/* linalg/test_luc.c * * Copyright (C) 2019 Patrick Alken * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int test_LUc_decomp_eps(const gsl_matrix_complex * m, const double eps, const char * desc) { int s = 0; const size_t M = m->size1; const size_t N = m->size2; gsl_matrix_complex * A = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(M, N); gsl_matrix_complex * PLU = gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(M, N); gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc(M); size_t i, j; int signum; gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(A, m); gsl_linalg_complex_LU_decomp(A, p, &signum); if (M >= N) { gsl_matrix_complex_view U = gsl_matrix_complex_submatrix(A, 0, 0, N, N); /* copy L factor into PLU */ for (j = 0; j < GSL_MIN(M, N); ++j) { gsl_vector_complex_view v1 = gsl_matrix_complex_subcolumn(A, j, j, M - j); gsl_vector_complex_view v2 = gsl_matrix_complex_subcolumn(PLU, j, j, M - j); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&v2.vector, &v1.vector); gsl_matrix_complex_set(PLU, j, j, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE); } /* PLU := L * U */ gsl_blas_ztrmm(CblasRight, CblasUpper, CblasNoTrans, CblasNonUnit, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, &U.matrix, PLU); } else { gsl_matrix_complex_view L = gsl_matrix_complex_submatrix(A, 0, 0, M, M); /* copy U factor into PLU */ for (i = 0; i < GSL_MIN(M, N); ++i) { gsl_vector_complex_view v1 = gsl_matrix_complex_subrow(A, i, i, N - i); gsl_vector_complex_view v2 = gsl_matrix_complex_subrow(PLU, i, i, N - i); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(&v2.vector, &v1.vector); } /* PLU := L * U */ gsl_blas_ztrmm(CblasLeft, CblasLower, CblasNoTrans, CblasUnit, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, &L.matrix, PLU); } /* PLU := P * L * U */ for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { gsl_vector_complex_view v = gsl_matrix_complex_column(PLU, j); gsl_permute_vector_complex_inverse(p, &v.vector); } /* now test m = PLU */ for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { gsl_complex aij = gsl_matrix_complex_get(PLU, i, j); gsl_complex mij = gsl_matrix_complex_get(m, i, j); gsl_test_rel(GSL_REAL(aij), GSL_REAL(mij), eps, "%s real: (%3lu,%3lu)[%lu,%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, M, N, i, j, GSL_REAL(aij), GSL_REAL(mij)); gsl_test_rel(GSL_IMAG(aij), GSL_IMAG(mij), eps, "%s imag: (%3lu,%3lu)[%lu,%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, M, N, i, j, GSL_IMAG(aij), GSL_IMAG(mij)); } } gsl_matrix_complex_free(A); gsl_matrix_complex_free(PLU); gsl_permutation_free(p); return s; } static int test_LUc_decomp(gsl_rng * r) { int s = 0; size_t n; /* test square matrices */ for (n = 1; n <= 50; ++n) { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(n, n); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); test_LUc_decomp_eps(m, 1.0e4 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_decomp random"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(100, 50); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); test_LUc_decomp_eps(m, 256.0 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_decomp rect1"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(50, 100); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); test_LUc_decomp_eps(m, 1.0e3 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_decomp rect2"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(80, 100); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); test_LUc_decomp_eps(m, 1.0e3 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_decomp rect3"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } return s; } static int test_LUc_solve_eps(const gsl_matrix_complex * m, const gsl_vector_complex * rhs, const gsl_vector_complex * sol, const double eps, const char * desc) { int s = 0; const size_t N = m->size1; int signum; size_t i; gsl_permutation * perm = gsl_permutation_alloc(N); gsl_matrix_complex * lu = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(N, N); gsl_vector_complex * x = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(N); gsl_vector_complex * residual = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(N); gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(lu, m); s += gsl_linalg_complex_LU_decomp(lu, perm, &signum); s += gsl_linalg_complex_LU_solve(lu, perm, rhs, x); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { gsl_complex xi = gsl_vector_complex_get(x, i); gsl_complex yi = gsl_vector_complex_get(sol, i); gsl_test_rel(GSL_REAL(xi), GSL_REAL(yi), eps, "%s: real %3lu[%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, i, GSL_REAL(xi), GSL_REAL(yi)); gsl_test_rel(GSL_IMAG(xi), GSL_IMAG(yi), eps, "%s: imag %3lu[%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, i, GSL_IMAG(xi), GSL_IMAG(yi)); } s += gsl_linalg_complex_LU_refine(m, lu, perm, rhs, x, residual); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { gsl_complex xi = gsl_vector_complex_get(x, i); gsl_complex yi = gsl_vector_complex_get(sol, i); gsl_test_rel(GSL_REAL(xi), GSL_REAL(yi), eps, "%s: improved real %3lu[%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, i, GSL_REAL(xi), GSL_REAL(yi)); gsl_test_rel(GSL_IMAG(xi), GSL_IMAG(yi), eps, "%s: improved imag %3lu[%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, i, GSL_IMAG(xi), GSL_IMAG(yi)); } gsl_vector_complex_free(residual); gsl_vector_complex_free(x); gsl_matrix_complex_free(lu); gsl_permutation_free(perm); return s; } static int test_LUc_solve(gsl_rng * r) { int s = 0; size_t n; for (n = 1; n <= 50; ++n) { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(n, n); gsl_vector_complex * rhs = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); gsl_vector_complex * sol = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(n); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); create_random_complex_vector(sol, r); gsl_blas_zgemv(CblasNoTrans, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, m, sol, GSL_COMPLEX_ZERO, rhs); test_LUc_solve_eps(m, rhs, sol, 1.0e5 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_solve random"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); gsl_vector_complex_free(rhs); gsl_vector_complex_free(sol); } return s; } int test_LUc_invert_eps(const gsl_matrix_complex * m, const double eps, const char *desc) { int s = 0; size_t i, j, N = m->size1; gsl_matrix_complex * lu = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(N, N); gsl_matrix_complex * c = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(N, N); gsl_permutation * perm = gsl_permutation_alloc(N); int signum; gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(lu, m); s += gsl_linalg_complex_LU_decomp(lu, perm, &signum); s += gsl_linalg_complex_LU_invx(lu, perm); /* c = m m^{-1} */ gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, m, lu, GSL_COMPLEX_ZERO, c); /* c should be the identity matrix */ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { gsl_complex cij = gsl_matrix_complex_get(c, i, j); double expected = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0; gsl_test_rel(GSL_REAL(cij), expected, eps, "%s real (%3lu,%3lu)[%lu,%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, N, i, j, GSL_REAL(cij), expected); gsl_test_rel(GSL_IMAG(cij), 0.0, eps, "%s imag (%3lu,%3lu)[%lu,%lu]: %22.18g %22.18g\n", desc, N, N, i, j, GSL_IMAG(cij), 0.0); } } gsl_matrix_complex_free(lu); gsl_matrix_complex_free(c); gsl_permutation_free(perm); return s; } static int test_LUc_invert(gsl_rng * r) { int s = 0; size_t n; for (n = 1; n <= 50; ++n) { gsl_matrix_complex * m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(n, n); create_random_complex_matrix(m, r); test_LUc_invert_eps(m, 1.0e5 * n * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "complex_LU_invert random"); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } return s; }