use gtensor as gt; use rand::Rng; // batch size const N: usize = 10; fn main() { // load a train and test dataset let train = load_dataset(); let test = load_dataset(); // draw the datasets for demonstration purposes draw_dataset(&train, "examples/class-train-dataset.bmp"); draw_dataset(&test, "examples/class-test-dataset.bmp"); // construct the tape and configure the batch size to N. let mut tape = build_tape(); tape.set_batch_size(N); // declare tensors to store error and gradient data. let mut error = gt::Tensor::from_fill([N], 0.0); let mut grad = gt::Tensor::from_fill([N,1], 0.0); // Use the training dataset to train the network (a.k.a tape). // each epoch is a full iteration of the dataset. for epoch in 0..50 { let mut loss = 0.0; for (feature, label) in train.iter_batched(N) { // 'tape.forward' returns an RwLockReadGuard, so // we add a block here so the guard goes out of scope // before we call 'tape.backward'. If you remove the block, // the compiler will error on 'tape.backward'. { // get the prediction from the network. let prediction = tape.forward(feature); gt::math::loss::mse( label, prediction.slice(), &mut error, &mut grad, ); } // add the loss for each batch to the total loss error.iter().for_each(|x| loss += *x); // Execute the backward pass tape.backward(grad.slice()) } // Print the epoch number and the average loss, // dividing by the number of features in the dataset. println!("Epoch: {epoch}, loss: {}", loss / 200.) } // Use the testing dataset to test the tape. let mut loss = 0.0; for (feature, label) in test.iter_batched(N) { let prediction = tape.forward(feature); gt::math::loss::mse( label, prediction.slice(), &mut error, &mut grad, ); // add the loss for each batch to the total loss error.iter().for_each(|x| loss += *x); } println!("Test Loss: {}", loss / 200.); draw_prediction(&mut tape, &train, "examples/class-prediction.bmp");"examples/class").unwrap(); } /// Create a dataset fn load_dataset() -> gt::Dataset { // 2 inputs/features, 1 truth label let mut data = gt::Dataset::new([2], [1]); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for _ in 0..200 { // generate random points in the range (-1,1) let x = rng.gen_range(-1.0..1.0); let y = rng.gen_range(-1.0..1.0); // distance from (x,y) to the origin at (0,0). let d = f32::sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)); // discretive the labels for classification. // if the distance is greater than 0.6, the // label is orange (1.0) and blue (0.0) otherwise. let d = if d > 0.6 { 1.0 } else { 0.0 }; // load the feature/label into the dataset data.load_feature(&[x,y], &[d]); } data } /// Record Operators to the Tape. fn build_tape() -> gt::Tape { let mut tape = gt::Tape::builder(); // set the optimizer and initializer for the weights. tape.opt = gt::opt::momentum(0.04, 0.9); tape.init = gt::init::normal(0.5, 1.0); // input let x = tape.input([2]); // first layer (2 inputs, 4 neurons) // 1. declare weight parameters (2x4) // 2. declare bias parameters (4) // 3. matmul x * w (Nx2 * 2x4 = Nx4) // 4. add bias to the channels // 5. activate with tanh let w = tape.parameter([2,4]); let b = tape.parameter([4]); let x = gt::op::matmul(x, w); let x = gt::op::axis_add(x, b, 'C'); let x = gt::op::tanh(x); // second layer (4 inputs, 4 neurons) // 1. declare weight parameters (4x4) // 2. declare bias parameters (4) // 3. matmul x * w (Nx4 * 4x4 = Nx4) // 4. add bias to the channels // 5. activate with tanh let w = tape.parameter([4,4]); let b = tape.parameter([4]); let x = gt::op::matmul(x,w); let x = gt::op::axis_add(x, b, 'C'); let x = gt::op::tanh(x); // output layer (4 inputs, 1 neuron) // 1. declare weight parameters (4x1) // 2. declare bias parameters (1) // 3. matmul x * w (Nx4 * 4x1 = Nx1) // 4. add bias to the channels // 5. activate with tanh let w = tape.parameter([4,1]); let b = tape.parameter([1]); let x = gt::op::matmul(x, w); let x = gt::op::axis_add(x, b, 'C'); let _ = gt::op::tanh(x); tape.finish() } /// Create a graphic of the dataset (what the neural net trains on). pub fn draw_dataset(dataset: >::Dataset, name: &str) { let mut img = bmp::Image::new(200,200); for x in 0..200 { for y in 0..200 { img.set_pixel(x, y, bmp::Pixel::new(255,255,255)) } } for (feature, label) in dataset.iter_batched(1) { let color = if label[0] < 0.5 { bmp::Pixel::new(60, 165, 255) } else { bmp::Pixel::new(255, 165, 0) }; let x = ((feature[0] + 1.0) * 100.) as u32; let y = ((feature[1] + 1.0) * 100.) as u32; img.set_pixel(x, y, color) } } /// Draw the neural networks' predictions. pub fn draw_prediction(tape: &mut gt::Tape, dataset: >::Dataset, name: &str) { let mut img = bmp::Image::new(200,200); // change the batch size to 1 for easier iteration. tape.set_batch_size(1); // run the neural network for every pixel for x in 0..200 { for y in 0..200 { // convert x and y to the range (-1,1) let xf = (x as f32 / 100.) - 1.; let yf = (y as f32 / 100.) - 1.; // convert inputs to tensor (for tape) let input = gt::Tensor::from_slice([1,2], &[xf,yf]); // get the prediction let prediction = tape.forward(input.slice()); // the color indicated by the prediction. let color = if prediction[0] < 0.5 { bmp::Pixel::new(60, 165, 255) } else { bmp::Pixel::new(255, 165, 0) }; img.set_pixel(x, y, color) } } // draw the training dataset slightly darker for (feature, label) in dataset.iter_batched(1) { let color = if label[0] < 0.5 { bmp::Pixel::new(30, 135, 225) } else { bmp::Pixel::new(225, 135, 0) }; let x = ((feature[0] + 1.0) * 100.) as u32; let y = ((feature[1] + 1.0) * 100.) as u32; img.set_pixel(x, y, color) }; }