# Guarding


> Guarding is a guardians for code, architecture, layered. Using git hooks and DSL for design guard rules.

Inspired by [ArchUnit](https://github.com/TNG/ArchUnit)

![Guarding Process](docs/guarding-process.svg)

## Usage

### use CLI

1. install

cargo install guarding

2. create `guarding.guarding` file

package(".")::file.len should < 200;
package(".")::file.len should > 50;

3. run 

guarding .

### use API

- `guarding_adapter`, FFI adapter, provide Guarding api,
- `guarding_core`, core guarding model,
- `guarding_ident`, identify different language: Java, JavaScript, Rust
- `guarding_parser` parsing Guarding DSL

## Development


1. parsing guarding rules
2. parsing source code to models
3. capture rule with models

DSL capture logic:

1. filter models from `rule_level` with `rule_scope`
2. run expression
3. run assert

Queries Samples: [https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/tree/master/queries](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/tree/master/queries)

### Guarding - Class or Struct function-name

for packages:

class(implementation "BaseParser")::name should endsWith "Parser";

class("java.util.Map") only accessed(["com.phodal.pepper.refactor.staticclass"]);
class(implementation "BaseParser")::name should not contains "Lexer";

for Java, JavaScript

# 类::名 包含 "Controller";
# 中文分词:("..myapp..") 类名称中包含 "Controller"
class("..myapp..")::function.name should contains("Model");
# or
class("..myapp..")::function.name contains("");

for Rust and Golang

struct("..myapp..")::function.name should contains("Model");
# or
struct("..myapp..")::function.name contains("");

## Todos


- [ ] template
  - [ ] `include(standard.guarding)` syntax 
- [x] filter
  - [x] filter by package identifier
  - [ ] filter by regex
  - [x] filter by implementation
  - [x] filter by extends
  - [ ] filter by trait
- [x] limit impl naming
- [x] limit files num
- [ ] limit package's sub-package size (for example, Clean Architecture).
- [x] assert
  - [x] comparison for size / len
  - [x] string comparison
    - [x] contains
    - [x] startsWith
    - [x] endsWith
  - [ ] package ops
    - [x] accessed
    - [x] resideIn
    - [ ] dependBy
- [ ] languages
  - [x] Java
  - [ ] JavaScript (on Going)
  - [ ] TypeScript
  - [ ] Rust (on Going)
    - [x] class & functions
    - [ ] imports
      - [ ] basic import
      - [ ] mods import restructure
    - [ ] package convert


This code is distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` in this directory.