# Julia-sublime Julia language support for Sublime Text 2/3. - Syntax highlighting - Unicode tab completion (like the [REPL](http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/interacting-with-julia/#tab-completion)) - Auto-indentation - Snippets ## Installation If you haven't already, [install Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation), then select `Julia` from the `Package Control: Install Package` dropdown list in the Command Palette. ### Manual installation Clone the repository into `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/`. (The path may be different depending on OS and version.) ## Example ![Highlight example](https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/Julia-sublime/blob/master/highlight-example.png) _Don't hesitate to open an issue if something looks wrong or if you think that something can be done better._ ## Technical details ### Sublime Text version support Sublime Text 3 Build 3103 or later will use `Julia.sublime-syntax` which provides superior highlighting. Older versions of Sublime Text will use `Julia.tmLanguage`, which is no longer maintained. ### Custom colors The default colors are chosen to satisfy most people. However, you might prefer to highlight macros, types, function calls etc. in different colors. This can be achieved by modifying the color associated with the syntax scope, such as `variable.macro`, in your color scheme. Use the shortcut `ctrl+shift+alt+p` to find out what syntax scope is applied to a certain character. ## Contributing - Run the `build` command (`ctrl+shift+b`) on the [`syntax_test_julia.jl`](https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/Julia-sublime/blob/master/syntax_test_julia.jl) file. - Keep the tests updated. Fixed issues should generally get a test.