# groovy2kts Converter for Groovy based Gradle files into Kotlin scripts This is an experimental project for converting Groovy gradle files into Kotlin scripts. ## Hello, DWoC! If you're here for a [Delta Winter of Code](https://dwoc.io) project, check out the [Contributor's Guide](https://github.com/ranaaditya/groovy2kts/wiki/DWoC-Contributor's-Guide) in the Wiki. ## Setup ### Linux (WIP) - Install **rust** version - 2018 or later using : ``` curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh ``` - Fork this **repo** and clone into local ``` cd groovy2kts cargo build cargo run ``` ## Cli (WIP) ``` cargo install groovy2kts groovy2kts ```