# Atom and Sublime Text 2 / 3 Handlebars.js bundle
- Colours of Handlebars expressions are selected to be in contrast with the surrounding HTML.
- Handlebars expressions get syntax highlighting in HTML attributes.
- Parameters passed to block expressions get syntax highlighting too.
- Works both with individual template files and inline templates in script tags.
- Key bindings for `{{! Handlebars comments }}` (Sublime only)
- Tab triggers for
- `if` → `{{#if }}`
- `ifel` → `{{#if }} {{else}}`
- `el` → `{{else}}`
- `elif` → `{{else if }}`
- `un` → `{{#unless }}`
- `ea` → `{{#each }}`
- `wi` → `{{#with }}`
- `par` → `{{> }}` (for partials)
- `x-temp` → `