# Groq-Cli [Groq-Cli](https://github.com/Akshad135/groq-cli) rewritten in Rust. ## Downloads - From [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/groq-cli): `cargo install groq-cli` - From releases (Binary File) [click here](https://github.com/Akshad135/groq-cli-rust/releases/tag/v0.1.0) - _Instructions to use the binary file is mentioned with the file_ - Or build it yourself: - Download the source code. - `cd` into the directory - In your terminal run `cargo build && cargo install --path .` - _Note: Building requires Rust to be installed and configured_ ## Usage - Run the cmd `gcli` after installing the package. - It will ask the Api key. (You can get the api key from [GroqCloud](https://console.groq.com/keys) after registering for free) - After entering the Api Key, select the model in the later step. ## Commands - `gcli [-s | --setup | -h | --help]` - `-s | --setup` : Runs the setup config again to change the api key or model. - `-h | --help` : Runs the help command.
_Just running `gcli` will prompt for user query_