[package] name = "guessing_number" version = "0.1.1" authors = ["elitecodegroovy "] edition = "2018" description = "A fun number where you guess what number the computer has chosen." license = "MIT" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html # The development profile, used for `cargo build`. [profile.dev] opt-level = 0 # controls the `--opt-level` the compiler builds with. # 0-1 is good for debugging. 2 is well-optimized. Max is 3. # 's' attempts to reduce size, 'z' reduces size even more. debug = true # (u32 or bool) Include debug information (debug symbols). # Equivalent to `-C debuginfo=2` compiler flag. rpath = false # controls whether compiler should set loader paths. # If true, passes `-C rpath` flag to the compiler. lto = false # Link Time Optimization usually reduces size of binaries # and static libraries. Increases compilation time. # If true, passes `-C lto` flag to the compiler, and if a # string is specified like 'thin' then `-C lto=thin` will # be passed. debug-assertions = true # controls whether debug assertions are enabled # (e.g., debug_assert!() and arithmetic overflow checks) codegen-units = 16 # if > 1 enables parallel code generation which improves # compile times, but prevents some optimizations. # Passes `-C codegen-units`. panic = 'unwind' # panic strategy (`-C panic=...`), can also be 'abort' incremental = true # whether or not incremental compilation is enabled # This can be overridden globally with the CARGO_INCREMENTAL # environment variable or `build.incremental` config # variable. Incremental is only used for path sources. overflow-checks = true # use overflow checks for integer arithmetic. # Passes the `-C overflow-checks=...` flag to the compiler. # The release profile, used for `cargo build --release` (and the dependencies # for `cargo test --release`, including the local library or binary). [profile.release] opt-level = 3 debug = false rpath = false lto = false debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 16 panic = 'unwind' incremental = false overflow-checks = false # The testing profile, used for `cargo test` (for `cargo test --release` see # the `release` and `bench` profiles). [profile.test] opt-level = 0 debug = 2 rpath = false lto = false debug-assertions = true codegen-units = 16 panic = 'unwind' incremental = true overflow-checks = true # The benchmarking profile, used for `cargo bench` (and the test targets and # unit tests for `cargo test --release`). [profile.bench] opt-level = 3 debug = false rpath = false lto = false debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 16 panic = 'unwind' incremental = false overflow-checks = false [dependencies] rand = "0.7.2" actix-web = "1.0.8"