from __future__ import print_function import webbrowser import os, os.path import subprocess import json import re from difflib import SequenceMatcher import sublime, sublime_plugin try: # ST3 from .elm_project import ElmProject except: # ST2 from elm_project import ElmProject LOOKUPS = {} def join_qualified(region, view): """ Given a region, expand outward on periods to return a new region defining the entire word, in the context of Elm syntax. For example, when the region encompasses the 'map' part of a larger '' word, this function will return the entire region encompassing ''. The same is true if the region is encompassing 'Dict'. Recursively expands outward in both directions, correctly returning longer constructions such as 'Graphics.Input.button' """ starting_region = region prefix = view.substr(region.a - 1) suffix = view.substr(region.b) if prefix == '.': region = region.cover(view.word(region.a - 2)) if suffix == '.': region = region.cover(view.word(region.b + 1)) if region == starting_region: return region else: return join_qualified(region, view) def get_word_under_cursor(view): sel = view.sel()[0] region = join_qualified(view.word(sel), view) return view.substr(region).strip() def get_type(view, panel): """ Given a view, return the type signature of the word under the cursor, if found. If no type is found, return an empty string. Write the info to an output panel. """ sel = view.sel()[0] region = join_qualified(view.word(sel), view) scope = view.scope_name(region.b) if scope.find('source.elm') != -1 and scope.find('string') == -1 and scope.find('comment') == -1: filename = view.file_name() word = view.substr(region).strip() sublime.set_timeout_async(lambda: search_and_set_status_message(filename, word, panel, 0), 0) def search_and_set_status_message(filename, query, panel, tries): """ Given a filename and a query, look up in the in-memory dict of values pulled from elm oracle to find a match. If a match is found, display the type signature in the status bar and set it in the output panel. """ global LOOKUPS if len(query) == 0: return None if filename not in LOOKUPS.keys(): if tries >= 10: return None else: # if the filename is not found loaded into memory, it's probably being # loaded into memory right now. Try 10 more times at 100ms intervals # and if it still isn't loaded, there's likely a problem we can't fix # here. sublime.set_timeout_async(search_and_set_status_message(filename, query, panel, tries + 1), 100) else: data = LOOKUPS[filename] if len(data) > 0: matches = [item for item in data if item['name'] == query.split('.')[-1]] if len(matches) == 0: return None else: # sort matches by similarity to query matches.sort(key=lambda x: SequenceMatcher(None, query, x['fullName']).ratio(), reverse=True) item = matches[0] type_signature = item['fullName'] + ' : ' + item['signature'] sublime.status_message(type_signature) panel.run_command('erase_view') # add full name and type annotation panel_output = '`' + type_signature + '`' + '\n\n' + item['comment'][1:] # replace backticks with no-width space for syntax highlighting panel_output = panel_output.replace('`', '\uFEFF') # add no-width space to beginning and end of code blocks for syntax highlighting panel_output = re.sub('\n( {4}[\s\S]+?)((?=\n\S)\n|\Z)', '\uFEFF\n\\1\uFEFF\n', panel_output) # remove first four spaces on each line from code blocks panel_output = re.sub('\n {4}', '\n', panel_output) panel.run_command('append', {'characters': panel_output}) return None def get_matching_names(filename, prefix): """ Given a file name and a search prefix, return a list of matching completions from elm oracle. """ def skip_chars(full_name): # Sublime Text seems to have odd behavior on completions. If the full # name is at the same "path level" as the prefix, then the completion # will replace the entire entry, otherwise it will only replace after # the final period separator full_name_path = full_name.split('.')[:-1] prefix_path = prefix.split('.')[:-1] if full_name_path == prefix_path: return full_name else: # get the characters to remove from the completion to avoid duplication # of paths. If it's 0, then stay at 0, otherwise add a period back chars_to_skip = len('.'.join(prefix_path)) if chars_to_skip > 0: chars_to_skip += 1 return full_name[chars_to_skip:] global LOOKUPS if filename not in LOOKUPS.keys(): return None else: data = LOOKUPS[filename] completions = {(v['fullName'] + '\t' + v['signature'], skip_chars(v['fullName'])) for v in data if v['fullName'].startswith(prefix) or v['name'].startswith(prefix)} return [[v[0], v[1]] for v in completions] def explore_package(filename, package_name): global LOOKUPS if filename not in LOOKUPS.keys() or len(package_name) == 0: return None elif package_name[0].upper() != package_name[0]: sublime.status_message('This is not a package!') return None else: def open_link(items, i): if i == -1: return None else: open_in_browser(items[i][3]) data = [[v['fullName'], v['signature'], v['comment'], v['href']] for v in LOOKUPS[filename] if v['fullName'].startswith(package_name)] # all items must be the same number of rows n = 75 panel_items = [v[:2] + [v[2][:n]] + [v[2][n:2*n]] + [v[2][2*n:]] for v in data] sublime.active_window().show_quick_panel(panel_items, lambda i: open_link(data, i)) def open_in_browser(url): webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) def load_from_oracle(filename): """ Loads all data about the current file from elm oracle and adds it to the LOOKUPS global dictionary. """ global LOOKUPS project = ElmProject(filename) if project.working_dir is None: return os.chdir(project.working_dir) # Hide the console window on Windows shell = False path_separator = ':' if == "nt": shell = True path_separator = ';' settings = sublime.load_settings('Elm Language Support.sublime-settings') path = settings.get('elm_paths', '') if path: old_path = os.environ['PATH'] os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars(path + path_separator + '$PATH') p = subprocess.Popen(['elm-oracle', filename, ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) if path: os.environ['PATH'] = old_path output, errors = p.communicate() output = output.strip() if settings.get('debug', False): string_settings = sublime.load_settings('Elm User Strings.sublime-settings') print(string_settings.get('logging.prefix', '') + '(elm-oracle) ' + str(output), '\nerrors: ' + str(errors.strip())) if str(errors.strip()): print('Your PATH is: ', os.environ['PATH']) try: data = json.loads(output.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError: return None LOOKUPS[filename] = data def view_load(view): """ Selectively calls load_from_oracle based on the current scope. """ if view.file_name() is None: return; sel = view.sel()[0] region = join_qualified(view.word(sel), view) scope = view.scope_name(region.b) if scope.find('source.elm') != -1: load_from_oracle(view.file_name()) class ElmOracleListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): """ An event listener to load and search through data from elm oracle. """ def on_selection_modified_async(self, view): sel = view.sel()[0] region = join_qualified(view.word(sel), view) scope = view.scope_name(region.b) if scope.find('source.elm') != -1: view.run_command('elm_show_type') def on_activated_async(self, view): view_load(view) def on_post_save_async(self, view): view_load(view) def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations): word = get_word_under_cursor(view) return get_matching_names(view.file_name(), word) class ElmShowType(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): """ A text command to lookup the type signature of the function under the cursor, and display it in the status bar if found. """ type_panel = None def run(self, edit, panel=False): if self.type_panel is None: self.type_panel = self.view.window().create_output_panel('elm_type') if == "nt": # using extension hide-tmLanguage because hidden-tmLanguage doesn't work correctly self.type_panel.set_syntax_file('Packages/Elm Language Support/Syntaxes/Elm Documentation.hide-tmLanguage') else: self.type_panel.set_syntax_file('Packages/Elm Language Support/Syntaxes/Elm Documentation.hidden-tmLanguage') get_type(self.view, self.type_panel) if panel: self.view.window().run_command('elm_show_type_panel') class ElmShowTypePanel(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): """ Turns on the type output panel """ def run(self): self.window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "output.elm_type"}) class ElmOracleExplore(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): word = get_word_under_cursor(self.view) parts = [part for part in word.split('.') if part[0].upper() == part[0]] package_name = '.'.join(parts) explore_package(self.view.file_name(), package_name) class EraseView(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): """ Erases a view """ def run(self, edit): self.view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))