[ { "caption": "Elm Build System: View elm-package.json", "command": "elm_project" }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set Main Path", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "main_path", "caption": "Enter main path to build from: " } }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set HTML Path", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "html_path", "caption": "Enter HTML path to open in browser: " } }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set Output Path", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "output_path", "caption": "Enter path to build output to: " } }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set Output Directory", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "output_dir", "caption": "Enter directory to build output to: " } }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set Output Base Name", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "output_name", "caption": "Enter base name to build output with: " } }, { "caption": "Elm Build System: Set Output Extension", "command": "elm_project", "args": { "prop_name": "output_ext", "choices": [ "HTML", "JS" ] } } ]