mod call; use bytes::Bytes; use call::{Encoding, GrpcWebCall}; use core::{ fmt, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use futures::{Future, Stream, TryStreamExt}; use http::{header::HeaderName, request::Request, response::Response, HeaderMap, HeaderValue}; use http_body::Body; use js_sys::{Array, Uint8Array}; use std::{error::Error, pin::Pin}; use tonic::{body::BoxBody, client::GrpcService, Status}; use wasm_bindgen::{JsCast, JsValue}; use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture; use wasm_streams::ReadableStream; use web_sys::{Headers, RequestInit}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum ClientError { Err, FetchFailed(JsValue), } impl Error for ClientError {} impl fmt::Display for ClientError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } pub type CredentialsMode = web_sys::RequestCredentials; pub type RequestMode = web_sys::RequestMode; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Client { base_uri: String, credentials: CredentialsMode, mode: RequestMode, encoding: Encoding, } impl Client { pub fn new(base_uri: String) -> Self { Client { base_uri, credentials: CredentialsMode::SameOrigin, mode: RequestMode::Cors, encoding: Encoding::None, } } async fn request(self, rpc: Request) -> Result, ClientError> { let mut uri = rpc.uri().to_string(); uri.insert_str(0, &self.base_uri); let headers = Headers::new().unwrap(); for (k, v) in rpc.headers().iter() { headers.set(k.as_str(), v.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); } headers.set("x-user-agent", "grpc-web-rust/0.1").unwrap(); headers.set("x-grpc-web", "1").unwrap(); headers .set("content-type", self.encoding.to_content_type()) .unwrap(); let body_bytes = hyper::body::to_bytes(rpc.into_body()).await.unwrap(); let body_array: Uint8Array = body_bytes.as_ref().into(); let body_js: &JsValue = body_array.as_ref(); let mut init = RequestInit::new(); init.method("POST") .mode(self.mode) .credentials(self.credentials) .body(Some(body_js)) .headers(headers.as_ref()); let request = web_sys::Request::new_with_str_and_init(&uri, &init).unwrap(); let window = web_sys::window().unwrap(); let fetch = JsFuture::from(window.fetch_with_request(&request)) .await .map_err(ClientError::FetchFailed)?; let fetch_res: web_sys::Response = fetch.dyn_into().unwrap(); let mut res = Response::builder().status(fetch_res.status()); let headers = res.headers_mut().unwrap(); for kv in js_sys::try_iter(fetch_res.headers().as_ref()) .unwrap() .unwrap() { let pair: Array = kv.unwrap().into(); headers.append( HeaderName::from_bytes(pair.get(0).as_string().unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap(), HeaderValue::from_str(&pair.get(1).as_string().unwrap()).unwrap(), ); } let body_stream = ReadableStream::from_raw(fetch_res.body().unwrap().unchecked_into()); let body = GrpcWebCall::client_response( ReadableStreamBody::new(body_stream), Encoding::from_content_type(headers), ); Ok(res.body(BoxBody::new(body)).unwrap()) } } impl GrpcService for Client { type ResponseBody = BoxBody; type Error = ClientError; type Future = Pin, ClientError>>>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, rpc: Request) -> Self::Future { Box::pin(self.clone().request(rpc)) } } struct ReadableStreamBody { stream: Pin>>>, } impl ReadableStreamBody { fn new(inner: ReadableStream) -> Self { ReadableStreamBody { stream: Box::pin( inner .into_stream() .map_ok(|buf_js| { let buffer = Uint8Array::new(&buf_js); let mut bytes_vec = vec![0; buffer.length() as usize]; buffer.copy_to(&mut bytes_vec); let bytes: Bytes = bytes_vec.into(); bytes }) .map_err(|_| Status::unknown("readablestream error")), ), } } } impl Body for ReadableStreamBody { type Data = Bytes; type Error = Status; fn poll_data( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll>> { } fn poll_trailers( self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>, ) -> Poll, Self::Error>> { Poll::Ready(Ok(None)) } fn is_end_stream(&self) -> bool { false } } // WARNING: these are required to satisfy the Body and Error traits, but JsValue is not thread-safe. // This shouldn't be an issue because wasm doesn't have threads currently. unsafe impl Sync for ReadableStreamBody {} unsafe impl Send for ReadableStreamBody {} unsafe impl Sync for ClientError {} unsafe impl Send for ClientError {}