdf13c0aabb2c2e6df7a0ac0f5cb5aaabca448af8287e54681273dd [2024-11-14T12:54:28Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 250 [2024-11-14T12:54:28Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 349 Note: Excess input amount goes to Shawn. [2024-11-14T12:54:28Z INFO griffin_wallet::money] Node's response to spend transaction: Ok("0xa7ad4765e2ab4767e434fc6c117929a8871288c094a428164071c63bd9f0490a") Transaction queued. When accepted, the following UTxOs will become available: "ae2bcf3d0b2ace1f957176f17bac72e3fc2e518c82b41a9bdd622bb82318e4b200000000" worth Multiasset(14000000, EncapBTree({0x0298aa99f95e2fe0a0132a6bb794261fb7e7b0d988215da2f2de2005: EncapBTree({AssetName("tokenA"): 200000000})})). "ae2bcf3d0b2ace1f957176f17bac72e3fc2e518c82b41a9bdd622bb82318e4b201000000" worth Multiasset(100000000, EncapBTree({0x0298aa99f95e2fe0a0132a6bb794261fb7e7b0d988215da2f2de2005: EncapBTree({AssetName("tokenA"): 71000000, AssetName("tokenB"): 1123581321})})). ``` The *balance* summarizes `Value` amounts for each address: ``` $ ./target/release/griffin-wallet show-balance [2024-11-14T12:54:34Z INFO griffin_wallet] Number of blocks in the db: 349 [2024-11-14T12:54:34Z INFO griffin_wallet] Wallet database synchronized with node to height 351 Balance Summary 6101e6301758a6badfab05035cffc8e3438b3aff2a4edc6544b47329c4: 300000000 Coins, Multiassets: (0x0298…2005) tokenA: 71000000 (0x0298…2005) tokenB: 1123581321 614fdf13c0aabb2c2e6df7a0ac0f5cb5aaabca448af8287e54681273dd: 14000000 Coins, Multiassets: (0x0298…2005) tokenA: 200000000 -------------------- total : 314000000 Coins, Multiassets: (0x0298…2005) tokenA: 271000000 (0x0298…2005) tokenB: 1123581321 ```