
{{#if showThis}}

Testing {{{testToken}}} {{#if otherCondition}}"{{otherTestToken}}" {{/if}}


'Thus spoke Zarathustra' – "ORLY?"

Test <{{tag}} attr="asdf">asdf {{!-- parent context --}} {{> template arg=../value}} {{../value}}
{{> yayPartial customData='FoolBar'}} {{!< GhostStyleExtend}} {{log "Look at me!"}} {{! advanced helper parameters }} {{customHelper "test1" 'test2' 32 true object.value}} {{{link "See more..." href=story.url class="story" foo='bar'}}} {{customHelper 'test-single-quote-escaped\''}} {{customHelper "test-double-quote-escaped\""}} {{! parameters in block vs inline helpers }} {{#select a="aa" b="bb" c="cc"}}{{/select}} {{select a="aa" b="bb" c="cc"}} {{! FIXME: subexpressions }} {{! this could be improved }} {{outer-helper (inner-helper 'abc') 'def'}} {{! FIXME: named block parameters }} {{! this could be improved }} {{#each users as |user userId|}} {{#each user.book as |book bookId|}} User Id: {{userId}} Book Id: {{bookId}} {{/each}} {{/each}} {{! FIXME: array notation }} {{! this could be improved }} {{#each articles.[10].[#comments]}}



Not that interesting.


Even less interesting.}}

No comment.


Marginally less interesting. {{#if otherCondition}}"{{otherTestToken}}" {{/if}}


Nothing to see here.


Marginally less interesting. {{{testToken}}}


Move along.

{{! }} {{/if}} {{! inline attributes }} {{! Ember ArrayController implicit each loop }} {{! with ... as }} {{#with foo as bar}}
  • {{name}} by {{artist}}
  • {{/with}} {{! else if }} {{#if condition}}


    {{else if alternate}}


    {{/if}} {{#x-card onsubmit=attrs.onsubmit title='Login to Peepchat' buttonText='Login'}}
    {{x-input value=model.email errors=validations.attrs.model.email.messages classNames='col s12' type='email' label='Username'}}
    {{x-input value=model.password errors=validations.attrs.model.password.messages classNames='col s12' type='password' label='Password'}}
    {{/x-card}} {{$x "foo." bar}} {{!-- con😺 --}} {{some-component name=(concat firstName " " lastName)}} {{concat prop1 ' ' prop2}} {{! partial block }} {{#> myPartial }} Failover content {{/myPartial}} {{!-- Ember component path --}} {{#some-folder/some-path}}{{/some-folder/some-path}}