1. extend transpose to CCS/CRS (in-place) 2. extend spblas_dgemm to CRS 3. range checking on get/set - move part of the routine into the .h header file, and put the rest in a _source file ? 4. sorted csc,csr 5. document: spmatrix_compress 6. _csc, _csr : should these accept matrix input argument? instead of allocating matrix ? 7. example program for parallel assembly / FLG_FIXED flag documentation 8. scipy routines: gsl_spmatrix_diagonal - extract diagonal gsl_spmatrix_memcpy - convert CSR to CSC etc, csr_tocsc csr_tobsr ? csr_sort_indices get_csr_submatrix 9. spmatrix_max_index + tests for min/max_index 10. document FLG_FIXED and FLG_GROW ?