> [back](../README.md) # Data File Samples The data sets have been described by Carlone et al. [1], [2], [3] and adapted to include fixed vertices. Other modifications have been performed as well to demonstrate the different vertex and edge types supported in gs-rs. The original data sets as well as more examples can be found [online](https://lucacarlone.mit.edu/datasets/). ## References [1] L. Carlone, R. Tron, K. Daniilidis, and F. Dellaert. Initialization Techniques for 3D SLAM: a Survey on Rotation Estimation and its Use in Pose Graph Optimization. In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4597-4604, 2015. [2] L. Carlone, D. M. Rosen, G. C. Calafiore, J. J. Leonard, and F. Dellaert. Lagrangian Duality in 3D SLAM: Verification Techniques and Optimal Solutions. In IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. [3] L. Carlone and A. Censi. From Angular Manifolds to the Integer Lattice: Guaranteed Orientation Estimation With Application to Pose Graph Optimization. IEEE Trans. Robotics, 30(2):475-492, 2014.