@techreport{GSW-m, title={Getting started with {TEOS-10} and the {G}ibbs {S}eawater ({GSW}) oceanographic toolbox}, author={McDougall, Trevor J and Barker, Paul M}, publisher={{SCOR}/{IAPSO}}, series={WG 127}, pages={1--28}, year={2011}, note={ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5} } @article{GSW-Python, title={TEOS-10/GSW-Python: v3.4.1.post0 (v3.4.1.post0)}, author={Eric Firing and Filipe and Andrew Barna and Ryan Abernathey}, year={2021}, doi={10.5281/zenodo.5214122} } @article{MILLERO200850, title = {The composition of Standard Seawater and the definition of the Reference-Composition Salinity Scale}, journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {50-72}, year = {2008}, issn = {0967-0637}, doi = {10.1016/j.dsr.2007.10.001}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967063707002282}, author = {Frank J. Millero and Rainer Feistel and Daniel G. Wright and Trevor J. McDougall}, } @article{feistel2003new, title={A new extended Gibbs thermodynamic potential of seawater}, author={Feistel, Rainer}, journal={Progress in Oceanography}, volume={58}, number={1}, pages={43--114}, year={2003}, publisher={Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(03)00088-0} } @article{feistel2008gibbs, title={A Gibbs function for seawater thermodynamics for- 6 to 80 C and salinity up to 120 g kg--1}, author={Feistel, Rainer}, journal={Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, volume={55}, number={12}, pages={1639--1671}, year={2008}, publisher={Elsevier} } @techreport{TEOS-10, title={The international thermodynamic equation of seawater – 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties}, author={{IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO}}, edition={June 2015}, series={Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56}, year={2010}, publisher={UNESCO}, note={196 pp.} } @manual{GSW-Julia, title={TEOS-10/GibbsSeaWater.jl}, author={Alexander Barth and et. al.}, year={2020}, url={https://github.com/TEOS-10/GibbsSeaWater.jl}, note={GitHub Repository.} } @manual{GSW-R, title={TEOS-10/GSW-R}, author={Dan Kelley and Clark Richards}, year={2022}, url={https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-R}, note={GitHub Repository.} } @manual{GSW-FORTRAN, title={TEOS-10/GSW-FORTRAN}, author={David Jackett and Paul Barker and Glenn Hyland}, year={2017}, url={https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-Fortran}, note={GitHub Repository.} } @manual{GSW-C, title={}, author={Frank Delahoyde and Eric Firing and et. al.}, year={2022}, url={https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-C}, note={GitHub Repository.} }