# guild Guild is a Command Line Utility that allows you to post code snippets from a file to a Discord channel. # How does it work? By utilizing [Serentiy](https://www.github.com/serenity-rs/serenity) to access the Discord API, guild communicates with your Discord server using Webhooks. This allows guild to post a message to Discord on its own without having to type anything into Discord itself. # Download ## Install Rust In order to download guild, you need to have Rust downloaded on your computer if you don't already. To install Rust, go to the [Rust website](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) and follow the instructions. ## Install guild Once Rust is installed on your machine, you must install guild through Cargo: ```bash cargo install guild ``` # Usage 1. Create a [Discord Webhook](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks) in the desired server 2. Copy the Discord Webhook URL and execute the following command in your terminal ```bash guild set ``` 3. Post your desired code snippet to the Discord server: ```bash guild post ``` - If you would like the code snippet to have syntax highlighting, add the following flag at the end of your command: ```bash guild post -H ``` or ```bash guild post --highlight ``` - Example: ```bash guild post main.c 1 5 -H ``` ## Commands - `set`: Set the Discord Webhook URL - `post`: Post a code snippet to the set Discord channel ## Flags - `help`: See the possible commands and flags that are supported by guild - `highlight`: Enable syntax highlighting for the code snippet