def notify(status){ emailext ( body: '$DEFAULT_CONTENT', recipientProviders: [ [$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider'] ], replyTo: '$DEFAULT_REPLYTO', subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT', to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS' ) } @NonCPS def killall_jobs() { def jobname = env.JOB_NAME; def buildnum = env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger(); def killnums = ""; def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(jobname); def split_job_name = env.JOB_NAME.split(/\/{1}/); def fixed_job_name = split_job_name[1].replace('%2F',' '); for (build in job.builds) { if (!build.isBuilding()) { continue; } if (buildnum == build.getNumber().toInteger()) { continue; println "equals"; } if (buildnum < build.getNumber().toInteger()) { continue; println "newer"; } echo("Kill task = ${build}"); killnums += "#" + build.getNumber().toInteger() + ", "; build.doStop(); } if (killnums != "") { discordSend description: "in favor of #${buildnum}, ignore following failed builds for ${killnums}", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: "ABORTED", title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Killing task(s) ${fixed_job_name} ${killnums}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK } echo("Done killing"); } def buildStep(dockerImage, generator, os, osdir, defines) { def split_job_name = env.JOB_NAME.split(/\/{1}/); def fixed_job_name = split_job_name[1].replace('%2F','-'); fixed_job_name = fixed_job_name.replace('/','-'); def fixed_os = os.replace(' ','-'); try{ stage("Building on \"${dockerImage}\" with \"${generator}\" for \"${os}\"...") { properties([pipelineTriggers([githubPush()])]); def commondir = env.WORKSPACE + '/../' + fixed_job_name + '/'; docker.image("${dockerImage}").inside("") { checkout(scm); if (env.CHANGE_ID) { echo("Trying to build pull request"); } if (!env.CHANGE_ID) { } sh("mkdir -p build/"); sh("mkdir -p lib/"); sh("rm -rfv build/*"); sh("rm -rfv lib/*"); discordSend(description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Starting ${os} build target...", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK); dir("build") { sh("cmake -G\"${generator}\" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ${defines} -DVER_EXTRA=\"-${fixed_os}-${fixed_job_name}\" .. || true"); // Temporary fix for Windows MingW builds sh("cmake --build . --config Release --target all -- -j `nproc`"); } archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'lib/*.dylib,lib/*.so,bin/*.dll', allowEmptyArchive: true); stash(name: "dynamic-${osdir}", includes: 'lib/*.dylib,lib/*.so,bin/*.dll', allowEmpty: true); discordSend(description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Build ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Target: ${os} successful!", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK); sh("rm -rfv build/*"); dir("build") { sh("cmake -G\"${generator}\" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSTATIC=ON ${defines} -DVER_EXTRA=\"-${fixed_os}-${fixed_job_name}\" .. || true"); sh("cmake --build . --config Release --target all -- -j `nproc`"); } // Move static libraries to lib/ sh("mv build/*.a lib/ || true"); sh("mv build/*.lib lib/ || true"); // Archive static libraries stash(name: "static-${osdir}", includes: 'lib/*.a,lib/*.lib', allowEmpty: true); archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'lib/*.a,lib/*.lib', allowEmptyArchive: true); discordSend(description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Build ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Target: [static] ${os} successful!", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK); } } } catch(err) { discordSend(description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Build Failed: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK); currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'; notify('Build failed'); throw err; } } // publish rust package using PREAGONAL_RUST_TOKEN. we should use a container with cargo installed def publishRust() { def split_job_name = env.JOB_NAME.split(/\/{1}/); def fixed_job_name = split_job_name[1].replace('%2F',' '); try { def customImage = docker.image("rust:latest"); customImage.pull(); stage("Publishing Rust Package") { customImage.inside("-u 0") { // TODO: Fix this sh("apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake && apt-get install -y bison && apt-get install -y flex"); withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'PREAGONAL_RUST_TOKEN', variable: 'CARGO_REGISTRY_TOKEN')]) { sh("echo ${env.CARGO_REGISTRY_TOKEN} | cargo login"); // TODO: Fix this sh("cargo publish --no-verify"); } } } } catch(err) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'; discordSend description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Rust Publish Failed: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK; notify("Build Failed: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"); throw err; } } def buildStepDocker() { def split_job_name = env.JOB_NAME.split(/\/{1}/); def fixed_job_name = split_job_name[1].replace('%2F',' '); def customImage = docker.image(""); customImage.pull(); try { def buildenv = ""; def tag = ''; def VER = ''; def EXTRA_VER = ''; if(env.TAG_NAME) { sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo '```' > RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); env.RELEASE_DESCRIPTION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git tag -l --format='%(contents)' ${env.TAG_NAME} >> RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo '```' >> RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); } if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals('main')) { tag = "latest"; } else { tag = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace('/','-')}"; } if (env.TAG_NAME) { EXTRA_VER = ""; VER = "/p:Version=${env.TAG_NAME}"; } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals('dev')) { EXTRA_VER = "-beta"; } else { EXTRA_VER = "--build-arg VER_EXTRA=-${tag}"; } docker.withRegistry("", "dockergraal") { def release_name = env.JOB_NAME.replace('%2F','/'); def release_type = ("${release_name}").replace('/','-').replace('GS2Compiler-','').replace('main','').replace('dev',''); stage("Building NuGet Package") { customImage.inside("-u 0") { dir("bindings/dotnet/") { sh("chmod 777 -R ."); sh("dotnet pack GS2Compiler.csproj -c Release ${VER}"); sh("chmod 777 -R ."); } } } def archive_date = sh ( script: 'date +"-%Y%m%d-%H%M"', returnStdout: true ).trim(); if (env.TAG_NAME) { archive_date = ''; } if (env.TAG_NAME) { stage("Pushing NuGet") { customImage.inside("-u 0") { dir("bindings/dotnet/") { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'PREAGONAL_GITHUB_TOKEN', variable: 'GITHUB_TOKEN')]) { sh("dotnet nuget push -s -k ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN} bin/Release/*.nupkg;chmod 777 -R ."); discordSend description: "NuGet Successful", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Artifact Successful: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK; } withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'PREAGONAL_NUGET_TOKEN', variable: 'NUGET_TOKEN')]) { sh("dotnet nuget push -s -k ${env.NUGET_TOKEN} bin/Release/*.nupkg;chmod 777 -R ."); discordSend description: "NuGet Successful", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Artifact Successful: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK; } } } } } } } catch(err) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' customImage.inside("-u 0") { sh("chmod 777 -R ."); } discordSend description: "", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Build Failed: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK notify("Build Failed: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}") throw err } } node('master') { killall_jobs(); def split_job_name = env.JOB_NAME.split(/\/{1}/); def fixed_job_name = split_job_name[1].replace('%2F',' '); checkout(scm); env.COMMIT_MSG = sh( script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%B ${GIT_COMMIT}', returnStdout: true ).trim(); env.GIT_COMMIT = sh( script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%H ${GIT_COMMIT}', returnStdout: true ).trim(); sh('git fetch --tags'); env.LATEST_TAG = sh( script: 'git tag -l | tail -1', returnStdout: true ).trim(); echo("Latest tag: ${env.LATEST_TAG}"); def version = env.LATEST_TAG.split(/\./); echo("Version: ${version}"); def verMajor = version[0] as Integer; def verMinor = version[1] as Integer; def verPatch = version[2] as Integer; def versionChanged = false; echo("Version - Major: ${verMajor}, Minor: ${verMinor}, Patch: ${verPatch}"); if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals('main')) { verMinor++; verPatch = 0; versionChanged = true; } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals('dev')) { verPatch++; versionChanged = true; } if (versionChanged) { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'PREAGONAL_GITHUB_TOKEN', variable: 'GITHUB_TOKEN')]) { def tagName = "${verMajor}.${verMinor}.${verPatch}"; def iso8601Date = sh( script: 'date -Iseconds', returnStdout: true ).trim(); env.JSON_RESPONSE = sh( script: "curl -L -X POST -H \"Accept: application/vnd.github+json\" -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}\" -H \"X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28\" -d '{\"tag\":\"${tagName}\",\"message\":\"${env.COMMIT_MSG}\",\"object\":\"${env.GIT_COMMIT}\",\"type\":\"tree\",\"tagger\":{\"name\":\"preagonal-pipeline[bot]\",\"email\":\"119898225+preagonal-pipeline[bot]\",\"date\":\"${iso8601Date}\"}}'", returnStdout: true ); def response = readJSON(text: env.JSON_RESPONSE); sh( script: "curl -L -X POST -H \"Accept: application/vnd.github+json\" -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}\" -H \"X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28\" -d '{\"ref\": \"refs/tags/${tagName}\", \"sha\": \"${response.sha}\"}'", returnStdout: true ); } } discordSend description: "${env.COMMIT_MSG}", footer: "", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.currentResult, title: "[${split_job_name[0]}] Build Started: ${fixed_job_name} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_WEBHOOK if (env.TAG_NAME) { sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo '```' > RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); env.RELEASE_DESCRIPTION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git tag -l --format='%(contents)' ${env.TAG_NAME} >> RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo '```' >> RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt"); } def branches = [:]; def project = readJSON file: "JenkinsEnv.json"; project.builds.each { v -> branches["Build ${v.DockerRoot}/${v.DockerImage}:${v.DockerTag}"] = { node { buildStep(v.DockerImage, v.Generator, v.OS, v.OSDir, v.Defines); } } } parallel(branches); // def customImage = docker.image(""); // customImage.pull(); project.builds.each { v -> sh("mkdir -p bindings/dotnet/cross-compile/${v.OSDir}/"); sh("mkdir -p precompiled/${v.OSDir}/"); dir("bindings/dotnet/cross-compile/${v.OSDir}/") { unstash(name: "dynamic-${v.OSDir}"); try { sh("mv -fv bin/* ."); sh("rm -rf bin"); } catch(err) { } try { sh("mv -fv lib/* ."); sh("rm -rf lib") } catch(err) { } } dir("precompiled/${v.OSDir}/") { unstash(name: "static-${v.OSDir}"); try { sh("mv -fv lib/* ."); sh("rm -rf lib"); } catch(err) { } try { sh("mv -fv bin/* ."); sh("rm -rf bin"); } catch(err) { } } } dir("bindings/dotnet/") { sh("ls -l cross-compile/*"); } dir("precompiled/") { sh("ls -l *"); } publishRust(); buildStepDocker(); if (env.TAG_NAME) { //def DESC = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'cat RELEASE_DESCRIPTION.txt'); //discordSend description: "${DESC}", customUsername: "OpenGraal", customAvatarUrl: "", footer: "OpenGraal Team", link: "", result: "SUCCESS", title: "GS2Compiler v${env.TAG_NAME} NuGet Package", webhookURL: env.GS2EMU_RELEASE_WEBHOOK; } sh("rm -rf ./*"); }