## What's new Added support for elm-format, the new tool for automatically formatting your Elm source code (you need to install this separately. Check here for details: https://github.com/avh4/elm-format) - elm-format needs to be installed and in your PATH in order to work - There is a new command on the command palette named `Elm Language Support: Run elm-format`. This command will run elm-format on the currently open file. - There is also a new User setting, which you can set by going to Preferences -> Package Settings -> Elm Language Support -> User and adding `"elm_format_on_save": true`. This will automatically run elm-format on your Elm source files before they are saved. - If there are some Elm source files you want to exclude from auto-formatting, you can set a regex-based filename filter with the "elm_format_filename_filter" User setting. Enter a regex and any file names, including their paths, the regex matches against will be excluded from the "elm_format_on_save" setting previously mentioned.