#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "test bazel" set -x set -e # Get the latest version number from emscripten-releases-tag.json. VER=$(scripts/get_release_info.py emscripten-releases-tags.json latest) # Based on the latest version number, get the commit hash for that version. HASH=$(scripts/get_release_info.py emscripten-releases-tags.json hash ${VER}) FAILMSG="!!! scripts/update_bazel_workspace.py needs to be run !!!" # Ensure the WORKSPACE file is up to date with the latest version. grep ${VER} bazel/revisions.bzl || (echo ${FAILMSG} && false) grep ${HASH} bazel/revisions.bzl || (echo ${FAILMSG} && false) cd bazel bazel build //hello-world:hello-world-wasm bazel build //hello-world:hello-world-wasm-simd cd test_external bazel build //:hello-world-wasm bazel build //long_command_line:long_command_line_wasm bazel build //:hello-embind-wasm --compilation_mode dbg # debug # Test use of the closure compiler bazel build //:hello-embind-wasm --compilation_mode opt # release # This function should not be minified if the externs file is loaded correctly. grep "customJSFunctionToTestClosure" bazel-bin/hello-embind-wasm/hello-embind.js cd ../test_secondary_lto_cache bazel build //:hello-world-wasm