# About
Gsim is a digital circuit simulation engine optimized for high simulation speed.
This repository contains the simulation backend in form of a Rust library, a circuit editor using this engine can be found at https://github.com/Artentus/gsim-gui.
The library also implements a C-API as well a a Python module.
# Usage Example
use gsim::*;
use std::num::NonZeroU8;
pub fn main() {
let mut builder = SimulatorBuilder::default();
// Add wires and components to the simulation
let wire_width = NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap();
let input_a = builder.add_wire(wire_width).unwrap();
let input_b = builder.add_wire(wire_width).unwrap();
let output = builder.add_wire(wire_width).unwrap();
// The gate ID is not usefull to us because we don't intend on reading its data
let _gate = builder.add_and_gate(&[input_a, input_b], output).unwrap();
// Create the simulation
let mut sim = builder.build();
// Manually drive the input wires
sim.set_wire_drive(input_a, &LogicState::from_bool(true)).unwrap();
sim.set_wire_drive(input_b, &LogicState::from_bool(false)).unwrap();
// Run the simulation
const MAX_STEPS: u64 = 2;
match sim.run_sim(MAX_STEPS) {
SimulationRunResult::Ok => {}
SimulationRunResult::MaxStepsReached => panic!("simulation did not settle within allowed steps"),
SimulationRunResult::Err(err) => panic!("simulation error: {err:?}"),
// Make sure we got the expected result
let output_state = sim.get_wire_state(output).unwrap();
assert!(output_state.eq(&LogicState::from_bool(false), wire_width));
# Contributing
Contributions are always welcome, but please follow these steps before submitting a PR:
- Run `cargo fmt` using the default Rust formatting style
- Run `cargo clippy` and make sure there are no warnings in your code (warnings that existed before are ok)
- Run `cargo test` to make sure you didn't break anything
- Run `cargo bench` before and after to ensure your changes didn't cause a performance regression
- Consider writing a test if applicable to your change (e.g. you added a new component type)