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"1.0.0-alpha.1" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-alpha.beta < 1.0.0-beta", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-beta" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-alpha.beta" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-beta < 1.0.0-beta.2", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-beta.2" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-beta" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-beta.2 < 1.0.0-beta.11", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-beta.11" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-beta.2" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-beta.11 < 1.0.0-rc.1", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-rc.1" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-beta.11" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-rc.1 < 1.0.0", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-rc.1" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-0 < 1.0.0--1", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0--1" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-0" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-0 < 1.0.0-1", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-1" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-0" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0-1.0 < 1.0.0-1.-1", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.0.0-1.-1" } }, { "version": "1.0.0-1.0" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-a.b.c < 1.2.3-a.b.c.d", { "version": { "$vlt": "1.2.3-a.b.c.d" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-a.b.c" }, true ], [ "version 0.0.0 > 0.0.0-foo", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.0.0-foo" } }, { "version": "0.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.0.1 > 0.0.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.0.0" } }, { "version": "0.0.1" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0 > 0.9.9", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.9.9" } }, { "version": "1.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.10.0 > 0.9.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.9.0" } }, { "version": "0.10.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.99.0 > 0.10.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.10.0" } }, { "version": "0.99.0" }, true ], [ "version 2.0.0 > 1.2.3", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3" } }, { "version": "2.0.0" }, true ], [ "version v0.0.0 > 0.0.0-foo", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.0.0-foo" } }, { "version": "v0.0.0" }, true ], [ "version v0.0.1 > 0.0.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.0.0" } }, { "version": "v0.0.1" }, true ], [ "version v1.0.0 > 0.9.9", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.9.9" } }, { "version": "v1.0.0" }, true ], [ "version v0.10.0 > 0.9.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.9.0" } }, { "version": "v0.10.0" }, true ], [ "version v0.99.0 > 0.10.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "0.10.0" } }, { "version": "v0.99.0" }, true ], [ "version v2.0.0 > 1.2.3", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3" } }, { "version": "v2.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.0.0 > v0.0.0-foo", { "version": { "$vgt": "v0.0.0-foo" } }, { "version": "0.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.0.1 > v0.0.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "v0.0.0" } }, { "version": "0.0.1" }, true ], [ "version 1.0.0 > v0.9.9", { "version": { "$vgt": "v0.9.9" } }, { "version": "1.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.10.0 > v0.9.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "v0.9.0" } }, { "version": "0.10.0" }, true ], [ "version 0.99.0 > v0.10.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "v0.10.0" } }, { "version": "0.99.0" }, true ], [ "version 2.0.0 > v1.2.3", { "version": { "$vgt": "v1.2.3" } }, { "version": "2.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3 > 1.2.3-asdf", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-asdf" } }, { "version": "1.2.3" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3 > 1.2.3-4", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-4" } }, { "version": "1.2.3" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3 > 1.2.3-4-foo", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-4-foo" } }, { "version": "1.2.3" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-5-foo > 1.2.3-5", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-5" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-5-foo" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-5 > 1.2.3-4", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-4" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-5" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-5-foo > 1.2.3-5-Foo", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-5-Foo" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-5-foo" }, true ], [ "version 3.0.0 > 2.7.2+asdf", { "version": { "$vgt": "2.7.2+asdf" } }, { "version": "3.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-a.10 > 1.2.3-a.5", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-a.5" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-a.10" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-a.b > 1.2.3-a.5", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-a.5" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-a.b" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-a.b > 1.2.3-a", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-a" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-a.b" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-a.b.c.10.d.5 > 1.2.3-a.b.c.5.d.100", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-a.b.c.5.d.100" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-a.b.c.10.d.5" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-r2 > 1.2.3-r100", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-r100" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-r2" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-r100 > 1.2.3-R2", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3-R2" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-r100" }, true ], [ "version a.b.c.d.e.f > 1.2.3", { "version": { "$vgt": "1.2.3" } }, { "version": "a.b.c.d.e.f" }, true ], [ "version 10.0.0 > 9.0.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "9.0.0" } }, { "version": "10.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 10000.0.0 > 9999.0.0", { "version": { "$vgt": "9999.0.0" } }, { "version": "10000.0.0" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3 == 1.2.3", { "version": { "$veq": "1.2.3" } }, { "version": "1.2.3" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3 == v1.2.3", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3" } }, { "version": "1.2.3" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-0 == v1.2.3-0", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3-0" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-0" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-1 == 1.2.3-1", { "version": { "$veq": "1.2.3-1" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-1" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-1 == v1.2.3-1", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3-1" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-1" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-beta == 1.2.3-beta", { "version": { "$veq": "1.2.3-beta" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-beta" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-beta == v1.2.3-beta", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3-beta" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-beta" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-beta+build == 1.2.3-beta+otherbuild", { "version": { "$veq": "1.2.3-beta+otherbuild" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-beta+build" }, true ], [ "version 1.2.3-beta+build == v1.2.3-beta+otherbuild", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3-beta+otherbuild" } }, { "version": "1.2.3-beta+build" }, true ], [ "version 1-2-3 == 1.2.3", { "version": { "$veq": "1.2.3" } }, { "version": "1-2-3" }, true ], [ "version 1-2-3 == 1-2.3+build99", { "version": { "$veq": "1-2.3+build99" } }, { "version": "1-2-3" }, true ], [ "version 1-2-3 == v1.2.3", { "version": { "$veq": "v1.2.3" } }, { "version": "1-2-3" }, true ], [ "version == 1.2.3-4", { 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false, "source": "defaultValue" } ], [ "uses custom values - string", { "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": "yes" } } }, "feature", { "value": "yes", "on": true, "off": false, "source": "defaultValue" } ], [ "force rules", { "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 2, "rules": [ { "force": 1 } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 1, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "force rules - force false", { "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": true, "rules": [ { "force": false } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": false, "on": false, "off": true, "source": "force" } ], [ "force rules - coverage included", { "attributes": { "id": "3" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 2, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "coverage": 0.5 } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 1, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "force rule - coverage with integer hash attribute", { "attributes": { "id": 3 }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 2, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "coverage": 0.5 } ] 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"condition": { "country": { "$in": ["US", "CA"] }, "browser": "firefox" } } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 1, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "force rules - condition fail", { "attributes": { "country": "US", "browser": "chrome" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 2, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "condition": { "country": { "$in": ["US", "CA"] }, "browser": "firefox" } } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 2, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "defaultValue" } ], [ "force rules - coverage with bad hash version", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 2, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "coverage": 1.0, "hashVersion": 99 } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 2, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "defaultValue" } ], [ "ignores empty rules", { "features": { "feature": { "rules": [{}] } } }, "feature", { "value": null, "on": false, "off": true, "source": "defaultValue" } ], [ "empty experiment rule - c", { "attributes": { "id": "123" }, 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"rules": [ { "force": 1, "condition": { "browser": "chrome" } }, { "force": 2, "condition": { "browser": "firefox" } }, { "force": 3, "condition": { "browser": "safari" } } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 2, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "rule orders - skip 1,2", { "attributes": { "browser": "safari" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 0, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "condition": { "browser": "chrome" } }, { "force": 2, "condition": { "browser": "firefox" } }, { "force": 3, "condition": { "browser": "safari" } } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 3, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "rule orders - skip all", { "attributes": { "browser": "ie" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 0, "rules": [ { "force": 1, "condition": { "browser": "chrome" } }, { "force": 2, "condition": { "browser": "firefox" } }, { "force": 3, "condition": { "browser": "safari" } } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 0, "on": false, "off": true, "source": "defaultValue" } ], 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"variationId": 1, "key": "1", "bucket": 0.863, "stickyBucketUsed": false } } ], [ "skip experiment on missing hashAttribute", { "attributes": { "id": "123" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 0, "rules": [ { "variations": [0, 1, 2, 3], "hashAttribute": "company" }, { "force": 3 } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 3, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "force" } ], [ "include experiments when forced", { "attributes": { "id": "123" }, "forcedVariations": { "feature": 1 }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 0, "rules": [ { "variations": [0, 1, 2, 3] }, { "force": 3 } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 1, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "experiment", "experiment": { "key": "feature", "variations": [0, 1, 2, 3] }, "experimentResult": { "featureId": "feature", "value": 1, "variationId": 1, "inExperiment": true, "hashUsed": false, "hashAttribute": "id", "hashValue": "123", "key": "1", "stickyBucketUsed": false } } ], [ "Force rule with range, ignores coverage", { "attributes": 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"variationId": 0, "bucket": 0.4413, "stickyBucketUsed": false } } ], [ "Support holdout groups", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "features": { "feature": { "defaultValue": 0, "rules": [ { "key": "holdout", "hashVersion": 2, "variations": [1, 2], "ranges": [ [0, 0.99], [0.99, 1.0] ], "meta": [ {}, { "passthrough": true } ] }, { "key": "experiment", "hashVersion": 2, "variations": [3, 4], "ranges": [ [0, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0] ] } ] } } }, "feature", { "value": 1, "on": true, "off": false, "source": "experiment", "experiment": { "hashVersion": 2, "ranges": [ [0, 0.99], [0.99, 1.0] ], "meta": [ {}, { "passthrough": true } ], "key": "holdout", "variations": [1, 2] }, "experimentResult": { "featureId": "feature", "hashAttribute": "id", "hashUsed": true, "hashValue": "1", "inExperiment": true, "key": "0", "value": 1, "variationId": 0, "bucket": 0.8043, "stickyBucketUsed": false } } ], [ "Prerequisite flag off, block dependent flag", { "attributes": { "id": "123", "memberType": "basic", "country": "Canada" }, "features": { "parentFlag": { "defaultValue": "silver", "rules": [ { "condition": { "country": "Canada" }, "force": "red" }, { "condition": { "country": { "$in": ["USA", "Mexico"] } }, "force": "green" } ] }, "childFlag": { "defaultValue": "default", "rules": [ { "parentConditions": [ { "id": "parentFlag", "condition": { "value": "green" }, "gate": true } ] }, { "condition": { "memberType": "basic" }, "force": "success" } ] } } }, "childFlag", { "value": null, "on": false, "off": true, "source": "prerequisite" } ], [ "Prerequisite flag missing, block dependent flag", { "attributes": { "id": "123", "memberType": "basic", "country": "Canada" }, "features": { "childFlag": { "defaultValue": "default", "rules": [ { "parentConditions": [ { "id": "parentFlag", "condition": { "value": "green" }, "gate": true } ] }, { "condition": { "memberType": "basic" }, "force": "success" } ] } } }, "childFlag", { "value": null, "on": false, "off": true, "source": "prerequisite" } ], [ 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true ], [ "default weights - 5", { "attributes": { "id": "5" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "default weights - 6", { "attributes": { "id": "6" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "default weights - 7", { "attributes": { "id": "7" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, true, true ], [ "default weights - 8", { "attributes": { "id": "8" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "default weights - 9", { "attributes": { "id": "9" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 1", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 2", { "attributes": { "id": "2" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 3", { "attributes": { "id": "3" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 0, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 4", { "attributes": { "id": "4" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 5", { "attributes": { "id": "5" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 6", { "attributes": { "id": "6" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 7", { "attributes": { "id": "7" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 0, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 8", { "attributes": { "id": "8" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "uneven weights - 9", { "attributes": { "id": "9" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.1, 0.9] }, 1, true, true ], [ "coverage - 1", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "coverage": 0.4 }, 0, false, false 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1], "coverage": 0.4 }, 0, false, false ], [ "three way test - 1", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 2, true, true ], [ "three way test - 2", { "attributes": { "id": "2" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 0, true, true ], [ "three way test - 3", { "attributes": { "id": "3" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 0, true, true ], [ "three way test - 4", { "attributes": { "id": "4" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 2, true, true ], [ "three way test - 5", { "attributes": { "id": "5" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 1, true, true ], [ "three way test - 6", { "attributes": { "id": "6" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 2, true, true ], [ "three way test - 7", { "attributes": { "id": "7" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 0, true, true ], [ "three way test - 8", { "attributes": { "id": "8" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 1, true, true ], [ "three way test - 9", { "attributes": { "id": "9" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1, 2] }, 0, true, true ], [ "test name - my-test", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "test name - my-test-3", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test-3", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, true, true ], [ "empty id", { "attributes": { "id": "" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "null id", { "attributes": { "id": null } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "missing id", { "attributes": {} }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "missing attributes", {}, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "single variation", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0] }, 0, false, false ], [ "negative forced variation", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "force": -8 }, 0, false, false ], [ "high forced variation", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "force": 25 }, 0, false, false ], [ "evaluates conditions - pass", { "attributes": { "id": "1", "browser": "firefox" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "condition": { "browser": "firefox" } }, 1, true, true ], [ "evaluates conditions - fail", { "attributes": { "id": "1", "browser": "chrome" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "condition": { "browser": "firefox" } }, 0, false, false ], [ "custom hashAttribute", { "attributes": { "id": "2", "companyId": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "hashAttribute": "companyId" }, 1, true, true ], [ "globally disabled", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "enabled": false }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "querystring force", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "url": "http://example.com?forced-test-qs=1#someanchor" }, { "key": "forced-test-qs", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, false ], [ "run active experiments", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "active": true, "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "skip inactive experiments", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "active": false, "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "querystring force with inactive", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "url": "http://example.com/?my-test=1" }, { "key": "my-test", "active": false, "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, false ], [ "coverage take precendence over forced", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "force": 1, "coverage": 0.01, "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "JSON values for experiments", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [ { "color": "blue", "size": "small" }, { "color": "green", "size": "large" } ] }, { "color": "green", "size": "large" }, true, true ], [ "Force variation from context", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "forcedVariations": { "my-test": 0 } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, true, false ], [ "Skips experiments in QA mode", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "qaMode": true }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "Works in QA mode if forced in context", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "qaMode": true, "forcedVariations": { "my-test": 1 } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, false ], [ "Works in QA mode if forced in experiment", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "qaMode": true }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "force": 1 }, 1, true, false ], [ "Experiment namespace - pass", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "namespace": ["namespace", 0.1, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Experiment namespace - fail", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], "namespace": ["namespace", 0, 0.1] }, 0, false, false ], [ "Experiment coverage - Works when 0", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "no-coverage", "variations": [0, 1], "coverage": 0 }, 0, false, false ], [ "Filtered, included", { "attributes": { "id": "1", "anonId": "fsdafsda" } }, { "key": "filtered", "variations": [0, 1], "filters": [ { "seed": "seed", "ranges": [ [0, 0.1], [0.2, 0.4] ] }, { "seed": "seed", "attribute": "anonId", "ranges": [[0.8, 1.0]] } ] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Filtered, excluded", { "attributes": { "id": "1", "anonId": "fsdafsda" } }, { "key": "filtered", "variations": [0, 1], "filters": [ { "seed": "seed", "ranges": [ [0, 0.1], [0.2, 0.4] ] }, { "seed": "seed", "attribute": "anonId", "ranges": [[0.6, 0.8]] } ] }, 0, false, false ], [ "Filtered, ignore namespace", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "filtered", "variations": [0, 1], "filters": [ { "seed": "seed", "ranges": [ [0, 0.1], [0.2, 0.4] ] } ], "namespace": ["test", 0, 0.001] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Ranges, ignore coverage and weights", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "ranges", "variations": [0, 1], "ranges": [ [0.99, 1.0], [0.0, 0.99] ], "coverage": 0.01, "weights": [0.99, 0.01] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Ranges, partial coverage", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "configs", "variations": [0, 1], "ranges": [ [0, 0.1], [0.9, 1.0] ] }, 0, false, false ], [ "Uses seed and hash version", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "key", "seed": "foo", "hashVersion": 2, "variations": [0, 1], "ranges": [ [0, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0] ] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Uses seed with default weights/coverage", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "key", "seed": "foo", "hashVersion": 2, "variations": [0, 1] }, 1, true, true ], [ "Uses seed with weights/coverage", { "attributes": { "id": "1" } }, { "key": "key", "seed": "foo", "hashVersion": 2, "variations": [0, 1], "weights": [0.5, 0.5], "coverage": 0.99 }, 1, true, true ], [ "Prerequisite condition passes", { "attributes": { "id": "1" }, "features": { "parentFlag": { "defaultValue": true } } }, { "key": "my-test", "variations": [0, 1], 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6, 5], [ "equal to numVariations", "my-test", "http://example.com?my-test=5", 5, null ], [ "other query string before", "my-test", "http://example.com?foo=bar&my-test=1", 2, 1 ], [ "other query string after", "my-test", "http://example.com?foo=bar&my-test=1&bar=baz", 2, 1 ], ["anchor", "my-test", "http://example.com?my-test=1#foo", 2, 1] ], "inNamespace": [ ["user 1, namespace1, 1", "1", ["namespace1", 0, 0.4], false], ["user 1, namespace1, 2", "1", ["namespace1", 0.4, 1], true], ["user 1, namespace2, 1", "1", ["namespace2", 0, 0.4], false], ["user 1, namespace2, 2", "1", ["namespace2", 0.4, 1], true], ["user 2, namespace1, 1", "2", ["namespace1", 0, 0.4], false], ["user 2, namespace1, 2", "2", ["namespace1", 0.4, 1], true], ["user 2, namespace2, 1", "2", ["namespace2", 0, 0.4], false], ["user 2, namespace2, 2", "2", ["namespace2", 0.4, 1], true], ["user 3, namespace1, 1", "3", ["namespace1", 0, 0.4], false], ["user 3, namespace1, 2", "3", ["namespace1", 0.4, 1], true], ["user 3, 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