// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gs-rs - Graph SLAM in Rust // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Samuel Valenzuela (samuel.valenzuela@tngtech.com) // © 2020 Florian Rohm (florian.rohm@tngtech.com) // © 2020 Daniel Pape (daniel.pape@tngtech.com) // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 // // This product includes software developed at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH (https://www.tngtech.com/). // use gs_rs::parser::json::JsonParser; use gs_rs::parser::Parser; use gs_rs::visualizer::visualize; fn main() { // parse json file containing 2D vertices (variables) and edges (factors) to internal factor graph representation let factor_graph = JsonParser::parse_file("examples/io_files/All_Types_2D.json").unwrap(); // visualize the factor graph (does not work multiple times in a single execution of the program) visualize(&factor_graph); }