# Changelog ## Version 0.3.0 (03/06/2024) - Cleaned up lib.rs - Removed a bunch of old code. - Updated the Corlib RefCell borrowing macros in the state_containers module. - Cleaned up TimeOut, updated its Corlib macro imports and added a generic state field. - Added a state object and related methods to SimpleTimeOut. - Added a “state” method to TimeOut which returns a reference to its state object. - Removed the gtk_estate.code-workspace file and added it to the .gitignore. - Cleaned up SimpleTimeOut and renamed the field “function” to “on_time_out_fn” as well as “set_function” to “set_on_time_out_fn”, “has_function” to “has_on_time_out_fn”, “remove_function” to “remove_on_time_out_fn” and “remove_function_only” to “remove_on_time_out_fn_only”. - Added a getter for “interval”, so you can get the set interval for the SimpleTimeOut. - StateContainers is now lazily loaded. - Updated the documentation of TimeOut and added an interval getter method to it. - Updated the readme - Added try_find_parent and find_parent functions to the widget_ext helpers module. - Updated the Corlib dependency to v0.3.0. - Added docs.rs documentation build configurations to the cargo.toml and lib.rs files. - Updated the StateContainers documentation. - Directly exposed the time_out module contents in lib.rs. ## Version 0.2.0 (22/04/2024) - Updated dependencies (gtk4 to "0.8.*" adw to "0.6.*" and corlib to "0.2.0") - Re-wrote GTK Estate to be focused around widget adapters and glib Type bucketing. - Added should_flow and should_continue functions to the diy module for conversions between the ControlFlow and bool types. - Made libadwaita (adw) an optional dependency. - Implemented feature flags for the gtk4 and adw dependences. - Added AdwApplcationWindowState, AdwWindowState and GtkWindowState. - Removed some old enums (gtk_enums.rs and adw_enums.rs). - Fixed crate homepage URL. - Added a FUNDING.yml file, specifying my GitHub account. - Added scs_set_app and scs_add macros for quickly setting and adding Application and Widget state. - Added a set_margin_sides_and_bottom helper function. - Updated the README.md. - Added “#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]” to the top of lib.rs. - Added documentation to the objects defined in state_containers.rs. - set_state_containers will now only set the provided state containers object if the static STATE_CONTAINERS object is invalid. - Added a CHAGELOG.md file. ## Version 0.1.0 (21/07/2023) - Inital release