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/// ECMAScript APIs
declare const NaN: number;
declare const Infinity: number;
* Evaluates JavaScript code and executes it.
* @param x A String value that contains valid JavaScript code.
declare function eval(x: string): any;
* Converts A string to an integer.
* @param s A string to convert into a number.
* @param radix A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in numString.
* If this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.
* All other strings are considered decimal.
declare function parseInt(s: string, radix?: number): number;
* Converts a string to a floating-point number.
* @param string A string that contains a floating-point number.
declare function parseFloat(string: string): number;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number).
* @param number A numeric value.
declare function isNaN(number: number): boolean;
* Determines whether a supplied number is finite.
* @param number Any numeric value.
declare function isFinite(number: number): boolean;
* Gets the unencoded version of an encoded Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
* @param encodedURI A value representing an encoded URI.
declare function decodeURI(encodedURI: string): string;
* Gets the unencoded version of an encoded component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
* @param encodedURIComponent A value representing an encoded URI component.
declare function decodeURIComponent(encodedURIComponent: string): string;
* Encodes a text string as a valid Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
* @param uri A value representing an encoded URI.
declare function encodeURI(uri: string): string;
* Encodes a text string as a valid component of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
* @param uriComponent A value representing an encoded URI component.
declare function encodeURIComponent(uriComponent: string): string;
interface PropertyDescriptor {
configurable?: boolean;
enumerable?: boolean;
value?: any;
writable?: boolean;
get? (): any;
set? (v: any): void;
interface PropertyDescriptorMap {
[s: string]: PropertyDescriptor;
interface Object {
/** The initial value of Object.prototype.constructor is the standard built-in Object constructor. */
constructor: Function;
/** Returns a string representation of an object. */
toString(): string;
/** Returns a date converted to a string using the current locale. */
toLocaleString(): string;
/** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
valueOf(): Object;
* Determines whether an object has a property with the specified name.
* @param v A property name.
hasOwnProperty(v: string): boolean;
* Determines whether an object exists in another object's prototype chain.
* @param v Another object whose prototype chain is to be checked.
isPrototypeOf(v: Object): boolean;
* Determines whether a specified property is enumerable.
* @param v A property name.
propertyIsEnumerable(v: string): boolean;
interface ObjectConstructor {
new (value?: any): Object;
(): any;
(value: any): any;
/** A reference to the prototype for a class of objects. */
readonly prototype: Object;
* Returns the prototype of an object.
* @param o The object that references the prototype.
getPrototypeOf(o: any): any;
* Gets the own property descriptor of the specified object.
* An own property descriptor is one that is defined directly on the object and is not inherited from the object's prototype.
* @param o Object that contains the property.
* @param p Name of the property.
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o: any, p: string): PropertyDescriptor;
* Returns the names of the own properties of an object. The own properties of an object are those that are defined directly
* on that object, and are not inherited from the object's prototype. The properties of an object include both fields (objects) and functions.
* @param o Object that contains the own properties.
getOwnPropertyNames(o: any): string[];
* Creates an object that has the specified prototype or that has null prototype.
* @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null.
create(o: object | null): any;
* Creates an object that has the specified prototype, and that optionally contains specified properties.
* @param o Object to use as a prototype. May be null
* @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more property descriptors.
create(o: object | null, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap): any;
* Adds a property to an object, or modifies attributes of an existing property.
* @param o Object on which to add or modify the property. This can be a native JavaScript object (that is, a user-defined object or a built in object) or a DOM object.
* @param p The property name.
* @param attributes Descriptor for the property. It can be for a data property or an accessor property.
defineProperty(o: any, p: string, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): any;
* Adds one or more properties to an object, and/or modifies attributes of existing properties.
* @param o Object on which to add or modify the properties. This can be a native JavaScript object or a DOM object.
* @param properties JavaScript object that contains one or more descriptor objects. Each descriptor object describes a data property or an accessor property.
defineProperties(o: any, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap): any;
* Prevents the modification of attributes of existing properties, and prevents the addition of new properties.
* @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
seal(o: T): T;
* Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
* @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
freeze(a: T[]): ReadonlyArray;
* Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
* @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
freeze(f: T): T;
* Prevents the modification of existing property attributes and values, and prevents the addition of new properties.
* @param o Object on which to lock the attributes.
freeze(o: T): Readonly;
* Prevents the addition of new properties to an object.
* @param o Object to make non-extensible.
preventExtensions(o: T): T;
* Returns true if existing property attributes cannot be modified in an object and new properties cannot be added to the object.
* @param o Object to test.
isSealed(o: any): boolean;
* Returns true if existing property attributes and values cannot be modified in an object, and new properties cannot be added to the object.
* @param o Object to test.
isFrozen(o: any): boolean;
* Returns a value that indicates whether new properties can be added to an object.
* @param o Object to test.
isExtensible(o: any): boolean;
* Returns the names of the enumerable properties and methods of an object.
* @param o Object that contains the properties and methods. This can be an object that you created or an existing Document Object Model (DOM) object.
keys(o: any): string[];
* Provides functionality common to all JavaScript objects.
declare const Object: ObjectConstructor;
* Creates a new function.
interface Function {
* Calls the function, substituting the specified object for the this value of the function, and the specified array for the arguments of the function.
* @param thisArg The object to be used as the this object.
* @param argArray A set of arguments to be passed to the function.
apply(this: Function, thisArg: any, argArray?: any): any;
* Calls a method of an object, substituting another object for the current object.
* @param thisArg The object to be used as the current object.
* @param argArray A list of arguments to be passed to the method.
call(this: Function, thisArg: any, ...argArray: any[]): any;
* For a given function, creates a bound function that has the same body as the original function.
* The this object of the bound function is associated with the specified object, and has the specified initial parameters.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer inside the new function.
* @param argArray A list of arguments to be passed to the new function.
bind(this: Function, thisArg: any, ...argArray: any[]): any;
/** Returns a string representation of a function. */
toString(): string;
prototype: any;
readonly length: number;
// Non-standard extensions
arguments: any;
caller: Function;
interface FunctionConstructor {
* Creates a new function.
* @param args A list of arguments the function accepts.
new (...args: string[]): Function;
(...args: string[]): Function;
readonly prototype: Function;
declare const Function: FunctionConstructor;
interface IArguments {
[index: number]: any;
length: number;
callee: Function;
interface String {
/** Returns a string representation of a string. */
toString(): string;
* Returns the character at the specified index.
* @param pos The zero-based index of the desired character.
charAt(pos: number): string;
* Returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified location.
* @param index The zero-based index of the desired character. If there is no character at the specified index, NaN is returned.
charCodeAt(index: number): number;
* Returns a string that contains the concatenation of two or more strings.
* @param strings The strings to append to the end of the string.
concat(...strings: string[]): string;
* Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring.
* @param searchString The substring to search for in the string
* @param position The index at which to begin searching the String object. If omitted, search starts at the beginning of the string.
indexOf(searchString: string, position?: number): number;
* Returns the last occurrence of a substring in the string.
* @param searchString The substring to search for.
* @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end of the string.
lastIndexOf(searchString: string, position?: number): number;
* Determines whether two strings are equivalent in the current locale.
* @param that String to compare to target string
localeCompare(that: string): number;
* Matches a string with a regular expression, and returns an array containing the results of that search.
* @param regexp A variable name or string literal containing the regular expression pattern and flags.
match(regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null;
* Matches a string with a regular expression, and returns an array containing the results of that search.
* @param regexp A regular expression object that contains the regular expression pattern and applicable flags.
match(regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null;
* Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A string to search for.
* @param replaceValue A string containing the text to replace for every successful match of searchValue in this string.
replace(searchValue: string, replaceValue: string): string;
* Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A string to search for.
* @param replacer A function that returns the replacement text.
replace(searchValue: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
* Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A Regular Expression object containing the regular expression pattern and applicable flags.
* @param replaceValue A string containing the text to replace for every successful match of searchValue in this string.
replace(searchValue: RegExp, replaceValue: string): string;
* Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A Regular Expression object containing the regular expression pattern and applicable flags
* @param replacer A function that returns the replacement text.
replace(searchValue: RegExp, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
* Finds the first substring match in a regular expression search.
* @param regexp The regular expression pattern and applicable flags.
search(regexp: string): number;
* Finds the first substring match in a regular expression search.
* @param regexp The regular expression pattern and applicable flags.
search(regexp: RegExp): number;
* Returns a section of a string.
* @param start The index to the beginning of the specified portion of stringObj.
* @param end The index to the end of the specified portion of stringObj. The substring includes the characters up to, but not including, the character indicated by end.
* If this value is not specified, the substring continues to the end of stringObj.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): string;
* Split a string into substrings using the specified separator and return them as an array.
* @param separator A string that identifies character or characters to use in separating the string. If omitted, a single-element array containing the entire string is returned.
* @param limit A value used to limit the number of elements returned in the array.
split(separator: string, limit?: number): string[];
* Split a string into substrings using the specified separator and return them as an array.
* @param separator A Regular Express that identifies character or characters to use in separating the string. If omitted, a single-element array containing the entire string is returned.
* @param limit A value used to limit the number of elements returned in the array.
split(separator: RegExp, limit?: number): string[];
* Returns the substring at the specified location within a String object.
* @param start The zero-based index number indicating the beginning of the substring.
* @param end Zero-based index number indicating the end of the substring. The substring includes the characters up to, but not including, the character indicated by end.
* If end is omitted, the characters from start through the end of the original string are returned.
substring(start: number, end?: number): string;
/** Converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase. */
toLowerCase(): string;
/** Converts all alphabetic characters to lowercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleLowerCase(): string;
/** Converts all the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase. */
toUpperCase(): string;
/** Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase, taking into account the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleUpperCase(): string;
/** Removes the leading and trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string. */
trim(): string;
/** Returns the length of a String object. */
readonly length: number;
// IE extensions
* Gets a substring beginning at the specified location and having the specified length.
* @param from The starting position of the desired substring. The index of the first character in the string is zero.
* @param length The number of characters to include in the returned substring.
substr(from: number, length?: number): string;
/** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
valueOf(): string;
readonly [index: number]: string;
interface StringConstructor {
new (value?: any): String;
(value?: any): string;
readonly prototype: String;
fromCharCode(...codes: number[]): string;
* Allows manipulation and formatting of text strings and determination and location of substrings within strings.
declare const String: StringConstructor;
interface Boolean {
/** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
valueOf(): boolean;
interface BooleanConstructor {
new (value?: any): Boolean;
(value?: any): boolean;
readonly prototype: Boolean;
declare const Boolean: BooleanConstructor;
interface Number {
* Returns a string representation of an object.
* @param radix Specifies a radix for converting numeric values to strings. This value is only used for numbers.
toString(radix?: number): string;
* Returns a string representing a number in fixed-point notation.
* @param fractionDigits Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0 - 20, inclusive.
toFixed(fractionDigits?: number): string;
* Returns a string containing a number represented in exponential notation.
* @param fractionDigits Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0 - 20, inclusive.
toExponential(fractionDigits?: number): string;
* Returns a string containing a number represented either in exponential or fixed-point notation with a specified number of digits.
* @param precision Number of significant digits. Must be in the range 1 - 21, inclusive.
toPrecision(precision?: number): string;
/** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
valueOf(): number;
interface NumberConstructor {
new (value?: any): Number;
(value?: any): number;
readonly prototype: Number;
/** The largest number that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 1.79E+308. */
readonly MAX_VALUE: number;
/** The closest number to zero that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 5.00E-324. */
readonly MIN_VALUE: number;
* A value that is not a number.
* In equality comparisons, NaN does not equal any value, including itself. To test whether a value is equivalent to NaN, use the isNaN function.
readonly NaN: number;
* A value that is less than the largest negative number that can be represented in JavaScript.
* JavaScript displays NEGATIVE_INFINITY values as -infinity.
readonly NEGATIVE_INFINITY: number;
* A value greater than the largest number that can be represented in JavaScript.
* JavaScript displays POSITIVE_INFINITY values as infinity.
readonly POSITIVE_INFINITY: number;
/** An object that represents a number of any kind. All JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point numbers. */
declare const Number: NumberConstructor;
interface TemplateStringsArray extends ReadonlyArray {
readonly raw: ReadonlyArray
interface Math {
/** The mathematical constant e. This is Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms. */
readonly E: number;
/** The natural logarithm of 10. */
readonly LN10: number;
/** The natural logarithm of 2. */
readonly LN2: number;
/** The base-2 logarithm of e. */
readonly LOG2E: number;
/** The base-10 logarithm of e. */
readonly LOG10E: number;
/** Pi. This is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. */
readonly PI: number;
/** The square root of 0.5, or, equivalently, one divided by the square root of 2. */
readonly SQRT1_2: number;
/** The square root of 2. */
readonly SQRT2: number;
* Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative).
* For example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.
* @param x A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.
abs(x: number): number;
* Returns the arc cosine (or inverse cosine) of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression.
acos(x: number): number;
* Returns the arcsine of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression.
asin(x: number): number;
* Returns the arctangent of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression for which the arctangent is needed.
atan(x: number): number;
* Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point.
* @param y A numeric expression representing the cartesian y-coordinate.
* @param x A numeric expression representing the cartesian x-coordinate.
atan2(y: number, x: number): number;
* Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to its numeric argument.
* @param x A numeric expression.
ceil(x: number): number;
* Returns the cosine of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
cos(x: number): number;
* Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
* @param x A numeric expression representing the power of e.
exp(x: number): number;
* Returns the greatest number less than or equal to its numeric argument.
* @param x A numeric expression.
floor(x: number): number;
* Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression.
log(x: number): number;
* Returns the larger of a set of supplied numeric expressions.
* @param values Numeric expressions to be evaluated.
max(...values: number[]): number;
* Returns the smaller of a set of supplied numeric expressions.
* @param values Numeric expressions to be evaluated.
min(...values: number[]): number;
* Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power.
* @param x The base value of the expression.
* @param y The exponent value of the expression.
pow(x: number, y: number): number;
/** Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1. */
random(): number;
* Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest number.
* @param x The value to be rounded to the nearest number.
round(x: number): number;
* Returns the sine of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
sin(x: number): number;
* Returns the square root of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression.
sqrt(x: number): number;
* Returns the tangent of a number.
* @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
tan(x: number): number;
/** An intrinsic object that provides basic mathematics functionality and constants. */
declare const Math: Math;
/** Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times. */
interface Date {
/** Returns a string representation of a date. The format of the string depends on the locale. */
toString(): string;
/** Returns a date as a string value. */
toDateString(): string;
/** Returns a time as a string value. */
toTimeString(): string;
/** Returns a value as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleString(): string;
/** Returns a date as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleDateString(): string;
/** Returns a time as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleTimeString(): string;
/** Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. */
valueOf(): number;
/** Gets the time value in milliseconds. */
getTime(): number;
/** Gets the year, using local time. */
getFullYear(): number;
/** Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCFullYear(): number;
/** Gets the month, using local time. */
getMonth(): number;
/** Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCMonth(): number;
/** Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time. */
getDate(): number;
/** Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCDate(): number;
/** Gets the day of the week, using local time. */
getDay(): number;
/** Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCDay(): number;
/** Gets the hours in a date, using local time. */
getHours(): number;
/** Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCHours(): number;
/** Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time. */
getMinutes(): number;
/** Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCMinutes(): number;
/** Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time. */
getSeconds(): number;
/** Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCSeconds(): number;
/** Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time. */
getMilliseconds(): number;
/** Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
/** Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
getTimezoneOffset(): number;
* Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
* @param time A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
setTime(time: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setMilliseconds(ms: number): number;
* Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
setUTCMilliseconds(ms: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
* @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
* @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
* @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
* @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
* @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
setUTCHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
* @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setDate(date: number): number;
* Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCDate(date: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
* @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
setMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
* Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
* @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
setUTCMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
* Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
* @param year A numeric value for the year.
* @param month A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
* @param date A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
* Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
* @param year A numeric value equal to the year.
* @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
* @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
/** Returns a date converted to a string using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
toUTCString(): string;
/** Returns a date as a string value in ISO format. */
toISOString(): string;
/** Used by the JSON.stringify method to enable the transformation of an object's data for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization. */
toJSON(key?: any): string;
interface DateConstructor {
new (): Date;
new (value: number): Date;
new (value: string): Date;
new (year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date;
(): string;
readonly prototype: Date;
* Parses a string containing a date, and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight, January 1, 1970.
* @param s A date string
parse(s: string): number;
* Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (or GMT) and the specified date.
* @param year The full year designation is required for cross-century date accuracy. If year is between 0 and 99 is used, then year is assumed to be 1900 + year.
* @param month The month as an number between 0 and 11 (January to December).
* @param date The date as an number between 1 and 31.
* @param hours Must be supplied if minutes is supplied. An number from 0 to 23 (midnight to 11pm) that specifies the hour.
* @param minutes Must be supplied if seconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the minutes.
* @param seconds Must be supplied if milliseconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the seconds.
* @param ms An number from 0 to 999 that specifies the milliseconds.
UTC(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): number;
now(): number;
declare const Date: DateConstructor;
interface RegExpMatchArray extends Array {
index?: number;
input?: string;
interface RegExpExecArray extends Array {
index: number;
input: string;
interface RegExp {
* Executes a search on a string using a regular expression pattern, and returns an array containing the results of that search.
* @param string The String object or string literal on which to perform the search.
exec(string: string): RegExpExecArray | null;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not a pattern exists in a searched string.
* @param string String on which to perform the search.
test(string: string): boolean;
/** Returns a copy of the text of the regular expression pattern. Read-only. The regExp argument is a Regular expression object. It can be a variable name or a literal. */
readonly source: string;
/** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the global flag (g) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
readonly global: boolean;
/** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the ignoreCase flag (i) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
readonly ignoreCase: boolean;
/** Returns a Boolean value indicating the state of the multiline flag (m) used with a regular expression. Default is false. Read-only. */
readonly multiline: boolean;
lastIndex: number;
// Non-standard extensions
compile(): this;
interface RegExpConstructor {
new (pattern: RegExp): RegExp;
new (pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
(pattern: RegExp): RegExp;
(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
readonly prototype: RegExp;
// Non-standard extensions
$1: string;
$2: string;
$3: string;
$4: string;
$5: string;
$6: string;
$7: string;
$8: string;
$9: string;
lastMatch: string;
declare const RegExp: RegExpConstructor;
interface Error {
name: string;
message: string;
stack?: string;
interface ErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): Error;
(message?: string): Error;
readonly prototype: Error;
declare const Error: ErrorConstructor;
interface EvalError extends Error {
interface EvalErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): EvalError;
(message?: string): EvalError;
readonly prototype: EvalError;
declare const EvalError: EvalErrorConstructor;
interface RangeError extends Error {
interface RangeErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): RangeError;
(message?: string): RangeError;
readonly prototype: RangeError;
declare const RangeError: RangeErrorConstructor;
interface ReferenceError extends Error {
interface ReferenceErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): ReferenceError;
(message?: string): ReferenceError;
readonly prototype: ReferenceError;
declare const ReferenceError: ReferenceErrorConstructor;
interface SyntaxError extends Error {
interface SyntaxErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): SyntaxError;
(message?: string): SyntaxError;
readonly prototype: SyntaxError;
declare const SyntaxError: SyntaxErrorConstructor;
interface TypeError extends Error {
interface TypeErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): TypeError;
(message?: string): TypeError;
readonly prototype: TypeError;
declare const TypeError: TypeErrorConstructor;
interface URIError extends Error {
interface URIErrorConstructor {
new (message?: string): URIError;
(message?: string): URIError;
readonly prototype: URIError;
declare const URIError: URIErrorConstructor;
interface JSON {
* Converts a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string into an object.
* @param text A valid JSON string.
* @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of the object.
* If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the parent object is.
parse(text: string, reviver?: (key: any, value: any) => any): any;
* Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
* @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.
* @param replacer A function that transforms the results.
* @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
stringify(value: any, replacer?: (key: string, value: any) => any, space?: string | number): string;
* Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
* @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.
* @param replacer An array of strings and numbers that acts as a approved list for selecting the object properties that will be stringified.
* @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.
stringify(value: any, replacer?: (number | string)[] | null, space?: string | number): string;
* An intrinsic object that provides functions to convert JavaScript values to and from the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
declare const JSON: JSON;
/// ECMAScript Array API (specially handled by compiler)
interface ReadonlyArray {
* Gets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest element defined in an array.
readonly length: number;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
toLocaleString(): string;
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat>(...items: U[]): T[];
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat(...items: T[][]): T[];
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat(...items: (T | T[])[]): T[];
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): T[];
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the search starts at the last index in the array.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false, or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => U, thisArg?: any): U[];
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => value is S, thisArg?: any): S[];
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => any, thisArg?: any): T[];
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: ReadonlyArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
readonly [n: number]: T;
interface Array {
* Gets or sets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest element defined in an array.
length: number;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
toLocaleString(): string;
* Appends new elements to an array, and returns the new length of the array.
* @param items New elements of the Array.
push(...items: T[]): number;
* Removes the last element from an array and returns it.
pop(): T | undefined;
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat(...items: T[][]): T[];
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat(...items: (T | T[])[]): T[];
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): T[];
* Removes the first element from an array and returns it.
shift(): T | undefined;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): T[];
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): this;
* Removes elements from an array and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements.
* @param start The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements.
* @param deleteCount The number of elements to remove.
splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number): T[];
* Removes elements from an array and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements.
* @param start The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements.
* @param deleteCount The number of elements to remove.
* @param items Elements to insert into the array in place of the deleted elements.
splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: T[]): T[];
* Inserts new elements at the start of an array.
* @param items Elements to insert at the start of the Array.
unshift(...items: T[]): number;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the search starts at the last index in the array.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false, or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(this: [T, T, T, T, T], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): [U, U, U, U, U];
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(this: [T, T, T, T], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): [U, U, U, U];
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(this: [T, T, T], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): [U, U, U];
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(this: [T, T], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): [U, U];
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): U[];
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, thisArg?: any): T[];
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => U, initialValue: U): U;
[n: number]: T;
interface ArrayConstructor {
new (arrayLength?: number): any[];
new (arrayLength: number): T[];
new (...items: T[]): T[];
(arrayLength?: number): any[];
(arrayLength: number): T[];
(...items: T[]): T[];
isArray(arg: any): arg is Array;
readonly prototype: Array;
declare const Array: ArrayConstructor;
interface TypedPropertyDescriptor {
enumerable?: boolean;
configurable?: boolean;
writable?: boolean;
value?: T;
get?: () => T;
set?: (value: T) => void;
declare type ClassDecorator = (target: TFunction) => TFunction | void;
declare type PropertyDecorator = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol) => void;
declare type MethodDecorator = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor) => TypedPropertyDescriptor | void;
declare type ParameterDecorator = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, parameterIndex: number) => void;
declare type PromiseConstructorLike = new (executor: (resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void) => PromiseLike;
interface PromiseLike {
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null,
onrejected?: ((reason: any) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): PromiseLike;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
onfulfilled: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null,
onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike): PromiseLike;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike,
onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): PromiseLike;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike,
onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike): PromiseLike;
* Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation
interface Promise {
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): Promise;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then(onfulfilled: ((value: T) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike): Promise;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then(onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): Promise;
* Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
* @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then(onfulfilled: (value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike, onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike): Promise;
* Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => T | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): Promise;
* Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
* @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
* @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch(onrejected: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike): Promise;
interface ArrayLike {
readonly length: number;
readonly [n: number]: T;
* Make all properties in T optional
type Partial = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P];
* Make all properties in T readonly
type Readonly = {
readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P];
* From T pick a set of properties K
type Pick = {
[P in K]: T[P];
* Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T
type Record = {
[P in K]: T;
* Represents a raw buffer of binary data, which is used to store data for the
* different typed arrays. ArrayBuffers cannot be read from or written to directly,
* but can be passed to a typed array or DataView Object to interpret the raw
* buffer as needed.
interface ArrayBuffer {
* Read-only. The length of the ArrayBuffer (in bytes).
readonly byteLength: number;
* Returns a section of an ArrayBuffer.
slice(begin:number, end?:number): ArrayBuffer;
interface ArrayBufferConstructor {
readonly prototype: ArrayBuffer;
new (byteLength: number): ArrayBuffer;
isView(arg: any): arg is ArrayBufferView;
declare const ArrayBuffer: ArrayBufferConstructor;
interface ArrayBufferView {
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
byteOffset: number;
interface DataView {
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
readonly byteLength: number;
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Gets the Float32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getFloat32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Gets the Float64 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getFloat64(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Gets the Int8 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getInt8(byteOffset: number): number;
* Gets the Int16 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getInt16(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Gets the Int32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getInt32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Gets the Uint8 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getUint8(byteOffset: number): number;
* Gets the Uint16 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getUint16(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Gets the Uint32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view. There is
* no alignment constraint; multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be retrieved.
getUint32(byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
* Stores an Float32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setFloat32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
* Stores an Float64 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setFloat64(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
* Stores an Int8 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
setInt8(byteOffset: number, value: number): void;
* Stores an Int16 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setInt16(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
* Stores an Int32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setInt32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
* Stores an Uint8 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
setUint8(byteOffset: number, value: number): void;
* Stores an Uint16 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setUint16(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
* Stores an Uint32 value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
* @param byteOffset The place in the buffer at which the value should be set.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param littleEndian If false or undefined, a big-endian value should be written,
* otherwise a little-endian value should be written.
setUint32(byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
interface DataViewConstructor {
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, byteLength?: number): DataView;
declare const DataView: DataViewConstructor;
* A typed array of 8-bit integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the requested
* number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Int8Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int8Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int8Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Int8Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int8Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int8Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Int8Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int8Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int8Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int8Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int8Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Int8Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Int8Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int8Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Int8Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Int8Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Int8ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Int8Array;
new (length: number): Int8Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Int8Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int8Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Int8Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Int8Array;
declare const Int8Array: Int8ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the
* requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Uint8Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Uint8Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint8Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Uint8Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Uint8Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Uint8Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Uint8Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Uint8ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Uint8Array;
new (length: number): Uint8Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Uint8Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint8Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Uint8Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint8Array;
declare const Uint8Array: Uint8ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) values. The contents are initialized to 0.
* If the requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Uint8ClampedArray {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => any, thisArg?: any): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: Uint8ClampedArray, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint8ClampedArray) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Uint8ClampedArray view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Uint8ClampedArray;
new (length: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
new (array: ArrayLike): Uint8ClampedArray;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Uint8ClampedArray;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint8ClampedArray;
declare const Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 16-bit signed integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the
* requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Int16Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int16Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int16Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Int16Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int16Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int16Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Int16Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int16Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int16Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int16Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int16Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Int16Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Int16Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int16Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Int16Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Int16Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Int16ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Int16Array;
new (length: number): Int16Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Int16Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int16Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Int16Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Int16Array;
declare const Int16Array: Int16ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 16-bit unsigned integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the
* requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Uint16Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint16Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint16Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Uint16Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint16Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint16Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint16Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint16Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint16Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint16Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint16Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Uint16Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Uint16Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint16Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Uint16Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Uint16Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Uint16ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Uint16Array;
new (length: number): Uint16Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Uint16Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint16Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Uint16Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint16Array;
declare const Uint16Array: Uint16ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 32-bit signed integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the
* requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Int32Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int32Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Int32Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int32Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int32Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Int32Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Int32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Int32Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Int32Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Int32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Int32Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Int32Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Int32ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Int32Array;
new (length: number): Int32Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Int32Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Int32Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Int32Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Int32Array;
declare const Int32Array: Int32ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 32-bit unsigned integer values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the
* requested number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Uint32Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint32Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Uint32Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint32Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint32Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint32Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Uint32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Uint32Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Uint32Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Uint32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Uint32Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Uint32Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Uint32ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Uint32Array;
new (length: number): Uint32Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Uint32Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Uint32Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Uint32Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Uint32Array;
declare const Uint32Array: Uint32ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 32-bit float values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the requested number
* of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Float32Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float32Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Float32Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float32Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float32Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Float32Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float32Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float32Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Float32Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Float32Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float32Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Float32Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Float32Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Float32ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Float32Array;
new (length: number): Float32Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Float32Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Float32Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Float32Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Float32Array;
declare const Float32Array: Float32ArrayConstructor;
* A typed array of 64-bit float values. The contents are initialized to 0. If the requested
* number of bytes could not be allocated an exception is raised.
interface Float64Array {
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* The ArrayBuffer instance referenced by the array.
readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer;
* The length in bytes of the array.
readonly byteLength: number;
* The offset in bytes of the array.
readonly byteOffset: number;
* Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
* to the same array starting at position target
* @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
* length of the array.
* @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
* is treated as length+end.
* @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): this;
* Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The every method calls
* the callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns false,
* or until the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
every(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float64Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
* @param value value to fill array section with
* @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
* length+start where length is the length of the array.
* @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
* length+end.
fill(value: number, start?: number, end?: number): this;
* Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The filter method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
filter(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float64Array) => any, thisArg?: any): Float64Array;
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: number, index: number, obj: Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
* Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
forEach(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float64Array) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
indexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string.
* @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from the next in the
* resulting String. If omitted, the array elements are separated with a comma.
join(separator?: string): string;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
* @param searchElement The value to locate in the array.
* @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the
* search starts at index 0.
lastIndexOf(searchElement: number, fromIndex?: number): number;
* The length of the array.
readonly length: number;
* Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
* contains the results.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The map method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
map(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float64Array) => number, thisArg?: any): Float64Array;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float64Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of
* the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
* call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduce method calls the
* callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float64Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an
* argument instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: number, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float64Array) => number, initialValue?: number): number;
* Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
* The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an
* argument in the next call to the callback function.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to four arguments. The reduceRight method calls
* the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.
* @param initialValue If initialValue is specified, it is used as the initial value to start
* the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument
* instead of an array value.
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: number, currentIndex: number, array: Float64Array) => U, initialValue: U): U;
* Reverses the elements in an Array.
reverse(): Float64Array;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param index The index of the location to set.
* @param value The value to set.
set(index: number, value: number): void;
* Sets a value or an array of values.
* @param array A typed or untyped array of values to set.
* @param offset The index in the current array at which the values are to be written.
set(array: ArrayLike, offset?: number): void;
* Returns a section of an array.
* @param start The beginning of the specified portion of the array.
* @param end The end of the specified portion of the array.
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Float64Array;
* Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. The some method calls the
* callbackfn function for each element in array1 until the callbackfn returns true, or until
* the end of the array.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function.
* If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
some(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: Float64Array) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* Sorts an array.
* @param compareFn The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If
* omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order.
sort(compareFn?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this;
* Gets a new Float64Array view of the ArrayBuffer store for this array, referencing the elements
* at begin, inclusive, up to end, exclusive.
* @param begin The index of the beginning of the array.
* @param end The index of the end of the array.
subarray(begin: number, end?: number): Float64Array;
* Converts a number to a string by using the current locale.
toLocaleString(): string;
* Returns a string representation of an array.
toString(): string;
[index: number]: number;
interface Float64ArrayConstructor {
readonly prototype: Float64Array;
new (length: number): Float64Array;
new (array: ArrayLike): Float64Array;
new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): Float64Array;
* The size in bytes of each element in the array.
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
* Returns a new array from a set of elements.
* @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
of(...items: number[]): Float64Array;
* Creates an array from an array-like or iterable object.
* @param arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array.
* @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
* @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): Float64Array;
declare const Float64Array: Float64ArrayConstructor;
/// ECMAScript Internationalization API
declare module Intl {
interface CollatorOptions {
usage?: string;
localeMatcher?: string;
numeric?: boolean;
caseFirst?: string;
sensitivity?: string;
ignorePunctuation?: boolean;
interface ResolvedCollatorOptions {
locale: string;
usage: string;
sensitivity: string;
ignorePunctuation: boolean;
collation: string;
caseFirst: string;
numeric: boolean;
interface Collator {
compare(x: string, y: string): number;
resolvedOptions(): ResolvedCollatorOptions;
var Collator: {
new (locales?: string | string[], options?: CollatorOptions): Collator;
(locales?: string | string[], options?: CollatorOptions): Collator;
supportedLocalesOf(locales: string | string[], options?: CollatorOptions): string[];
interface NumberFormatOptions {
localeMatcher?: string;
style?: string;
currency?: string;
currencyDisplay?: string;
useGrouping?: boolean;
minimumIntegerDigits?: number;
minimumFractionDigits?: number;
maximumFractionDigits?: number;
minimumSignificantDigits?: number;
maximumSignificantDigits?: number;
interface ResolvedNumberFormatOptions {
locale: string;
numberingSystem: string;
style: string;
currency?: string;
currencyDisplay?: string;
minimumIntegerDigits: number;
minimumFractionDigits: number;
maximumFractionDigits: number;
minimumSignificantDigits?: number;
maximumSignificantDigits?: number;
useGrouping: boolean;
interface NumberFormat {
format(value: number): string;
resolvedOptions(): ResolvedNumberFormatOptions;
var NumberFormat: {
new (locales?: string | string[], options?: NumberFormatOptions): NumberFormat;
(locales?: string | string[], options?: NumberFormatOptions): NumberFormat;
supportedLocalesOf(locales: string | string[], options?: NumberFormatOptions): string[];
interface DateTimeFormatOptions {
localeMatcher?: string;
weekday?: string;
era?: string;
year?: string;
month?: string;
day?: string;
hour?: string;
minute?: string;
second?: string;
timeZoneName?: string;
formatMatcher?: string;
hour12?: boolean;
timeZone?: string;
interface ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {
locale: string;
calendar: string;
numberingSystem: string;
timeZone: string;
hour12?: boolean;
weekday?: string;
era?: string;
year?: string;
month?: string;
day?: string;
hour?: string;
minute?: string;
second?: string;
timeZoneName?: string;
interface DateTimeFormat {
format(date?: Date | number): string;
resolvedOptions(): ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions;
var DateTimeFormat: {
new (locales?: string | string[], options?: DateTimeFormatOptions): DateTimeFormat;
(locales?: string | string[], options?: DateTimeFormatOptions): DateTimeFormat;
supportedLocalesOf(locales: string | string[], options?: DateTimeFormatOptions): string[];
interface String {
* Determines whether two strings are equivalent in the current or specified locale.
* @param that String to compare to target string
* @param locales A locale string or array of locale strings that contain one or more language or locale tags. If you include more than one locale string, list them in descending order of priority so that the first entry is the preferred locale. If you omit this parameter, the default locale of the JavaScript runtime is used. This parameter must conform to BCP 47 standards; see the Intl.Collator object for details.
* @param options An object that contains one or more properties that specify comparison options. see the Intl.Collator object for details.
localeCompare(that: string, locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.CollatorOptions): number;
interface Number {
* Converts a number to a string by using the current or specified locale.
* @param locales A locale string or array of locale strings that contain one or more language or locale tags. If you include more than one locale string, list them in descending order of priority so that the first entry is the preferred locale. If you omit this parameter, the default locale of the JavaScript runtime is used.
* @param options An object that contains one or more properties that specify comparison options.
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions): string;
interface Date {
* Converts a date and time to a string by using the current or specified locale.
* @param locales A locale string or array of locale strings that contain one or more language or locale tags. If you include more than one locale string, list them in descending order of priority so that the first entry is the preferred locale. If you omit this parameter, the default locale of the JavaScript runtime is used.
* @param options An object that contains one or more properties that specify comparison options.
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
* Converts a date to a string by using the current or specified locale.
* @param locales A locale string or array of locale strings that contain one or more language or locale tags. If you include more than one locale string, list them in descending order of priority so that the first entry is the preferred locale. If you omit this parameter, the default locale of the JavaScript runtime is used.
* @param options An object that contains one or more properties that specify comparison options.
toLocaleDateString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
* Converts a time to a string by using the current or specified locale.
* @param locales A locale string or array of locale strings that contain one or more language or locale tags. If you include more than one locale string, list them in descending order of priority so that the first entry is the preferred locale. If you omit this parameter, the default locale of the JavaScript runtime is used.
* @param options An object that contains one or more properties that specify comparison options.
toLocaleTimeString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
interface Account {
rpDisplayName?: string;
displayName?: string;
id?: string;
name?: string;
imageURL?: string;
interface Algorithm {
name: string;
interface AnimationEventInit extends EventInit {
animationName?: string;
elapsedTime?: number;
interface AssertionOptions {
timeoutSeconds?: number;
rpId?: USVString;
allowList?: ScopedCredentialDescriptor[];
extensions?: WebAuthnExtensions;
interface CacheQueryOptions {
ignoreSearch?: boolean;
ignoreMethod?: boolean;
ignoreVary?: boolean;
cacheName?: string;
interface ClientData {
challenge?: string;
origin?: string;
rpId?: string;
hashAlg?: string | Algorithm;
tokenBinding?: string;
extensions?: WebAuthnExtensions;
interface CloseEventInit extends EventInit {
wasClean?: boolean;
code?: number;
reason?: string;
interface CompositionEventInit extends UIEventInit {
data?: string;
interface ConfirmSiteSpecificExceptionsInformation extends ExceptionInformation {
arrayOfDomainStrings?: string[];
interface ConstrainBooleanParameters {
exact?: boolean;
ideal?: boolean;
interface ConstrainDOMStringParameters {
exact?: string | string[];
ideal?: string | string[];
interface ConstrainDoubleRange extends DoubleRange {
exact?: number;
ideal?: number;
interface ConstrainLongRange extends LongRange {
exact?: number;
ideal?: number;
interface ConstrainVideoFacingModeParameters {
exact?: string | string[];
ideal?: string | string[];
interface CustomEventInit extends EventInit {
detail?: any;
interface DOMRectInit {
x?: any;
y?: any;
width?: any;
height?: any;
interface DeviceAccelerationDict {
x?: number;
y?: number;
z?: number;
interface DeviceLightEventInit extends EventInit {
value?: number;
interface DeviceMotionEventInit extends EventInit {
acceleration?: DeviceAccelerationDict;
accelerationIncludingGravity?: DeviceAccelerationDict;
rotationRate?: DeviceRotationRateDict;
interval?: number;
interface DeviceOrientationEventInit extends EventInit {
alpha?: number;
beta?: number;
gamma?: number;
absolute?: boolean;
interface DeviceRotationRateDict {
alpha?: number;
beta?: number;
gamma?: number;
interface DoubleRange {
max?: number;
min?: number;
interface ErrorEventInit extends EventInit {
message?: string;
filename?: string;
lineno?: number;
colno?: number;
error?: any;
interface EventInit {
scoped?: boolean;
bubbles?: boolean;
cancelable?: boolean;
interface EventModifierInit extends UIEventInit {
ctrlKey?: boolean;
shiftKey?: boolean;
altKey?: boolean;
metaKey?: boolean;
modifierAltGraph?: boolean;
modifierCapsLock?: boolean;
modifierFn?: boolean;
modifierFnLock?: boolean;
modifierHyper?: boolean;
modifierNumLock?: boolean;
modifierOS?: boolean;
modifierScrollLock?: boolean;
modifierSuper?: boolean;
modifierSymbol?: boolean;
modifierSymbolLock?: boolean;
interface ExceptionInformation {
domain?: string;
interface FocusEventInit extends UIEventInit {
relatedTarget?: EventTarget;
interface FocusNavigationEventInit extends EventInit {
navigationReason?: string;
originLeft?: number;
originTop?: number;
originWidth?: number;
originHeight?: number;
interface FocusNavigationOrigin {
originLeft?: number;
originTop?: number;
originWidth?: number;
originHeight?: number;
interface GamepadEventInit extends EventInit {
gamepad?: Gamepad;
interface GetNotificationOptions {
tag?: string;
interface HashChangeEventInit extends EventInit {
newURL?: string;
oldURL?: string;
interface IDBIndexParameters {
multiEntry?: boolean;
unique?: boolean;
interface IDBObjectStoreParameters {
autoIncrement?: boolean;
keyPath?: IDBKeyPath;
interface IntersectionObserverEntryInit {
time?: number;
rootBounds?: DOMRectInit;
boundingClientRect?: DOMRectInit;
intersectionRect?: DOMRectInit;
target?: Element;
interface IntersectionObserverInit {
root?: Element;
rootMargin?: string;
threshold?: number | number[];
interface KeyAlgorithm {
name?: string;
interface KeyboardEventInit extends EventModifierInit {
code?: string;
key?: string;
location?: number;
repeat?: boolean;
interface LongRange {
max?: number;
min?: number;
interface MSAccountInfo {
rpDisplayName?: string;
userDisplayName?: string;
accountName?: string;
userId?: string;
accountImageUri?: string;
interface MSAudioLocalClientEvent extends MSLocalClientEventBase {
networkSendQualityEventRatio?: number;
networkDelayEventRatio?: number;
cpuInsufficientEventRatio?: number;
deviceHalfDuplexAECEventRatio?: number;
deviceRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio?: number;
deviceCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio?: number;
deviceGlitchesEventRatio?: number;
deviceLowSNREventRatio?: number;
deviceLowSpeechLevelEventRatio?: number;
deviceClippingEventRatio?: number;
deviceEchoEventRatio?: number;
deviceNearEndToEchoRatioEventRatio?: number;
deviceRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio?: number;
deviceRenderMuteEventRatio?: number;
deviceMultipleEndpointsEventCount?: number;
deviceHowlingEventCount?: number;
interface MSAudioRecvPayload extends MSPayloadBase {
samplingRate?: number;
signal?: MSAudioRecvSignal;
packetReorderRatio?: number;
packetReorderDepthAvg?: number;
packetReorderDepthMax?: number;
burstLossLength1?: number;
burstLossLength2?: number;
burstLossLength3?: number;
burstLossLength4?: number;
burstLossLength5?: number;
burstLossLength6?: number;
burstLossLength7?: number;
burstLossLength8OrHigher?: number;
fecRecvDistance1?: number;
fecRecvDistance2?: number;
fecRecvDistance3?: number;
ratioConcealedSamplesAvg?: number;
ratioStretchedSamplesAvg?: number;
ratioCompressedSamplesAvg?: number;
interface MSAudioRecvSignal {
initialSignalLevelRMS?: number;
recvSignalLevelCh1?: number;
recvNoiseLevelCh1?: number;
renderSignalLevel?: number;
renderNoiseLevel?: number;
renderLoopbackSignalLevel?: number;
interface MSAudioSendPayload extends MSPayloadBase {
samplingRate?: number;
signal?: MSAudioSendSignal;
audioFECUsed?: boolean;
sendMutePercent?: number;
interface MSAudioSendSignal {
noiseLevel?: number;
sendSignalLevelCh1?: number;
sendNoiseLevelCh1?: number;
interface MSConnectivity {
iceType?: string;
iceWarningFlags?: MSIceWarningFlags;
relayAddress?: MSRelayAddress;
interface MSCredentialFilter {
accept?: MSCredentialSpec[];
interface MSCredentialParameters {
type?: string;
interface MSCredentialSpec {
type?: string;
id?: string;
interface MSDelay {
roundTrip?: number;
roundTripMax?: number;
interface MSDescription extends RTCStats {
connectivity?: MSConnectivity;
transport?: string;
networkconnectivity?: MSNetworkConnectivityInfo;
localAddr?: MSIPAddressInfo;
remoteAddr?: MSIPAddressInfo;
deviceDevName?: string;
reflexiveLocalIPAddr?: MSIPAddressInfo;
interface MSFIDOCredentialParameters extends MSCredentialParameters {
algorithm?: string | Algorithm;
authenticators?: AAGUID[];
interface MSIPAddressInfo {
ipAddr?: string;
port?: number;
manufacturerMacAddrMask?: string;
interface MSIceWarningFlags {
turnTcpTimedOut?: boolean;
turnUdpAllocateFailed?: boolean;
turnUdpSendFailed?: boolean;
turnTcpAllocateFailed?: boolean;
turnTcpSendFailed?: boolean;
udpLocalConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
udpNatConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
udpRelayConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
tcpNatConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
tcpRelayConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
connCheckMessageIntegrityFailed?: boolean;
allocationMessageIntegrityFailed?: boolean;
connCheckOtherError?: boolean;
turnAuthUnknownUsernameError?: boolean;
noRelayServersConfigured?: boolean;
multipleRelayServersAttempted?: boolean;
portRangeExhausted?: boolean;
alternateServerReceived?: boolean;
pseudoTLSFailure?: boolean;
turnTurnTcpConnectivityFailed?: boolean;
useCandidateChecksFailed?: boolean;
fipsAllocationFailure?: boolean;
interface MSJitter {
interArrival?: number;
interArrivalMax?: number;
interArrivalSD?: number;
interface MSLocalClientEventBase extends RTCStats {
networkReceiveQualityEventRatio?: number;
networkBandwidthLowEventRatio?: number;
interface MSNetwork extends RTCStats {
jitter?: MSJitter;
delay?: MSDelay;
packetLoss?: MSPacketLoss;
utilization?: MSUtilization;
interface MSNetworkConnectivityInfo {
vpn?: boolean;
linkspeed?: number;
networkConnectionDetails?: string;
interface MSNetworkInterfaceType {
interfaceTypeEthernet?: boolean;
interfaceTypeWireless?: boolean;
interfaceTypePPP?: boolean;
interfaceTypeTunnel?: boolean;
interfaceTypeWWAN?: boolean;
interface MSOutboundNetwork extends MSNetwork {
appliedBandwidthLimit?: number;
interface MSPacketLoss {
lossRate?: number;
lossRateMax?: number;
interface MSPayloadBase extends RTCStats {
payloadDescription?: string;
interface MSPortRange {
min?: number;
max?: number;
interface MSRelayAddress {
relayAddress?: string;
port?: number;
interface MSSignatureParameters {
userPrompt?: string;
interface MSTransportDiagnosticsStats extends RTCStats {
baseAddress?: string;
localAddress?: string;
localSite?: string;
networkName?: string;
remoteAddress?: string;
remoteSite?: string;
localMR?: string;
remoteMR?: string;
iceWarningFlags?: MSIceWarningFlags;
portRangeMin?: number;
portRangeMax?: number;
localMRTCPPort?: number;
remoteMRTCPPort?: number;
stunVer?: number;
numConsentReqSent?: number;
numConsentReqReceived?: number;
numConsentRespSent?: number;
numConsentRespReceived?: number;
interfaces?: MSNetworkInterfaceType;
baseInterface?: MSNetworkInterfaceType;
protocol?: string;
localInterface?: MSNetworkInterfaceType;
localAddrType?: string;
remoteAddrType?: string;
iceRole?: string;
rtpRtcpMux?: boolean;
allocationTimeInMs?: number;
msRtcEngineVersion?: string;
interface MSUtilization {
packets?: number;
bandwidthEstimation?: number;
bandwidthEstimationMin?: number;
bandwidthEstimationMax?: number;
bandwidthEstimationStdDev?: number;
bandwidthEstimationAvg?: number;
interface MSVideoPayload extends MSPayloadBase {
resolution?: string;
videoBitRateAvg?: number;
videoBitRateMax?: number;
videoFrameRateAvg?: number;
videoPacketLossRate?: number;
durationSeconds?: number;
interface MSVideoRecvPayload extends MSVideoPayload {
videoFrameLossRate?: number;
recvCodecType?: string;
recvResolutionWidth?: number;
recvResolutionHeight?: number;
videoResolutions?: MSVideoResolutionDistribution;
recvFrameRateAverage?: number;
recvBitRateMaximum?: number;
recvBitRateAverage?: number;
recvVideoStreamsMax?: number;
recvVideoStreamsMin?: number;
recvVideoStreamsMode?: number;
videoPostFECPLR?: number;
lowBitRateCallPercent?: number;
lowFrameRateCallPercent?: number;
reorderBufferTotalPackets?: number;
recvReorderBufferReorderedPackets?: number;
recvReorderBufferPacketsDroppedDueToBufferExhaustion?: number;
recvReorderBufferMaxSuccessfullyOrderedExtent?: number;
recvReorderBufferMaxSuccessfullyOrderedLateTime?: number;
recvReorderBufferPacketsDroppedDueToTimeout?: number;
recvFpsHarmonicAverage?: number;
recvNumResSwitches?: number;
interface MSVideoResolutionDistribution {
cifQuality?: number;
vgaQuality?: number;
h720Quality?: number;
h1080Quality?: number;
h1440Quality?: number;
h2160Quality?: number;
interface MSVideoSendPayload extends MSVideoPayload {
sendFrameRateAverage?: number;
sendBitRateMaximum?: number;
sendBitRateAverage?: number;
sendVideoStreamsMax?: number;
sendResolutionWidth?: number;
sendResolutionHeight?: number;
interface MediaEncryptedEventInit extends EventInit {
initDataType?: string;
initData?: ArrayBuffer;
interface MediaKeyMessageEventInit extends EventInit {
messageType?: string;
message?: ArrayBuffer;
interface MediaKeySystemConfiguration {
initDataTypes?: string[];
audioCapabilities?: MediaKeySystemMediaCapability[];
videoCapabilities?: MediaKeySystemMediaCapability[];
distinctiveIdentifier?: string;
persistentState?: string;
interface MediaKeySystemMediaCapability {
contentType?: string;
robustness?: string;
interface MediaStreamConstraints {
video?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
audio?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
interface MediaStreamErrorEventInit extends EventInit {
error?: MediaStreamError;
interface MediaStreamEventInit extends EventInit {
stream?: MediaStream;
interface MediaStreamTrackEventInit extends EventInit {
track?: MediaStreamTrack;
interface MediaTrackCapabilities {
width?: number | LongRange;
height?: number | LongRange;
aspectRatio?: number | DoubleRange;
frameRate?: number | DoubleRange;
facingMode?: string;
volume?: number | DoubleRange;
sampleRate?: number | LongRange;
sampleSize?: number | LongRange;
echoCancellation?: boolean[];
deviceId?: string;
groupId?: string;
interface MediaTrackConstraintSet {
width?: number | ConstrainLongRange;
height?: number | ConstrainLongRange;
aspectRatio?: number | ConstrainDoubleRange;
frameRate?: number | ConstrainDoubleRange;
facingMode?: string | string[] | ConstrainDOMStringParameters;
volume?: number | ConstrainDoubleRange;
sampleRate?: number | ConstrainLongRange;
sampleSize?: number | ConstrainLongRange;
echoCancelation?: boolean | ConstrainBooleanParameters;
deviceId?: string | string[] | ConstrainDOMStringParameters;
groupId?: string | string[] | ConstrainDOMStringParameters;
interface MediaTrackConstraints extends MediaTrackConstraintSet {
advanced?: MediaTrackConstraintSet[];
interface MediaTrackSettings {
width?: number;
height?: number;
aspectRatio?: number;
frameRate?: number;
facingMode?: string;
volume?: number;
sampleRate?: number;
sampleSize?: number;
echoCancellation?: boolean;
deviceId?: string;
groupId?: string;
interface MediaTrackSupportedConstraints {
width?: boolean;
height?: boolean;
aspectRatio?: boolean;
frameRate?: boolean;
facingMode?: boolean;
volume?: boolean;
sampleRate?: boolean;
sampleSize?: boolean;
echoCancellation?: boolean;
deviceId?: boolean;
groupId?: boolean;
interface MessageEventInit extends EventInit {
lastEventId?: string;
channel?: string;
data?: any;
origin?: string;
source?: Window;
ports?: MessagePort[];
interface MouseEventInit extends EventModifierInit {
screenX?: number;
screenY?: number;
clientX?: number;
clientY?: number;
button?: number;
buttons?: number;
relatedTarget?: EventTarget;
interface MsZoomToOptions {
contentX?: number;
contentY?: number;
viewportX?: string;
viewportY?: string;
scaleFactor?: number;
animate?: string;
interface MutationObserverInit {
childList?: boolean;
attributes?: boolean;
characterData?: boolean;
subtree?: boolean;
attributeOldValue?: boolean;
characterDataOldValue?: boolean;
attributeFilter?: string[];
interface NotificationOptions {
dir?: string;
lang?: string;
body?: string;
tag?: string;
icon?: string;
interface ObjectURLOptions {
oneTimeOnly?: boolean;
interface PaymentCurrencyAmount {
currency?: string;
value?: string;
currencySystem?: string;
interface PaymentDetails {
total?: PaymentItem;
displayItems?: PaymentItem[];
shippingOptions?: PaymentShippingOption[];
modifiers?: PaymentDetailsModifier[];
error?: string;
interface PaymentDetailsModifier {
supportedMethods?: string[];
total?: PaymentItem;
additionalDisplayItems?: PaymentItem[];
data?: any;
interface PaymentItem {
label?: string;
amount?: PaymentCurrencyAmount;
pending?: boolean;
interface PaymentMethodData {
supportedMethods?: string[];
data?: any;
interface PaymentOptions {
requestPayerName?: boolean;
requestPayerEmail?: boolean;
requestPayerPhone?: boolean;
requestShipping?: boolean;
shippingType?: string;
interface PaymentRequestUpdateEventInit extends EventInit {
interface PaymentShippingOption {
id?: string;
label?: string;
amount?: PaymentCurrencyAmount;
selected?: boolean;
interface PeriodicWaveConstraints {
disableNormalization?: boolean;
interface PointerEventInit extends MouseEventInit {
pointerId?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
pressure?: number;
tiltX?: number;
tiltY?: number;
pointerType?: string;
isPrimary?: boolean;
interface PopStateEventInit extends EventInit {
state?: any;
interface PositionOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
maximumAge?: number;
interface ProgressEventInit extends EventInit {
lengthComputable?: boolean;
loaded?: number;
total?: number;
interface PushSubscriptionOptionsInit {
userVisibleOnly?: boolean;
applicationServerKey?: any;
interface RTCConfiguration {
iceServers?: RTCIceServer[];
iceTransportPolicy?: string;
bundlePolicy?: string;
peerIdentity?: string;
interface RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit extends EventInit {
tone?: string;
interface RTCDtlsFingerprint {
algorithm?: string;
value?: string;
interface RTCDtlsParameters {
role?: string;
fingerprints?: RTCDtlsFingerprint[];
interface RTCIceCandidateAttributes extends RTCStats {
ipAddress?: string;
portNumber?: number;
transport?: string;
candidateType?: string;
priority?: number;
addressSourceUrl?: string;
interface RTCIceCandidateComplete {
interface RTCIceCandidateDictionary {
foundation?: string;
priority?: number;
ip?: string;
protocol?: string;
port?: number;
type?: string;
tcpType?: string;
relatedAddress?: string;
relatedPort?: number;
msMTurnSessionId?: string;
interface RTCIceCandidateInit {
candidate?: string;
sdpMid?: string;
sdpMLineIndex?: number;
interface RTCIceCandidatePair {
local?: RTCIceCandidateDictionary;
remote?: RTCIceCandidateDictionary;
interface RTCIceCandidatePairStats extends RTCStats {
transportId?: string;
localCandidateId?: string;
remoteCandidateId?: string;
state?: string;
priority?: number;
nominated?: boolean;
writable?: boolean;
readable?: boolean;
bytesSent?: number;
bytesReceived?: number;
roundTripTime?: number;
availableOutgoingBitrate?: number;
availableIncomingBitrate?: number;
interface RTCIceGatherOptions {
gatherPolicy?: string;
iceservers?: RTCIceServer[];
portRange?: MSPortRange;
interface RTCIceParameters {
usernameFragment?: string;
password?: string;
iceLite?: boolean;
interface RTCIceServer {
urls?: any;
username?: string;
credential?: string;
interface RTCInboundRTPStreamStats extends RTCRTPStreamStats {
packetsReceived?: number;
bytesReceived?: number;
packetsLost?: number;
jitter?: number;
fractionLost?: number;
interface RTCMediaStreamTrackStats extends RTCStats {
trackIdentifier?: string;
remoteSource?: boolean;
ssrcIds?: string[];
frameWidth?: number;
frameHeight?: number;
framesPerSecond?: number;
framesSent?: number;
framesReceived?: number;
framesDecoded?: number;
framesDropped?: number;
framesCorrupted?: number;
audioLevel?: number;
echoReturnLoss?: number;
echoReturnLossEnhancement?: number;
interface RTCOfferOptions {
offerToReceiveVideo?: number;
offerToReceiveAudio?: number;
voiceActivityDetection?: boolean;
iceRestart?: boolean;
interface RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats extends RTCRTPStreamStats {
packetsSent?: number;
bytesSent?: number;
targetBitrate?: number;
roundTripTime?: number;
interface RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit extends EventInit {
candidate?: RTCIceCandidate;
interface RTCRTPStreamStats extends RTCStats {
ssrc?: string;
associateStatsId?: string;
isRemote?: boolean;
mediaTrackId?: string;
transportId?: string;
codecId?: string;
firCount?: number;
pliCount?: number;
nackCount?: number;
sliCount?: number;
interface RTCRtcpFeedback {
type?: string;
parameter?: string;
interface RTCRtcpParameters {
ssrc?: number;
cname?: string;
reducedSize?: boolean;
mux?: boolean;
interface RTCRtpCapabilities {
codecs?: RTCRtpCodecCapability[];
headerExtensions?: RTCRtpHeaderExtension[];
fecMechanisms?: string[];
interface RTCRtpCodecCapability {
name?: string;
kind?: string;
clockRate?: number;
preferredPayloadType?: number;
maxptime?: number;
ptime?: number;
numChannels?: number;
rtcpFeedback?: RTCRtcpFeedback[];
parameters?: any;
options?: any;
maxTemporalLayers?: number;
maxSpatialLayers?: number;
svcMultiStreamSupport?: boolean;
interface RTCRtpCodecParameters {
name?: string;
payloadType?: any;
clockRate?: number;
maxptime?: number;
ptime?: number;
numChannels?: number;
rtcpFeedback?: RTCRtcpFeedback[];
parameters?: any;
interface RTCRtpContributingSource {
timestamp?: number;
csrc?: number;
audioLevel?: number;
interface RTCRtpEncodingParameters {
ssrc?: number;
codecPayloadType?: number;
fec?: RTCRtpFecParameters;
rtx?: RTCRtpRtxParameters;
priority?: number;
maxBitrate?: number;
minQuality?: number;
resolutionScale?: number;
framerateScale?: number;
maxFramerate?: number;
active?: boolean;
encodingId?: string;
dependencyEncodingIds?: string[];
ssrcRange?: RTCSsrcRange;
interface RTCRtpFecParameters {
ssrc?: number;
mechanism?: string;
interface RTCRtpHeaderExtension {
kind?: string;
uri?: string;
preferredId?: number;
preferredEncrypt?: boolean;
interface RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters {
uri?: string;
id?: number;
encrypt?: boolean;
interface RTCRtpParameters {
muxId?: string;
codecs?: RTCRtpCodecParameters[];
headerExtensions?: RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters[];
encodings?: RTCRtpEncodingParameters[];
rtcp?: RTCRtcpParameters;
degradationPreference?: string;
interface RTCRtpRtxParameters {
ssrc?: number;
interface RTCRtpUnhandled {
ssrc?: number;
payloadType?: number;
muxId?: string;
interface RTCSessionDescriptionInit {
type?: string;
sdp?: string;
interface RTCSrtpKeyParam {
keyMethod?: string;
keySalt?: string;
lifetime?: string;
mkiValue?: number;
mkiLength?: number;
interface RTCSrtpSdesParameters {
tag?: number;
cryptoSuite?: string;
keyParams?: RTCSrtpKeyParam[];
sessionParams?: string[];
interface RTCSsrcRange {
min?: number;
max?: number;
interface RTCStats {
timestamp?: number;
type?: string;
id?: string;
msType?: string;
interface RTCStatsReport {
interface RTCTransportStats extends RTCStats {
bytesSent?: number;
bytesReceived?: number;
rtcpTransportStatsId?: string;
activeConnection?: boolean;
selectedCandidatePairId?: string;
localCertificateId?: string;
remoteCertificateId?: string;
interface RegistrationOptions {
scope?: string;
interface RequestInit {
method?: string;
headers?: any;
body?: any;
referrer?: string;
referrerPolicy?: string;
mode?: string;
credentials?: string;
cache?: string;
redirect?: string;
integrity?: string;
keepalive?: boolean;
window?: any;
interface ResponseInit {
status?: number;
statusText?: string;
headers?: any;
interface ScopedCredentialDescriptor {
type?: string;
id?: any;
transports?: string[];
interface ScopedCredentialOptions {
timeoutSeconds?: number;
rpId?: USVString;
excludeList?: ScopedCredentialDescriptor[];
extensions?: WebAuthnExtensions;
interface ScopedCredentialParameters {
type?: string;
algorithm?: string | Algorithm;
interface ServiceWorkerMessageEventInit extends EventInit {
data?: any;
origin?: string;
lastEventId?: string;
source?: ServiceWorker | MessagePort;
ports?: MessagePort[];
interface SpeechSynthesisEventInit extends EventInit {
utterance?: SpeechSynthesisUtterance;
charIndex?: number;
elapsedTime?: number;
name?: string;
interface StoreExceptionsInformation extends ExceptionInformation {
siteName?: string;
explanationString?: string;
detailURI?: string;
interface StoreSiteSpecificExceptionsInformation extends StoreExceptionsInformation {
arrayOfDomainStrings?: string[];
interface TrackEventInit extends EventInit {
track?: VideoTrack | AudioTrack | TextTrack;
interface TransitionEventInit extends EventInit {
propertyName?: string;
elapsedTime?: number;
interface UIEventInit extends EventInit {
view?: Window;
detail?: number;
interface WebAuthnExtensions {
interface WebGLContextAttributes {
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean;
alpha?: boolean;
depth?: boolean;
stencil?: boolean;
antialias?: boolean;
premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean;
interface WebGLContextEventInit extends EventInit {
statusMessage?: string;
interface WheelEventInit extends MouseEventInit {
deltaX?: number;
deltaY?: number;
deltaZ?: number;
deltaMode?: number;
interface EventListener {
(evt: Event): void;
interface WebKitEntriesCallback {
(evt: Event): void;
interface WebKitErrorCallback {
(evt: Event): void;
interface WebKitFileCallback {
(evt: Event): void;
interface ANGLE_instanced_arrays {
drawArraysInstancedANGLE(mode: number, first: number, count: number, primcount: number): void;
drawElementsInstancedANGLE(mode: number, count: number, type: number, offset: number, primcount: number): void;
vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(index: number, divisor: number): void;
declare var ANGLE_instanced_arrays: {
prototype: ANGLE_instanced_arrays;
new(): ANGLE_instanced_arrays;
interface AnalyserNode extends AudioNode {
fftSize: number;
readonly frequencyBinCount: number;
maxDecibels: number;
minDecibels: number;
smoothingTimeConstant: number;
getByteFrequencyData(array: Uint8Array): void;
getByteTimeDomainData(array: Uint8Array): void;
getFloatFrequencyData(array: Float32Array): void;
getFloatTimeDomainData(array: Float32Array): void;
declare var AnalyserNode: {
prototype: AnalyserNode;
new(): AnalyserNode;
interface AnimationEvent extends Event {
readonly animationName: string;
readonly elapsedTime: number;
initAnimationEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, animationNameArg: string, elapsedTimeArg: number): void;
declare var AnimationEvent: {
prototype: AnimationEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: AnimationEventInit): AnimationEvent;
interface ApplicationCacheEventMap {
"cached": Event;
"checking": Event;
"downloading": Event;
"error": Event;
"noupdate": Event;
"obsolete": Event;
"progress": ProgressEvent;
"updateready": Event;
interface ApplicationCache extends EventTarget {
oncached: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
onchecking: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
ondownloading: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
onerror: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
onnoupdate: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
onobsolete: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
onprogress: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: ProgressEvent) => any;
onupdateready: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: Event) => any;
readonly status: number;
abort(): void;
swapCache(): void;
update(): void;
readonly CHECKING: number;
readonly DOWNLOADING: number;
readonly IDLE: number;
readonly OBSOLETE: number;
readonly UNCACHED: number;
readonly UPDATEREADY: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: ApplicationCache, ev: ApplicationCacheEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var ApplicationCache: {
prototype: ApplicationCache;
new(): ApplicationCache;
readonly CHECKING: number;
readonly DOWNLOADING: number;
readonly IDLE: number;
readonly OBSOLETE: number;
readonly UNCACHED: number;
readonly UPDATEREADY: number;
interface Attr extends Node {
readonly name: string;
readonly ownerElement: Element;
readonly prefix: string | null;
readonly specified: boolean;
value: string;
declare var Attr: {
prototype: Attr;
new(): Attr;
interface AudioBuffer {
readonly duration: number;
readonly length: number;
readonly numberOfChannels: number;
readonly sampleRate: number;
copyFromChannel(destination: Float32Array, channelNumber: number, startInChannel?: number): void;
copyToChannel(source: Float32Array, channelNumber: number, startInChannel?: number): void;
getChannelData(channel: number): Float32Array;
declare var AudioBuffer: {
prototype: AudioBuffer;
new(): AudioBuffer;
interface AudioBufferSourceNodeEventMap {
"ended": MediaStreamErrorEvent;
interface AudioBufferSourceNode extends AudioNode {
buffer: AudioBuffer | null;
readonly detune: AudioParam;
loop: boolean;
loopEnd: number;
loopStart: number;
onended: (this: AudioBufferSourceNode, ev: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => any;
readonly playbackRate: AudioParam;
start(when?: number, offset?: number, duration?: number): void;
stop(when?: number): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: AudioBufferSourceNode, ev: AudioBufferSourceNodeEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var AudioBufferSourceNode: {
prototype: AudioBufferSourceNode;
new(): AudioBufferSourceNode;
interface AudioContextEventMap {
"statechange": Event;
interface AudioContextBase extends EventTarget {
readonly currentTime: number;
readonly destination: AudioDestinationNode;
readonly listener: AudioListener;
onstatechange: (this: AudioContext, ev: Event) => any;
readonly sampleRate: number;
readonly state: string;
close(): Promise;
createAnalyser(): AnalyserNode;
createBiquadFilter(): BiquadFilterNode;
createBuffer(numberOfChannels: number, length: number, sampleRate: number): AudioBuffer;
createBufferSource(): AudioBufferSourceNode;
createChannelMerger(numberOfInputs?: number): ChannelMergerNode;
createChannelSplitter(numberOfOutputs?: number): ChannelSplitterNode;
createConvolver(): ConvolverNode;
createDelay(maxDelayTime?: number): DelayNode;
createDynamicsCompressor(): DynamicsCompressorNode;
createGain(): GainNode;
createIIRFilter(feedforward: number[], feedback: number[]): IIRFilterNode;
createMediaElementSource(mediaElement: HTMLMediaElement): MediaElementAudioSourceNode;
createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream: MediaStream): MediaStreamAudioSourceNode;
createOscillator(): OscillatorNode;
createPanner(): PannerNode;
createPeriodicWave(real: Float32Array, imag: Float32Array, constraints?: PeriodicWaveConstraints): PeriodicWave;
createScriptProcessor(bufferSize?: number, numberOfInputChannels?: number, numberOfOutputChannels?: number): ScriptProcessorNode;
createStereoPanner(): StereoPannerNode;
createWaveShaper(): WaveShaperNode;
decodeAudioData(audioData: ArrayBuffer, successCallback?: DecodeSuccessCallback, errorCallback?: DecodeErrorCallback): Promise;
resume(): Promise;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: AudioContext, ev: AudioContextEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
interface AudioContext extends AudioContextBase {
suspend(): Promise;
declare var AudioContext: {
prototype: AudioContext;
new(): AudioContext;
interface AudioDestinationNode extends AudioNode {
readonly maxChannelCount: number;
declare var AudioDestinationNode: {
prototype: AudioDestinationNode;
new(): AudioDestinationNode;
interface AudioListener {
dopplerFactor: number;
speedOfSound: number;
setOrientation(x: number, y: number, z: number, xUp: number, yUp: number, zUp: number): void;
setPosition(x: number, y: number, z: number): void;
setVelocity(x: number, y: number, z: number): void;
declare var AudioListener: {
prototype: AudioListener;
new(): AudioListener;
interface AudioNode extends EventTarget {
channelCount: number;
channelCountMode: string;
channelInterpretation: string;
readonly context: AudioContext;
readonly numberOfInputs: number;
readonly numberOfOutputs: number;
connect(destination: AudioNode, output?: number, input?: number): AudioNode;
disconnect(output?: number): void;
disconnect(destination: AudioNode, output?: number, input?: number): void;
disconnect(destination: AudioParam, output?: number): void;
declare var AudioNode: {
prototype: AudioNode;
new(): AudioNode;
interface AudioParam {
readonly defaultValue: number;
value: number;
cancelScheduledValues(startTime: number): AudioParam;
exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value: number, endTime: number): AudioParam;
linearRampToValueAtTime(value: number, endTime: number): AudioParam;
setTargetAtTime(target: number, startTime: number, timeConstant: number): AudioParam;
setValueAtTime(value: number, startTime: number): AudioParam;
setValueCurveAtTime(values: Float32Array, startTime: number, duration: number): AudioParam;
declare var AudioParam: {
prototype: AudioParam;
new(): AudioParam;
interface AudioProcessingEvent extends Event {
readonly inputBuffer: AudioBuffer;
readonly outputBuffer: AudioBuffer;
readonly playbackTime: number;
declare var AudioProcessingEvent: {
prototype: AudioProcessingEvent;
new(): AudioProcessingEvent;
interface AudioTrack {
enabled: boolean;
readonly id: string;
kind: string;
readonly label: string;
language: string;
readonly sourceBuffer: SourceBuffer;
declare var AudioTrack: {
prototype: AudioTrack;
new(): AudioTrack;
interface AudioTrackListEventMap {
"addtrack": TrackEvent;
"change": Event;
"removetrack": TrackEvent;
interface AudioTrackList extends EventTarget {
readonly length: number;
onaddtrack: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: TrackEvent) => any;
onchange: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: Event) => any;
onremovetrack: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: TrackEvent) => any;
getTrackById(id: string): AudioTrack | null;
item(index: number): AudioTrack;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: AudioTrackList, ev: AudioTrackListEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
[index: number]: AudioTrack;
declare var AudioTrackList: {
prototype: AudioTrackList;
new(): AudioTrackList;
interface BarProp {
readonly visible: boolean;
declare var BarProp: {
prototype: BarProp;
new(): BarProp;
interface BeforeUnloadEvent extends Event {
returnValue: any;
declare var BeforeUnloadEvent: {
prototype: BeforeUnloadEvent;
new(): BeforeUnloadEvent;
interface BiquadFilterNode extends AudioNode {
readonly Q: AudioParam;
readonly detune: AudioParam;
readonly frequency: AudioParam;
readonly gain: AudioParam;
type: string;
getFrequencyResponse(frequencyHz: Float32Array, magResponse: Float32Array, phaseResponse: Float32Array): void;
declare var BiquadFilterNode: {
prototype: BiquadFilterNode;
new(): BiquadFilterNode;
interface Blob {
readonly size: number;
readonly type: string;
msClose(): void;
msDetachStream(): any;
slice(start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string): Blob;
declare var Blob: {
prototype: Blob;
new (blobParts?: any[], options?: BlobPropertyBag): Blob;
interface CDATASection extends Text {
declare var CDATASection: {
prototype: CDATASection;
new(): CDATASection;
interface CSS {
supports(property: string, value?: string): boolean;
declare var CSS: CSS;
interface CSSConditionRule extends CSSGroupingRule {
conditionText: string;
declare var CSSConditionRule: {
prototype: CSSConditionRule;
new(): CSSConditionRule;
interface CSSFontFaceRule extends CSSRule {
readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
declare var CSSFontFaceRule: {
prototype: CSSFontFaceRule;
new(): CSSFontFaceRule;
interface CSSGroupingRule extends CSSRule {
readonly cssRules: CSSRuleList;
deleteRule(index: number): void;
insertRule(rule: string, index: number): number;
declare var CSSGroupingRule: {
prototype: CSSGroupingRule;
new(): CSSGroupingRule;
interface CSSImportRule extends CSSRule {
readonly href: string;
readonly media: MediaList;
readonly styleSheet: CSSStyleSheet;
declare var CSSImportRule: {
prototype: CSSImportRule;
new(): CSSImportRule;
interface CSSKeyframeRule extends CSSRule {
keyText: string;
readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
declare var CSSKeyframeRule: {
prototype: CSSKeyframeRule;
new(): CSSKeyframeRule;
interface CSSKeyframesRule extends CSSRule {
readonly cssRules: CSSRuleList;
name: string;
appendRule(rule: string): void;
deleteRule(rule: string): void;
findRule(rule: string): CSSKeyframeRule;
declare var CSSKeyframesRule: {
prototype: CSSKeyframesRule;
new(): CSSKeyframesRule;
interface CSSMediaRule extends CSSConditionRule {
readonly media: MediaList;
declare var CSSMediaRule: {
prototype: CSSMediaRule;
new(): CSSMediaRule;
interface CSSNamespaceRule extends CSSRule {
readonly namespaceURI: string;
readonly prefix: string;
declare var CSSNamespaceRule: {
prototype: CSSNamespaceRule;
new(): CSSNamespaceRule;
interface CSSPageRule extends CSSRule {
readonly pseudoClass: string;
readonly selector: string;
selectorText: string;
readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
declare var CSSPageRule: {
prototype: CSSPageRule;
new(): CSSPageRule;
interface CSSRule {
cssText: string;
readonly parentRule: CSSRule;
readonly parentStyleSheet: CSSStyleSheet;
readonly type: number;
readonly CHARSET_RULE: number;
readonly FONT_FACE_RULE: number;
readonly IMPORT_RULE: number;
readonly KEYFRAMES_RULE: number;
readonly KEYFRAME_RULE: number;
readonly MEDIA_RULE: number;
readonly NAMESPACE_RULE: number;
readonly PAGE_RULE: number;
readonly STYLE_RULE: number;
readonly SUPPORTS_RULE: number;
readonly UNKNOWN_RULE: number;
readonly VIEWPORT_RULE: number;
declare var CSSRule: {
prototype: CSSRule;
new(): CSSRule;
readonly CHARSET_RULE: number;
readonly FONT_FACE_RULE: number;
readonly IMPORT_RULE: number;
readonly KEYFRAMES_RULE: number;
readonly KEYFRAME_RULE: number;
readonly MEDIA_RULE: number;
readonly NAMESPACE_RULE: number;
readonly PAGE_RULE: number;
readonly STYLE_RULE: number;
readonly SUPPORTS_RULE: number;
readonly UNKNOWN_RULE: number;
readonly VIEWPORT_RULE: number;
interface CSSRuleList {
readonly length: number;
item(index: number): CSSRule;
[index: number]: CSSRule;
declare var CSSRuleList: {
prototype: CSSRuleList;
new(): CSSRuleList;
interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
alignContent: string | null;
alignItems: string | null;
alignSelf: string | null;
alignmentBaseline: string | null;
animation: string | null;
animationDelay: string | null;
animationDirection: string | null;
animationDuration: string | null;
animationFillMode: string | null;
animationIterationCount: string | null;
animationName: string | null;
animationPlayState: string | null;
animationTimingFunction: string | null;
backfaceVisibility: string | null;
background: string | null;
backgroundAttachment: string | null;
backgroundClip: string | null;
backgroundColor: string | null;
backgroundImage: string | null;
backgroundOrigin: string | null;
backgroundPosition: string | null;
backgroundPositionX: string | null;
backgroundPositionY: string | null;
backgroundRepeat: string | null;
backgroundSize: string | null;
baselineShift: string | null;
border: string | null;
borderBottom: string | null;
borderBottomColor: string | null;
borderBottomLeftRadius: string | null;
borderBottomRightRadius: string | null;
borderBottomStyle: string | null;
borderBottomWidth: string | null;
borderCollapse: string | null;
borderColor: string | null;
borderImage: string | null;
borderImageOutset: string | null;
borderImageRepeat: string | null;
borderImageSlice: string | null;
borderImageSource: string | null;
borderImageWidth: string | null;
borderLeft: string | null;
borderLeftColor: string | null;
borderLeftStyle: string | null;
borderLeftWidth: string | null;
borderRadius: string | null;
borderRight: string | null;
borderRightColor: string | null;
borderRightStyle: string | null;
borderRightWidth: string | null;
borderSpacing: string | null;
borderStyle: string | null;
borderTop: string | null;
borderTopColor: string | null;
borderTopLeftRadius: string | null;
borderTopRightRadius: string | null;
borderTopStyle: string | null;
borderTopWidth: string | null;
borderWidth: string | null;
bottom: string | null;
boxShadow: string | null;
boxSizing: string | null;
breakAfter: string | null;
breakBefore: string | null;
breakInside: string | null;
captionSide: string | null;
clear: string | null;
clip: string | null;
clipPath: string | null;
clipRule: string | null;
color: string | null;
colorInterpolationFilters: string | null;
columnCount: any;
columnFill: string | null;
columnGap: any;
columnRule: string | null;
columnRuleColor: any;
columnRuleStyle: string | null;
columnRuleWidth: any;
columnSpan: string | null;
columnWidth: any;
columns: string | null;
content: string | null;
counterIncrement: string | null;
counterReset: string | null;
cssFloat: string | null;
cssText: string;
cursor: string | null;
direction: string | null;
display: string | null;
dominantBaseline: string | null;
emptyCells: string | null;
enableBackground: string | null;
fill: string | null;
fillOpacity: string | null;
fillRule: string | null;
filter: string | null;
flex: string | null;
flexBasis: string | null;
flexDirection: string | null;
flexFlow: string | null;
flexGrow: string | null;
flexShrink: string | null;
flexWrap: string | null;
floodColor: string | null;
floodOpacity: string | null;
font: string | null;
fontFamily: string | null;
fontFeatureSettings: string | null;
fontSize: string | null;
fontSizeAdjust: string | null;
fontStretch: string | null;
fontStyle: string | null;
fontVariant: string | null;
fontWeight: string | null;
glyphOrientationHorizontal: string | null;
glyphOrientationVertical: string | null;
height: string | null;
imeMode: string | null;
justifyContent: string | null;
kerning: string | null;
layoutGrid: string | null;
layoutGridChar: string | null;
layoutGridLine: string | null;
layoutGridMode: string | null;
layoutGridType: string | null;
left: string | null;
readonly length: number;
letterSpacing: string | null;
lightingColor: string | null;
lineBreak: string | null;
lineHeight: string | null;
listStyle: string | null;
listStyleImage: string | null;
listStylePosition: string | null;
listStyleType: string | null;
margin: string | null;
marginBottom: string | null;
marginLeft: string | null;
marginRight: string | null;
marginTop: string | null;
marker: string | null;
markerEnd: string | null;
markerMid: string | null;
markerStart: string | null;
mask: string | null;
maxHeight: string | null;
maxWidth: string | null;
minHeight: string | null;
minWidth: string | null;
msContentZoomChaining: string | null;
msContentZoomLimit: string | null;
msContentZoomLimitMax: any;
msContentZoomLimitMin: any;
msContentZoomSnap: string | null;
msContentZoomSnapPoints: string | null;
msContentZoomSnapType: string | null;
msContentZooming: string | null;
msFlowFrom: string | null;
msFlowInto: string | null;
msFontFeatureSettings: string | null;
msGridColumn: any;
msGridColumnAlign: string | null;
msGridColumnSpan: any;
msGridColumns: string | null;
msGridRow: any;
msGridRowAlign: string | null;
msGridRowSpan: any;
msGridRows: string | null;
msHighContrastAdjust: string | null;
msHyphenateLimitChars: string | null;
msHyphenateLimitLines: any;
msHyphenateLimitZone: any;
msHyphens: string | null;
msImeAlign: string | null;
msOverflowStyle: string | null;
msScrollChaining: string | null;
msScrollLimit: string | null;
msScrollLimitXMax: any;
msScrollLimitXMin: any;
msScrollLimitYMax: any;
msScrollLimitYMin: any;
msScrollRails: string | null;
msScrollSnapPointsX: string | null;
msScrollSnapPointsY: string | null;
msScrollSnapType: string | null;
msScrollSnapX: string | null;
msScrollSnapY: string | null;
msScrollTranslation: string | null;
msTextCombineHorizontal: string | null;
msTextSizeAdjust: any;
msTouchAction: string | null;
msTouchSelect: string | null;
msUserSelect: string | null;
msWrapFlow: string;
msWrapMargin: any;
msWrapThrough: string;
opacity: string | null;
order: string | null;
orphans: string | null;
outline: string | null;
outlineColor: string | null;
outlineOffset: string | null;
outlineStyle: string | null;
outlineWidth: string | null;
overflow: string | null;
overflowX: string | null;
overflowY: string | null;
padding: string | null;
paddingBottom: string | null;
paddingLeft: string | null;
paddingRight: string | null;
paddingTop: string | null;
pageBreakAfter: string | null;
pageBreakBefore: string | null;
pageBreakInside: string | null;
readonly parentRule: CSSRule;
perspective: string | null;
perspectiveOrigin: string | null;
pointerEvents: string | null;
position: string | null;
quotes: string | null;
right: string | null;
rotate: string | null;
rubyAlign: string | null;
rubyOverhang: string | null;
rubyPosition: string | null;
scale: string | null;
stopColor: string | null;
stopOpacity: string | null;
stroke: string | null;
strokeDasharray: string | null;
strokeDashoffset: string | null;
strokeLinecap: string | null;
strokeLinejoin: string | null;
strokeMiterlimit: string | null;
strokeOpacity: string | null;
strokeWidth: string | null;
tableLayout: string | null;
textAlign: string | null;
textAlignLast: string | null;
textAnchor: string | null;
textDecoration: string | null;
textIndent: string | null;
textJustify: string | null;
textKashida: string | null;
textKashidaSpace: string | null;
textOverflow: string | null;
textShadow: string | null;
textTransform: string | null;
textUnderlinePosition: string | null;
top: string | null;
touchAction: string | null;
transform: string | null;
transformOrigin: string | null;
transformStyle: string | null;
transition: string | null;
transitionDelay: string | null;
transitionDuration: string | null;
transitionProperty: string | null;
transitionTimingFunction: string | null;
translate: string | null;
unicodeBidi: string | null;
verticalAlign: string | null;
visibility: string | null;
webkitAlignContent: string | null;
webkitAlignItems: string | null;
webkitAlignSelf: string | null;
webkitAnimation: string | null;
webkitAnimationDelay: string | null;
webkitAnimationDirection: string | null;
webkitAnimationDuration: string | null;
webkitAnimationFillMode: string | null;
webkitAnimationIterationCount: string | null;
webkitAnimationName: string | null;
webkitAnimationPlayState: string | null;
webkitAnimationTimingFunction: string | null;
webkitAppearance: string | null;
webkitBackfaceVisibility: string | null;
webkitBackgroundClip: string | null;
webkitBackgroundOrigin: string | null;
webkitBackgroundSize: string | null;
webkitBorderBottomLeftRadius: string | null;
webkitBorderBottomRightRadius: string | null;
webkitBorderImage: string | null;
webkitBorderRadius: string | null;
webkitBorderTopLeftRadius: string | null;
webkitBorderTopRightRadius: string | null;
webkitBoxAlign: string | null;
webkitBoxDirection: string | null;
webkitBoxFlex: string | null;
webkitBoxOrdinalGroup: string | null;
webkitBoxOrient: string | null;
webkitBoxPack: string | null;
webkitBoxSizing: string | null;
webkitColumnBreakAfter: string | null;
webkitColumnBreakBefore: string | null;
webkitColumnBreakInside: string | null;
webkitColumnCount: any;
webkitColumnGap: any;
webkitColumnRule: string | null;
webkitColumnRuleColor: any;
webkitColumnRuleStyle: string | null;
webkitColumnRuleWidth: any;
webkitColumnSpan: string | null;
webkitColumnWidth: any;
webkitColumns: string | null;
webkitFilter: string | null;
webkitFlex: string | null;
webkitFlexBasis: string | null;
webkitFlexDirection: string | null;
webkitFlexFlow: string | null;
webkitFlexGrow: string | null;
webkitFlexShrink: string | null;
webkitFlexWrap: string | null;
webkitJustifyContent: string | null;
webkitOrder: string | null;
webkitPerspective: string | null;
webkitPerspectiveOrigin: string | null;
webkitTapHighlightColor: string | null;
webkitTextFillColor: string | null;
webkitTextSizeAdjust: any;
webkitTextStroke: string | null;
webkitTextStrokeColor: string | null;
webkitTextStrokeWidth: string | null;
webkitTransform: string | null;
webkitTransformOrigin: string | null;
webkitTransformStyle: string | null;
webkitTransition: string | null;
webkitTransitionDelay: string | null;
webkitTransitionDuration: string | null;
webkitTransitionProperty: string | null;
webkitTransitionTimingFunction: string | null;
webkitUserModify: string | null;
webkitUserSelect: string | null;
webkitWritingMode: string | null;
whiteSpace: string | null;
widows: string | null;
width: string | null;
wordBreak: string | null;
wordSpacing: string | null;
wordWrap: string | null;
writingMode: string | null;
zIndex: string | null;
zoom: string | null;
resize: string | null;
userSelect: string | null;
getPropertyPriority(propertyName: string): string;
getPropertyValue(propertyName: string): string;
item(index: number): string;
removeProperty(propertyName: string): string;
setProperty(propertyName: string, value: string | null, priority?: string): void;
[index: number]: string;
declare var CSSStyleDeclaration: {
prototype: CSSStyleDeclaration;
new(): CSSStyleDeclaration;
interface CSSStyleRule extends CSSRule {
readonly readOnly: boolean;
selectorText: string;
readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
declare var CSSStyleRule: {
prototype: CSSStyleRule;
new(): CSSStyleRule;
interface CSSStyleSheet extends StyleSheet {
readonly cssRules: CSSRuleList;
cssText: string;
readonly id: string;
readonly imports: StyleSheetList;
readonly isAlternate: boolean;
readonly isPrefAlternate: boolean;
readonly ownerRule: CSSRule;
readonly owningElement: Element;
readonly pages: StyleSheetPageList;
readonly readOnly: boolean;
readonly rules: CSSRuleList;
addImport(bstrURL: string, lIndex?: number): number;
addPageRule(bstrSelector: string, bstrStyle: string, lIndex?: number): number;
addRule(bstrSelector: string, bstrStyle?: string, lIndex?: number): number;
deleteRule(index?: number): void;
insertRule(rule: string, index?: number): number;
removeImport(lIndex: number): void;
removeRule(lIndex: number): void;
declare var CSSStyleSheet: {
prototype: CSSStyleSheet;
new(): CSSStyleSheet;
interface CSSSupportsRule extends CSSConditionRule {
declare var CSSSupportsRule: {
prototype: CSSSupportsRule;
new(): CSSSupportsRule;
interface Cache {
add(request: RequestInfo): Promise;
addAll(requests: RequestInfo[]): Promise;
delete(request: RequestInfo, options?: CacheQueryOptions): Promise;
keys(request?: RequestInfo, options?: CacheQueryOptions): any;
match(request: RequestInfo, options?: CacheQueryOptions): Promise;
matchAll(request?: RequestInfo, options?: CacheQueryOptions): any;
put(request: RequestInfo, response: Response): Promise;
declare var Cache: {
prototype: Cache;
new(): Cache;
interface CacheStorage {
delete(cacheName: string): Promise;
has(cacheName: string): Promise;
keys(): any;
match(request: RequestInfo, options?: CacheQueryOptions): Promise;
open(cacheName: string): Promise;
declare var CacheStorage: {
prototype: CacheStorage;
new(): CacheStorage;
interface CanvasGradient {
addColorStop(offset: number, color: string): void;
declare var CanvasGradient: {
prototype: CanvasGradient;
new(): CanvasGradient;
interface CanvasPattern {
setTransform(matrix: SVGMatrix): void;
declare var CanvasPattern: {
prototype: CanvasPattern;
new(): CanvasPattern;
interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends Object, CanvasPathMethods {
readonly canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
fillStyle: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
font: string;
globalAlpha: number;
globalCompositeOperation: string;
imageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
lineCap: string;
lineDashOffset: number;
lineJoin: string;
lineWidth: number;
miterLimit: number;
msFillRule: string;
shadowBlur: number;
shadowColor: string;
shadowOffsetX: number;
shadowOffsetY: number;
strokeStyle: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern;
textAlign: string;
textBaseline: string;
mozImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
webkitImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
oImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
beginPath(): void;
clearRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void;
clip(fillRule?: string): void;
createImageData(imageDataOrSw: number | ImageData, sh?: number): ImageData;
createLinearGradient(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): CanvasGradient;
createPattern(image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement, repetition: string): CanvasPattern;
createRadialGradient(x0: number, y0: number, r0: number, x1: number, y1: number, r1: number): CanvasGradient;
drawFocusIfNeeded(element: Element): void;
drawImage(image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement, offsetX: number, offsetY: number, width?: number, height?: number, canvasOffsetX?: number, canvasOffsetY?: number, canvasImageWidth?: number, canvasImageHeight?: number): void;
fill(fillRule?: string): void;
fillRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void;
fillText(text: string, x: number, y: number, maxWidth?: number): void;
getImageData(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number): ImageData;
getLineDash(): number[];
isPointInPath(x: number, y: number, fillRule?: string): boolean;
measureText(text: string): TextMetrics;
putImageData(imagedata: ImageData, dx: number, dy: number, dirtyX?: number, dirtyY?: number, dirtyWidth?: number, dirtyHeight?: number): void;
restore(): void;
rotate(angle: number): void;
save(): void;
scale(x: number, y: number): void;
setLineDash(segments: number[]): void;
setTransform(m11: number, m12: number, m21: number, m22: number, dx: number, dy: number): void;
stroke(path?: Path2D): void;
strokeRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void;
strokeText(text: string, x: number, y: number, maxWidth?: number): void;
transform(m11: number, m12: number, m21: number, m22: number, dx: number, dy: number): void;
translate(x: number, y: number): void;
declare var CanvasRenderingContext2D: {
prototype: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
new(): CanvasRenderingContext2D;
interface ChannelMergerNode extends AudioNode {
declare var ChannelMergerNode: {
prototype: ChannelMergerNode;
new(): ChannelMergerNode;
interface ChannelSplitterNode extends AudioNode {
declare var ChannelSplitterNode: {
prototype: ChannelSplitterNode;
new(): ChannelSplitterNode;
interface CharacterData extends Node, ChildNode {
data: string;
readonly length: number;
appendData(arg: string): void;
deleteData(offset: number, count: number): void;
insertData(offset: number, arg: string): void;
replaceData(offset: number, count: number, arg: string): void;
substringData(offset: number, count: number): string;
declare var CharacterData: {
prototype: CharacterData;
new(): CharacterData;
interface ClientRect {
bottom: number;
readonly height: number;
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
readonly width: number;
declare var ClientRect: {
prototype: ClientRect;
new(): ClientRect;
interface ClientRectList {
readonly length: number;
item(index: number): ClientRect;
[index: number]: ClientRect;
declare var ClientRectList: {
prototype: ClientRectList;
new(): ClientRectList;
interface ClipboardEvent extends Event {
readonly clipboardData: DataTransfer;
declare var ClipboardEvent: {
prototype: ClipboardEvent;
new(type: string, eventInitDict?: ClipboardEventInit): ClipboardEvent;
interface CloseEvent extends Event {
readonly code: number;
readonly reason: string;
readonly wasClean: boolean;
initCloseEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, wasCleanArg: boolean, codeArg: number, reasonArg: string): void;
declare var CloseEvent: {
prototype: CloseEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: CloseEventInit): CloseEvent;
interface Comment extends CharacterData {
text: string;
declare var Comment: {
prototype: Comment;
new(): Comment;
interface CompositionEvent extends UIEvent {
readonly data: string;
readonly locale: string;
initCompositionEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, viewArg: Window, dataArg: string, locale: string): void;
declare var CompositionEvent: {
prototype: CompositionEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: CompositionEventInit): CompositionEvent;
interface Console {
assert(test?: boolean, message?: string, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
clear(): void;
count(countTitle?: string): void;
debug(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
dir(value?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
dirxml(value: any): void;
error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
exception(message?: string, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
group(groupTitle?: string): void;
groupCollapsed(groupTitle?: string): void;
groupEnd(): void;
info(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
msIsIndependentlyComposed(element: Element): boolean;
profile(reportName?: string): void;
profileEnd(): void;
select(element: Element): void;
table(...data: any[]): void;
time(timerName?: string): void;
timeEnd(timerName?: string): void;
trace(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
declare var Console: {
prototype: Console;
new(): Console;
interface ConvolverNode extends AudioNode {
buffer: AudioBuffer | null;
normalize: boolean;
declare var ConvolverNode: {
prototype: ConvolverNode;
new(): ConvolverNode;
interface Coordinates {
readonly accuracy: number;
readonly altitude: number | null;
readonly altitudeAccuracy: number | null;
readonly heading: number | null;
readonly latitude: number;
readonly longitude: number;
readonly speed: number | null;
declare var Coordinates: {
prototype: Coordinates;
new(): Coordinates;
interface Crypto extends Object, RandomSource {
readonly subtle: SubtleCrypto;
declare var Crypto: {
prototype: Crypto;
new(): Crypto;
interface CryptoKey {
readonly algorithm: KeyAlgorithm;
readonly extractable: boolean;
readonly type: string;
readonly usages: string[];
declare var CryptoKey: {
prototype: CryptoKey;
new(): CryptoKey;
interface CryptoKeyPair {
privateKey: CryptoKey;
publicKey: CryptoKey;
declare var CryptoKeyPair: {
prototype: CryptoKeyPair;
new(): CryptoKeyPair;
interface CustomEvent extends Event {
readonly detail: any;
initCustomEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, detailArg: any): void;
declare var CustomEvent: {
prototype: CustomEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: CustomEventInit): CustomEvent;
interface DOMError {
readonly name: string;
toString(): string;
declare var DOMError: {
prototype: DOMError;
new(): DOMError;
interface DOMException {
readonly code: number;
readonly message: string;
readonly name: string;
toString(): string;
readonly ABORT_ERR: number;
readonly DATA_CLONE_ERR: number;
readonly DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: number;
readonly HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: number;
readonly INDEX_SIZE_ERR: number;
readonly INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_STATE_ERR: number;
readonly NAMESPACE_ERR: number;
readonly NETWORK_ERR: number;
readonly NOT_FOUND_ERR: number;
readonly NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: number;
readonly NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: number;
readonly PARSE_ERR: number;
readonly QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: number;
readonly SECURITY_ERR: number;
readonly SERIALIZE_ERR: number;
readonly SYNTAX_ERR: number;
readonly TIMEOUT_ERR: number;
readonly TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: number;
readonly URL_MISMATCH_ERR: number;
readonly VALIDATION_ERR: number;
readonly WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: number;
declare var DOMException: {
prototype: DOMException;
new(): DOMException;
readonly ABORT_ERR: number;
readonly DATA_CLONE_ERR: number;
readonly DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: number;
readonly HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: number;
readonly INDEX_SIZE_ERR: number;
readonly INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: number;
readonly INVALID_STATE_ERR: number;
readonly NAMESPACE_ERR: number;
readonly NETWORK_ERR: number;
readonly NOT_FOUND_ERR: number;
readonly NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: number;
readonly NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: number;
readonly PARSE_ERR: number;
readonly QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: number;
readonly SECURITY_ERR: number;
readonly SERIALIZE_ERR: number;
readonly SYNTAX_ERR: number;
readonly TIMEOUT_ERR: number;
readonly TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: number;
readonly URL_MISMATCH_ERR: number;
readonly VALIDATION_ERR: number;
readonly WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: number;
interface DOMImplementation {
createDocument(namespaceURI: string | null, qualifiedName: string | null, doctype: DocumentType): Document;
createDocumentType(qualifiedName: string, publicId: string, systemId: string): DocumentType;
createHTMLDocument(title: string): Document;
hasFeature(): boolean;
declare var DOMImplementation: {
prototype: DOMImplementation;
new(): DOMImplementation;
interface DOMParser {
parseFromString(source: string, mimeType: string): Document;
declare var DOMParser: {
prototype: DOMParser;
new(): DOMParser;
interface DOMSettableTokenList extends DOMTokenList {
value: string;
declare var DOMSettableTokenList: {
prototype: DOMSettableTokenList;
new(): DOMSettableTokenList;
interface DOMStringList {
readonly length: number;
contains(str: string): boolean;
item(index: number): string | null;
[index: number]: string;
declare var DOMStringList: {
prototype: DOMStringList;
new(): DOMStringList;
interface DOMStringMap {
[name: string]: string | undefined;
declare var DOMStringMap: {
prototype: DOMStringMap;
new(): DOMStringMap;
interface DOMTokenList {
readonly length: number;
add(...token: string[]): void;
contains(token: string): boolean;
item(index: number): string;
remove(...token: string[]): void;
toString(): string;
toggle(token: string, force?: boolean): boolean;
[index: number]: string;
declare var DOMTokenList: {
prototype: DOMTokenList;
new(): DOMTokenList;
interface DataCue extends TextTrackCue {
data: ArrayBuffer;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: DataCue, ev: TextTrackCueEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var DataCue: {
prototype: DataCue;
new(): DataCue;
interface DataTransfer {
dropEffect: string;
effectAllowed: string;
readonly files: FileList;
readonly items: DataTransferItemList;
readonly types: string[];
clearData(format?: string): boolean;
getData(format: string): string;
setData(format: string, data: string): boolean;
declare var DataTransfer: {
prototype: DataTransfer;
new(): DataTransfer;
interface DataTransferItem {
readonly kind: string;
readonly type: string;
getAsFile(): File | null;
getAsString(_callback: FunctionStringCallback | null): void;
webkitGetAsEntry(): any;
declare var DataTransferItem: {
prototype: DataTransferItem;
new(): DataTransferItem;
interface DataTransferItemList {
readonly length: number;
add(data: File): DataTransferItem | null;
clear(): void;
item(index: number): DataTransferItem;
remove(index: number): void;
[index: number]: DataTransferItem;
declare var DataTransferItemList: {
prototype: DataTransferItemList;
new(): DataTransferItemList;
interface DeferredPermissionRequest {
readonly id: number;
readonly type: string;
readonly uri: string;
allow(): void;
deny(): void;
declare var DeferredPermissionRequest: {
prototype: DeferredPermissionRequest;
new(): DeferredPermissionRequest;
interface DelayNode extends AudioNode {
readonly delayTime: AudioParam;
declare var DelayNode: {
prototype: DelayNode;
new(): DelayNode;
interface DeviceAcceleration {
readonly x: number | null;
readonly y: number | null;
readonly z: number | null;
declare var DeviceAcceleration: {
prototype: DeviceAcceleration;
new(): DeviceAcceleration;
interface DeviceLightEvent extends Event {
readonly value: number;
declare var DeviceLightEvent: {
prototype: DeviceLightEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: DeviceLightEventInit): DeviceLightEvent;
interface DeviceMotionEvent extends Event {
readonly acceleration: DeviceAcceleration | null;
readonly accelerationIncludingGravity: DeviceAcceleration | null;
readonly interval: number | null;
readonly rotationRate: DeviceRotationRate | null;
initDeviceMotionEvent(type: string, bubbles: boolean, cancelable: boolean, acceleration: DeviceAccelerationDict | null, accelerationIncludingGravity: DeviceAccelerationDict | null, rotationRate: DeviceRotationRateDict | null, interval: number | null): void;
declare var DeviceMotionEvent: {
prototype: DeviceMotionEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: DeviceMotionEventInit): DeviceMotionEvent;
interface DeviceOrientationEvent extends Event {
readonly absolute: boolean;
readonly alpha: number | null;
readonly beta: number | null;
readonly gamma: number | null;
initDeviceOrientationEvent(type: string, bubbles: boolean, cancelable: boolean, alpha: number | null, beta: number | null, gamma: number | null, absolute: boolean): void;
declare var DeviceOrientationEvent: {
prototype: DeviceOrientationEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: DeviceOrientationEventInit): DeviceOrientationEvent;
interface DeviceRotationRate {
readonly alpha: number | null;
readonly beta: number | null;
readonly gamma: number | null;
declare var DeviceRotationRate: {
prototype: DeviceRotationRate;
new(): DeviceRotationRate;
interface DocumentEventMap extends GlobalEventHandlersEventMap {
"abort": UIEvent;
"activate": UIEvent;
"beforeactivate": UIEvent;
"beforedeactivate": UIEvent;
"blur": FocusEvent;
"canplay": Event;
"canplaythrough": Event;
"change": Event;
"click": MouseEvent;
"contextmenu": PointerEvent;
"dblclick": MouseEvent;
"deactivate": UIEvent;
"drag": DragEvent;
"dragend": DragEvent;
"dragenter": DragEvent;
"dragleave": DragEvent;
"dragover": DragEvent;
"dragstart": DragEvent;
"drop": DragEvent;
"durationchange": Event;
"emptied": Event;
"ended": MediaStreamErrorEvent;
"error": ErrorEvent;
"focus": FocusEvent;
"fullscreenchange": Event;
"fullscreenerror": Event;
"input": Event;
"invalid": Event;
"keydown": KeyboardEvent;
"keypress": KeyboardEvent;
"keyup": KeyboardEvent;
"load": Event;
"loadeddata": Event;
"loadedmetadata": Event;
"loadstart": Event;
"mousedown": MouseEvent;
"mousemove": MouseEvent;
"mouseout": MouseEvent;
"mouseover": MouseEvent;
"mouseup": MouseEvent;
"mousewheel": WheelEvent;
"MSContentZoom": UIEvent;
"MSGestureChange": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureDoubleTap": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureEnd": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureHold": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureStart": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureTap": MSGestureEvent;
"MSInertiaStart": MSGestureEvent;
"MSManipulationStateChanged": MSManipulationEvent;
"MSPointerCancel": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerDown": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerEnter": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerLeave": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerMove": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerOut": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerOver": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerUp": MSPointerEvent;
"mssitemodejumplistitemremoved": MSSiteModeEvent;
"msthumbnailclick": MSSiteModeEvent;
"pause": Event;
"play": Event;
"playing": Event;
"pointerlockchange": Event;
"pointerlockerror": Event;
"progress": ProgressEvent;
"ratechange": Event;
"readystatechange": Event;
"reset": Event;
"scroll": UIEvent;
"seeked": Event;
"seeking": Event;
"select": UIEvent;
"selectionchange": Event;
"selectstart": Event;
"stalled": Event;
"stop": Event;
"submit": Event;
"suspend": Event;
"timeupdate": Event;
"touchcancel": TouchEvent;
"touchend": TouchEvent;
"touchmove": TouchEvent;
"touchstart": TouchEvent;
"volumechange": Event;
"waiting": Event;
"webkitfullscreenchange": Event;
"webkitfullscreenerror": Event;
interface Document extends Node, GlobalEventHandlers, NodeSelector, DocumentEvent, ParentNode, DocumentOrShadowRoot {
* Sets or gets the URL for the current document.
readonly URL: string;
* Gets the URL for the document, stripped of any character encoding.
readonly URLUnencoded: string;
* Gets the object that has the focus when the parent document has focus.
readonly activeElement: Element;
* Sets or gets the color of all active links in the document.
alinkColor: string;
* Returns a reference to the collection of elements contained by the object.
readonly all: HTMLAllCollection;
* Retrieves a collection of all a objects that have a name and/or id property. Objects in this collection are in HTML source order.
anchors: HTMLCollectionOf;
* Retrieves a collection of all applet objects in the document.
applets: HTMLCollectionOf;
* Deprecated. Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the background color behind the object.
bgColor: string;
* Specifies the beginning and end of the document body.
body: HTMLElement;
readonly characterSet: string;
* Gets or sets the character set used to encode the object.
charset: string;
* Gets a value that indicates whether standards-compliant mode is switched on for the object.
readonly compatMode: string;
cookie: string;
readonly currentScript: HTMLScriptElement | SVGScriptElement;
readonly defaultView: Window;
* Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the document can be edited.
designMode: string;
* Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the reading order of the object.
dir: string;
* Gets an object representing the document type declaration associated with the current document.
readonly doctype: DocumentType;
* Gets a reference to the root node of the document.
documentElement: HTMLElement;
* Sets or gets the security domain of the document.
domain: string;
* Retrieves a collection of all embed objects in the document.
embeds: HTMLCollectionOf;
* Sets or gets the foreground (text) color of the document.
fgColor: string;
* Retrieves a collection, in source order, of all form objects in the document.
forms: HTMLCollectionOf;
readonly fullscreenElement: Element | null;
readonly fullscreenEnabled: boolean;
readonly head: HTMLHeadElement;
readonly hidden: boolean;
* Retrieves a collection, in source order, of img objects in the document.
images: HTMLCollectionOf;
* Gets the implementation object of the current document.
readonly implementation: DOMImplementation;
* Returns the character encoding used to create the webpage that is loaded into the document object.
readonly inputEncoding: string | null;
* Gets the date that the page was last modified, if the page supplies one.
readonly lastModified: string;
* Sets or gets the color of the document links.
linkColor: string;
* Retrieves a collection of all a objects that specify the href property and all area objects in the document.
links: HTMLCollectionOf;
* Contains information about the current URL.
readonly location: Location;
msCSSOMElementFloatMetrics: boolean;
msCapsLockWarningOff: boolean;
* Fires when the user aborts the download.
* @param ev The event.
onabort: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires when the object is set as the active element.
* @param ev The event.
onactivate: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires immediately before the object is set as the active element.
* @param ev The event.
onbeforeactivate: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires immediately before the activeElement is changed from the current object to another object in the parent document.
* @param ev The event.
onbeforedeactivate: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires when the object loses the input focus.
* @param ev The focus event.
onblur: (this: Document, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
* Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering.
* @param ev The event.
oncanplay: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
oncanplaythrough: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
* @param ev The event.
onchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object
* @param ev The mouse event.
onclick: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.
* @param ev The mouse event.
oncontextmenu: (this: Document, ev: PointerEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user double-clicks the object.
* @param ev The mouse event.
ondblclick: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the activeElement is changed from the current object to another object in the parent document.
* @param ev The UI Event
ondeactivate: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
* @param ev The event.
ondrag: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
* @param ev The event.
ondragend: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
* @param ev The drag event.
ondragenter: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
* @param ev The drag event.
ondragleave: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
* @param ev The event.
ondragover: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
* @param ev The event.
ondragstart: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondrop: (this: Document, ev: DragEvent) => any;
* Occurs when the duration attribute is updated.
* @param ev The event.
ondurationchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state.
* @param ev The event.
onemptied: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the end of playback is reached.
* @param ev The event
onended: (this: Document, ev: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => any;
* Fires when an error occurs during object loading.
* @param ev The event.
onerror: (this: Document, ev: ErrorEvent) => any;
* Fires when the object receives focus.
* @param ev The event.
onfocus: (this: Document, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
onfullscreenchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onfullscreenerror: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
oninput: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
oninvalid: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user presses a key.
* @param ev The keyboard event
onkeydown: (this: Document, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
* @param ev The event.
onkeypress: (this: Document, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user releases a key.
* @param ev The keyboard event
onkeyup: (this: Document, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
* Fires immediately after the browser loads the object.
* @param ev The event.
onload: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position.
* @param ev The event.
onloadeddata: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined.
* @param ev The event.
onloadedmetadata: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data.
* @param ev The event.
onloadstart: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
* @param ev The mouse event.
onmousedown: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
* @param ev The mouse event.
onmousemove: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
* @param ev The mouse event.
onmouseout: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
* @param ev The mouse event.
onmouseover: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
* @param ev The mouse event.
onmouseup: (this: Document, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
* Fires when the wheel button is rotated.
* @param ev The mouse event
onmousewheel: (this: Document, ev: WheelEvent) => any;
onmscontentzoom: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onmsgesturechange: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturedoubletap: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgestureend: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturehold: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturestart: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturetap: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsinertiastart: (this: Document, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsmanipulationstatechanged: (this: Document, ev: MSManipulationEvent) => any;
onmspointercancel: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerdown: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerenter: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerleave: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointermove: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerout: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerover: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerup: (this: Document, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
* Occurs when an item is removed from a Jump List of a webpage running in Site Mode.
* @param ev The event.
onmssitemodejumplistitemremoved: (this: Document, ev: MSSiteModeEvent) => any;
* Occurs when a user clicks a button in a Thumbnail Toolbar of a webpage running in Site Mode.
* @param ev The event.
onmsthumbnailclick: (this: Document, ev: MSSiteModeEvent) => any;
* Occurs when playback is paused.
* @param ev The event.
onpause: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the play method is requested.
* @param ev The event.
onplay: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the audio or video has started playing.
* @param ev The event.
onplaying: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onpointerlockchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onpointerlockerror: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data.
* @param ev The event.
onprogress: (this: Document, ev: ProgressEvent) => any;
* Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased.
* @param ev The event.
onratechange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the state of the object has changed.
* @param ev The event
onreadystatechange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user resets a form.
* @param ev The event.
onreset: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
* @param ev The event.
onscroll: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Occurs when the seek operation ends.
* @param ev The event.
onseeked: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the current playback position is moved.
* @param ev The event.
onseeking: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the current selection changes.
* @param ev The event.
onselect: (this: Document, ev: UIEvent) => any;
* Fires when the selection state of a document changes.
* @param ev The event.
onselectionchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onselectstart: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when the download has stopped.
* @param ev The event.
onstalled: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Fires when the user clicks the Stop button or leaves the Web page.
* @param ev The event.
onstop: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onsubmit: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted.
* @param ev The event.
onsuspend: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs to indicate the current playback position.
* @param ev The event.
ontimeupdate: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
ontouchcancel: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchend: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchmove: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchstart: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
* Occurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted.
* @param ev The event.
onvolumechange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
* Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available.
* @param ev The event.
onwaiting: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenchange: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenerror: (this: Document, ev: Event) => any;
plugins: HTMLCollectionOf;
readonly pointerLockElement: Element;
* Retrieves a value that indicates the current state of the object.
readonly readyState: string;
* Gets the URL of the location that referred the user to the current page.
readonly referrer: string;
* Gets the root svg element in the document hierarchy.
readonly rootElement: SVGSVGElement;
* Retrieves a collection of all script objects in the document.
scripts: HTMLCollectionOf;
readonly scrollingElement: Element | null;
* Retrieves a collection of styleSheet objects representing the style sheets that correspond to each instance of a link or style object in the document.
readonly styleSheets: StyleSheetList;
* Contains the title of the document.
title: string;
readonly visibilityState: string;
* Sets or gets the color of the links that the user has visited.
vlinkColor: string;
readonly webkitCurrentFullScreenElement: Element | null;
readonly webkitFullscreenElement: Element | null;
readonly webkitFullscreenEnabled: boolean;
readonly webkitIsFullScreen: boolean;
readonly xmlEncoding: string | null;
xmlStandalone: boolean;
* Gets or sets the version attribute specified in the declaration of an XML document.
xmlVersion: string | null;
adoptNode(source: Node): Node;
captureEvents(): void;
caretRangeFromPoint(x: number, y: number): Range;
clear(): void;
* Closes an output stream and forces the sent data to display.
close(): void;
* Creates an attribute object with a specified name.
* @param name String that sets the attribute object's name.
createAttribute(name: string): Attr;
createAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string | null, qualifiedName: string): Attr;
createCDATASection(data: string): CDATASection;
* Creates a comment object with the specified data.
* @param data Sets the comment object's data.
createComment(data: string): Comment;
* Creates a new document.
createDocumentFragment(): DocumentFragment;
* Creates an instance of the element for the specified tag.
* @param tagName The name of an element.
createElement(tagName: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
createElement(tagName: string): HTMLElement;
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", qualifiedName: string): HTMLElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "a"): SVGAElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "circle"): SVGCircleElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "clipPath"): SVGClipPathElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "componentTransferFunction"): SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "defs"): SVGDefsElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "desc"): SVGDescElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "ellipse"): SVGEllipseElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feBlend"): SVGFEBlendElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feColorMatrix"): SVGFEColorMatrixElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feComponentTransfer"): SVGFEComponentTransferElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feComposite"): SVGFECompositeElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feConvolveMatrix"): SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feDiffuseLighting"): SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feDisplacementMap"): SVGFEDisplacementMapElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feDistantLight"): SVGFEDistantLightElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feFlood"): SVGFEFloodElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feFuncA"): SVGFEFuncAElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feFuncB"): SVGFEFuncBElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feFuncG"): SVGFEFuncGElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feFuncR"): SVGFEFuncRElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feGaussianBlur"): SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feImage"): SVGFEImageElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feMerge"): SVGFEMergeElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feMergeNode"): SVGFEMergeNodeElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feMorphology"): SVGFEMorphologyElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feOffset"): SVGFEOffsetElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "fePointLight"): SVGFEPointLightElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feSpecularLighting"): SVGFESpecularLightingElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feSpotLight"): SVGFESpotLightElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feTile"): SVGFETileElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "feTurbulence"): SVGFETurbulenceElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "filter"): SVGFilterElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "foreignObject"): SVGForeignObjectElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "g"): SVGGElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "image"): SVGImageElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "gradient"): SVGGradientElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "line"): SVGLineElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "linearGradient"): SVGLinearGradientElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "marker"): SVGMarkerElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "mask"): SVGMaskElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "path"): SVGPathElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "metadata"): SVGMetadataElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "pattern"): SVGPatternElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "polygon"): SVGPolygonElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "polyline"): SVGPolylineElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "radialGradient"): SVGRadialGradientElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "rect"): SVGRectElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "svg"): SVGSVGElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "script"): SVGScriptElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "stop"): SVGStopElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "style"): SVGStyleElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "switch"): SVGSwitchElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "symbol"): SVGSymbolElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "tspan"): SVGTSpanElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "textContent"): SVGTextContentElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "text"): SVGTextElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "textPath"): SVGTextPathElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "textPositioning"): SVGTextPositioningElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "title"): SVGTitleElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "use"): SVGUseElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: "view"): SVGViewElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", qualifiedName: string): SVGElement
createElementNS(namespaceURI: string | null, qualifiedName: string): Element;
createExpression(expression: string, resolver: XPathNSResolver): XPathExpression;
createNSResolver(nodeResolver: Node): XPathNSResolver;
* Creates a NodeIterator object that you can use to traverse filtered lists of nodes or elements in a document.
* @param root The root element or node to start traversing on.
* @param whatToShow The type of nodes or elements to appear in the node list
* @param filter A custom NodeFilter function to use. For more information, see filter. Use null for no filter.
* @param entityReferenceExpansion A flag that specifies whether entity reference nodes are expanded.
createNodeIterator(root: Node, whatToShow?: number, filter?: NodeFilter, entityReferenceExpansion?: boolean): NodeIterator;
createProcessingInstruction(target: string, data: string): ProcessingInstruction;
* Returns an empty range object that has both of its boundary points positioned at the beginning of the document.
createRange(): Range;
* Creates a text string from the specified value.
* @param data String that specifies the nodeValue property of the text node.
createTextNode(data: string): Text;
createTouch(view: Window, target: EventTarget, identifier: number, pageX: number, pageY: number, screenX: number, screenY: number): Touch;
createTouchList(...touches: Touch[]): TouchList;
* Creates a TreeWalker object that you can use to traverse filtered lists of nodes or elements in a document.
* @param root The root element or node to start traversing on.
* @param whatToShow The type of nodes or elements to appear in the node list. For more information, see whatToShow.
* @param filter A custom NodeFilter function to use.
* @param entityReferenceExpansion A flag that specifies whether entity reference nodes are expanded.
createTreeWalker(root: Node, whatToShow?: number, filter?: NodeFilter, entityReferenceExpansion?: boolean): TreeWalker;
* Returns the element for the specified x coordinate and the specified y coordinate.
* @param x The x-offset
* @param y The y-offset
elementFromPoint(x: number, y: number): Element;
evaluate(expression: string, contextNode: Node, resolver: XPathNSResolver | null, type: number, result: XPathResult | null): XPathResult;
* Executes a command on the current document, current selection, or the given range.
* @param commandId String that specifies the command to execute. This command can be any of the command identifiers that can be executed in script.
* @param showUI Display the user interface, defaults to false.
* @param value Value to assign.
execCommand(commandId: string, showUI?: boolean, value?: any): boolean;
* Displays help information for the given command identifier.
* @param commandId Displays help information for the given command identifier.
execCommandShowHelp(commandId: string): boolean;
exitFullscreen(): void;
exitPointerLock(): void;
* Causes the element to receive the focus and executes the code specified by the onfocus event.
focus(): void;
* Returns a reference to the first object with the specified value of the ID or NAME attribute.
* @param elementId String that specifies the ID value. Case-insensitive.
getElementById(elementId: string): HTMLElement | null;
getElementsByClassName(classNames: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
* Gets a collection of objects based on the value of the NAME or ID attribute.
* @param elementName Gets a collection of objects based on the value of the NAME or ID attribute.
getElementsByName(elementName: string): NodeListOf;
* Retrieves a collection of objects based on the specified element name.
* @param name Specifies the name of an element.
getElementsByTagName(tagname: K): ElementListTagNameMap[K];
getElementsByTagName(tagname: string): NodeListOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
* Returns an object representing the current selection of the document that is loaded into the object displaying a webpage.
getSelection(): Selection;
* Gets a value indicating whether the object currently has focus.
hasFocus(): boolean;
importNode(importedNode: Node, deep: boolean): Node;
msElementsFromPoint(x: number, y: number): NodeListOf;
msElementsFromRect(left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): NodeListOf;
* Opens a new window and loads a document specified by a given URL. Also, opens a new window that uses the url parameter and the name parameter to collect the output of the write method and the writeln method.
* @param url Specifies a MIME type for the document.
* @param name Specifies the name of the window. This name is used as the value for the TARGET attribute on a form or an anchor element.
* @param features Contains a list of items separated by commas. Each item consists of an option and a value, separated by an equals sign (for example, "fullscreen=yes, toolbar=yes"). The following values are supported.
* @param replace Specifies whether the existing entry for the document is replaced in the history list.
open(url?: string, name?: string, features?: string, replace?: boolean): Document;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified command can be successfully executed using execCommand, given the current state of the document.
* @param commandId Specifies a command identifier.
queryCommandEnabled(commandId: string): boolean;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified command is in the indeterminate state.
* @param commandId String that specifies a command identifier.
queryCommandIndeterm(commandId: string): boolean;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates the current state of the command.
* @param commandId String that specifies a command identifier.
queryCommandState(commandId: string): boolean;
* Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current command is supported on the current range.
* @param commandId Specifies a command identifier.
queryCommandSupported(commandId: string): boolean;
* Retrieves the string associated with a command.
* @param commandId String that contains the identifier of a command. This can be any command identifier given in the list of Command Identifiers.
queryCommandText(commandId: string): string;
* Returns the current value of the document, range, or current selection for the given command.
* @param commandId String that specifies a command identifier.
queryCommandValue(commandId: string): string;
releaseEvents(): void;
* Allows updating the print settings for the page.
updateSettings(): void;
webkitCancelFullScreen(): void;
webkitExitFullscreen(): void;
* Writes one or more HTML expressions to a document in the specified window.
* @param content Specifies the text and HTML tags to write.
write(...content: string[]): void;
* Writes one or more HTML expressions, followed by a carriage return, to a document in the specified window.
* @param content The text and HTML tags to write.
writeln(...content: string[]): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: Document, ev: DocumentEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var Document: {
prototype: Document;
new(): Document;
interface DocumentFragment extends Node, NodeSelector, ParentNode {
declare var DocumentFragment: {
prototype: DocumentFragment;
new(): DocumentFragment;
interface DocumentType extends Node, ChildNode {
readonly entities: NamedNodeMap;
readonly internalSubset: string | null;
readonly name: string;
readonly notations: NamedNodeMap;
readonly publicId: string;
readonly systemId: string;
declare var DocumentType: {
prototype: DocumentType;
new(): DocumentType;
interface DragEvent extends MouseEvent {
readonly dataTransfer: DataTransfer;
initDragEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, viewArg: Window, detailArg: number, screenXArg: number, screenYArg: number, clientXArg: number, clientYArg: number, ctrlKeyArg: boolean, altKeyArg: boolean, shiftKeyArg: boolean, metaKeyArg: boolean, buttonArg: number, relatedTargetArg: EventTarget, dataTransferArg: DataTransfer): void;
msConvertURL(file: File, targetType: string, targetURL?: string): void;
declare var DragEvent: {
prototype: DragEvent;
new(): DragEvent;
interface DynamicsCompressorNode extends AudioNode {
readonly attack: AudioParam;
readonly knee: AudioParam;
readonly ratio: AudioParam;
readonly reduction: number;
readonly release: AudioParam;
readonly threshold: AudioParam;
declare var DynamicsCompressorNode: {
prototype: DynamicsCompressorNode;
new(): DynamicsCompressorNode;
interface EXT_frag_depth {
declare var EXT_frag_depth: {
prototype: EXT_frag_depth;
new(): EXT_frag_depth;
interface EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic {
declare var EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic: {
prototype: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic;
new(): EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic;
interface ElementEventMap extends GlobalEventHandlersEventMap {
"ariarequest": Event;
"command": Event;
"gotpointercapture": PointerEvent;
"lostpointercapture": PointerEvent;
"MSGestureChange": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureDoubleTap": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureEnd": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureHold": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureStart": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGestureTap": MSGestureEvent;
"MSGotPointerCapture": MSPointerEvent;
"MSInertiaStart": MSGestureEvent;
"MSLostPointerCapture": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerCancel": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerDown": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerEnter": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerLeave": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerMove": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerOut": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerOver": MSPointerEvent;
"MSPointerUp": MSPointerEvent;
"touchcancel": TouchEvent;
"touchend": TouchEvent;
"touchmove": TouchEvent;
"touchstart": TouchEvent;
"webkitfullscreenchange": Event;
"webkitfullscreenerror": Event;
interface Element extends Node, GlobalEventHandlers, ElementTraversal, NodeSelector, ChildNode, ParentNode {
readonly classList: DOMTokenList;
className: string;
readonly clientHeight: number;
readonly clientLeft: number;
readonly clientTop: number;
readonly clientWidth: number;
id: string;
innerHTML: string;
msContentZoomFactor: number;
readonly msRegionOverflow: string;
onariarequest: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any;
oncommand: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any;
ongotpointercapture: (this: Element, ev: PointerEvent) => any;
onlostpointercapture: (this: Element, ev: PointerEvent) => any;
onmsgesturechange: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturedoubletap: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgestureend: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturehold: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturestart: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgesturetap: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmsgotpointercapture: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmsinertiastart: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent) => any;
onmslostpointercapture: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointercancel: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerdown: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerenter: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerleave: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointermove: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerout: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerover: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
onmspointerup: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent) => any;
ontouchcancel: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchend: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchmove: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
ontouchstart: (ev: TouchEvent) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenchange: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenerror: (this: Element, ev: Event) => any;
outerHTML: string;
readonly prefix: string | null;
readonly scrollHeight: number;
scrollLeft: number;
scrollTop: number;
readonly scrollWidth: number;
readonly tagName: string;
readonly assignedSlot: HTMLSlotElement | null;
slot: string;
readonly shadowRoot: ShadowRoot | null;
getAttribute(name: string): string | null;
getAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): string;
getAttributeNode(name: string): Attr;
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): Attr;
getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect;
getClientRects(): ClientRectList;
getElementsByTagName(name: K): ElementListTagNameMap[K];
getElementsByTagName(name: string): NodeListOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): HTMLCollectionOf;
hasAttribute(name: string): boolean;
hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): boolean;
msGetRegionContent(): MSRangeCollection;
msGetUntransformedBounds(): ClientRect;
msMatchesSelector(selectors: string): boolean;
msReleasePointerCapture(pointerId: number): void;
msSetPointerCapture(pointerId: number): void;
msZoomTo(args: MsZoomToOptions): void;
releasePointerCapture(pointerId: number): void;
removeAttribute(qualifiedName: string): void;
removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): void;
removeAttributeNode(oldAttr: Attr): Attr;
requestFullscreen(): void;
requestPointerLock(): void;
setAttribute(name: string, value: string): void;
setAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: string, value: string): void;
setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr;
setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Attr;
setPointerCapture(pointerId: number): void;
webkitMatchesSelector(selectors: string): boolean;
webkitRequestFullScreen(): void;
webkitRequestFullscreen(): void;
getElementsByClassName(classNames: string): NodeListOf;
matches(selector: string): boolean;
closest(selector: string): Element | null;
scrollIntoView(arg?: boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions): void;
scroll(options?: ScrollToOptions): void;
scroll(x: number, y: number): void;
scrollTo(options?: ScrollToOptions): void;
scrollTo(x: number, y: number): void;
scrollBy(options?: ScrollToOptions): void;
scrollBy(x: number, y: number): void;
insertAdjacentElement(position: string, insertedElement: Element): Element | null;
insertAdjacentHTML(where: string, html: string): void;
insertAdjacentText(where: string, text: string): void;
attachShadow(shadowRootInitDict: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: Element, ev: ElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var Element: {
prototype: Element;
new(): Element;
interface ErrorEvent extends Event {
readonly colno: number;
readonly error: any;
readonly filename: string;
readonly lineno: number;
readonly message: string;
initErrorEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, messageArg: string, filenameArg: string, linenoArg: number): void;
declare var ErrorEvent: {
prototype: ErrorEvent;
new(type: string, errorEventInitDict?: ErrorEventInit): ErrorEvent;
interface Event {
readonly bubbles: boolean;
cancelBubble: boolean;
readonly cancelable: boolean;
readonly currentTarget: EventTarget;
readonly defaultPrevented: boolean;
readonly eventPhase: number;
readonly isTrusted: boolean;
returnValue: boolean;
readonly srcElement: Element | null;
readonly target: EventTarget;
readonly timeStamp: number;
readonly type: string;
readonly scoped: boolean;
initEvent(eventTypeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean): void;
preventDefault(): void;
stopImmediatePropagation(): void;
stopPropagation(): void;
deepPath(): EventTarget[];
readonly AT_TARGET: number;
readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number;
readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number;
declare var Event: {
prototype: Event;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: EventInit): Event;
readonly AT_TARGET: number;
readonly BUBBLING_PHASE: number;
readonly CAPTURING_PHASE: number;
interface EventTarget {
addEventListener(type: string, listener?: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
dispatchEvent(evt: Event): boolean;
removeEventListener(type: string, listener?: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var EventTarget: {
prototype: EventTarget;
new(): EventTarget;
interface ExtensionScriptApis {
extensionIdToShortId(extensionId: string): number;
fireExtensionApiTelemetry(functionName: string, isSucceeded: boolean, isSupported: boolean): void;
genericFunction(routerAddress: any, parameters?: string, callbackId?: number): void;
genericSynchronousFunction(functionId: number, parameters?: string): string;
getExtensionId(): string;
registerGenericFunctionCallbackHandler(callbackHandler: any): void;
registerGenericPersistentCallbackHandler(callbackHandler: any): void;
declare var ExtensionScriptApis: {
prototype: ExtensionScriptApis;
new(): ExtensionScriptApis;
interface External {
declare var External: {
prototype: External;
new(): External;
interface File extends Blob {
readonly lastModifiedDate: any;
readonly name: string;
readonly webkitRelativePath: string;
declare var File: {
prototype: File;
new (parts: (ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob | string)[], filename: string, properties?: FilePropertyBag): File;
interface FileList {
readonly length: number;
item(index: number): File;
[index: number]: File;
declare var FileList: {
prototype: FileList;
new(): FileList;
interface FileReader extends EventTarget, MSBaseReader {
readonly error: DOMError;
readAsArrayBuffer(blob: Blob): void;
readAsBinaryString(blob: Blob): void;
readAsDataURL(blob: Blob): void;
readAsText(blob: Blob, encoding?: string): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: FileReader, ev: MSBaseReaderEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var FileReader: {
prototype: FileReader;
new(): FileReader;
interface FocusEvent extends UIEvent {
readonly relatedTarget: EventTarget;
initFocusEvent(typeArg: string, canBubbleArg: boolean, cancelableArg: boolean, viewArg: Window, detailArg: number, relatedTargetArg: EventTarget): void;
declare var FocusEvent: {
prototype: FocusEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: FocusEventInit): FocusEvent;
interface FocusNavigationEvent extends Event {
readonly navigationReason: string;
readonly originHeight: number;
readonly originLeft: number;
readonly originTop: number;
readonly originWidth: number;
requestFocus(): void;
declare var FocusNavigationEvent: {
prototype: FocusNavigationEvent;
new(type: string, eventInitDict?: FocusNavigationEventInit): FocusNavigationEvent;
interface FormData {
append(name: any, value: any, blobName?: string): void;
declare var FormData: {
prototype: FormData;
new (form?: HTMLFormElement): FormData;
interface GainNode extends AudioNode {
readonly gain: AudioParam;
declare var GainNode: {
prototype: GainNode;
new(): GainNode;
interface Gamepad {
readonly axes: number[];
readonly buttons: GamepadButton[];
readonly connected: boolean;
readonly id: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly timestamp: number;
declare var Gamepad: {
prototype: Gamepad;
new(): Gamepad;
interface GamepadButton {
readonly pressed: boolean;
readonly value: number;
declare var GamepadButton: {
prototype: GamepadButton;
new(): GamepadButton;
interface GamepadEvent extends Event {
readonly gamepad: Gamepad;
declare var GamepadEvent: {
prototype: GamepadEvent;
new(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: GamepadEventInit): GamepadEvent;
interface Geolocation {
clearWatch(watchId: number): void;
getCurrentPosition(successCallback: PositionCallback, errorCallback?: PositionErrorCallback, options?: PositionOptions): void;
watchPosition(successCallback: PositionCallback, errorCallback?: PositionErrorCallback, options?: PositionOptions): number;
declare var Geolocation: {
prototype: Geolocation;
new(): Geolocation;
interface HTMLAllCollection {
readonly length: number;
item(nameOrIndex?: string): HTMLCollection | Element | null;
namedItem(name: string): HTMLCollection | Element | null;
[index: number]: Element;
declare var HTMLAllCollection: {
prototype: HTMLAllCollection;
new(): HTMLAllCollection;
interface HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement {
Methods: string;
* Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
charset: string;
* Sets or retrieves the coordinates of the object.
coords: string;
download: string;
* Contains the anchor portion of the URL including the hash sign (#).
hash: string;
* Contains the hostname and port values of the URL.
host: string;
* Contains the hostname of a URL.
hostname: string;
* Sets or retrieves a destination URL or an anchor point.
href: string;
* Sets or retrieves the language code of the object.
hreflang: string;
readonly mimeType: string;
* Sets or retrieves the shape of the object.
name: string;
readonly nameProp: string;
* Contains the pathname of the URL.
pathname: string;
* Sets or retrieves the port number associated with a URL.
port: string;
* Contains the protocol of the URL.
protocol: string;
readonly protocolLong: string;
* Sets or retrieves the relationship between the object and the destination of the link.
rel: string;
* Sets or retrieves the relationship between the object and the destination of the link.
rev: string;
* Sets or retrieves the substring of the href property that follows the question mark.
search: string;
* Sets or retrieves the shape of the object.
shape: string;
* Sets or retrieves the window or frame at which to target content.
target: string;
* Retrieves or sets the text of the object as a string.
text: string;
type: string;
urn: string;
* Returns a string representation of an object.
toString(): string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLAnchorElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLAnchorElement: {
prototype: HTMLAnchorElement;
new(): HTMLAnchorElement;
interface HTMLAppletElement extends HTMLElement {
* Retrieves a string of the URL where the object tag can be found. This is often the href of the document that the object is in, or the value set by a base element.
readonly BaseHref: string;
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.
alt: string;
* Gets or sets the optional alternative HTML script to execute if the object fails to load.
altHtml: string;
* Sets or retrieves a character string that can be used to implement your own archive functionality for the object.
archive: string;
border: string;
code: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL of the component.
codeBase: string;
* Sets or retrieves the Internet media type for the code associated with the object.
codeType: string;
* Address of a pointer to the document this page or frame contains. If there is no document, then null will be returned.
readonly contentDocument: Document;
* Sets or retrieves the URL that references the data of the object.
data: string;
* Sets or retrieves a character string that can be used to implement your own declare functionality for the object.
declare: boolean;
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string;
hspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves the shape of the object.
name: string;
object: string | null;
* Sets or retrieves a message to be displayed while an object is loading.
standby: string;
* Returns the content type of the object.
type: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL, often with a bookmark extension (#name), to use as a client-side image map.
useMap: string;
vspace: number;
width: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLAppletElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLAppletElement: {
prototype: HTMLAppletElement;
new(): HTMLAppletElement;
interface HTMLAreaElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.
alt: string;
* Sets or retrieves the coordinates of the object.
coords: string;
download: string;
* Sets or retrieves the subsection of the href property that follows the number sign (#).
hash: string;
* Sets or retrieves the hostname and port number of the location or URL.
host: string;
* Sets or retrieves the host name part of the location or URL.
hostname: string;
* Sets or retrieves a destination URL or an anchor point.
href: string;
* Sets or gets whether clicks in this region cause action.
noHref: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the file name or path specified by the object.
pathname: string;
* Sets or retrieves the port number associated with a URL.
port: string;
* Sets or retrieves the protocol portion of a URL.
protocol: string;
rel: string;
* Sets or retrieves the substring of the href property that follows the question mark.
search: string;
* Sets or retrieves the shape of the object.
shape: string;
* Sets or retrieves the window or frame at which to target content.
target: string;
* Returns a string representation of an object.
toString(): string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLAreaElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLAreaElement: {
prototype: HTMLAreaElement;
new(): HTMLAreaElement;
interface HTMLAreasCollection extends HTMLCollectionBase {
declare var HTMLAreasCollection: {
prototype: HTMLAreasCollection;
new(): HTMLAreasCollection;
interface HTMLAudioElement extends HTMLMediaElement {
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLAudioElement, ev: HTMLMediaElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLAudioElement: {
prototype: HTMLAudioElement;
new(): HTMLAudioElement;
interface HTMLBRElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the side on which floating objects are not to be positioned when any IHTMLBlockElement is inserted into the document.
clear: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBRElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLBRElement: {
prototype: HTMLBRElement;
new(): HTMLBRElement;
interface HTMLBaseElement extends HTMLElement {
* Gets or sets the baseline URL on which relative links are based.
href: string;
* Sets or retrieves the window or frame at which to target content.
target: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBaseElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLBaseElement: {
prototype: HTMLBaseElement;
new(): HTMLBaseElement;
interface HTMLBaseFontElement extends HTMLElement, DOML2DeprecatedColorProperty {
* Sets or retrieves the current typeface family.
face: string;
* Sets or retrieves the font size of the object.
size: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBaseFontElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLBaseFontElement: {
prototype: HTMLBaseFontElement;
new(): HTMLBaseFontElement;
interface HTMLBodyElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"afterprint": Event;
"beforeprint": Event;
"beforeunload": BeforeUnloadEvent;
"blur": FocusEvent;
"error": ErrorEvent;
"focus": FocusEvent;
"hashchange": HashChangeEvent;
"load": Event;
"message": MessageEvent;
"offline": Event;
"online": Event;
"orientationchange": Event;
"pagehide": PageTransitionEvent;
"pageshow": PageTransitionEvent;
"popstate": PopStateEvent;
"resize": UIEvent;
"scroll": UIEvent;
"storage": StorageEvent;
"unload": Event;
interface HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement {
aLink: any;
background: string;
bgColor: any;
bgProperties: string;
link: any;
noWrap: boolean;
onafterprint: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
onbeforeprint: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
onbeforeunload: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: BeforeUnloadEvent) => any;
onblur: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
onerror: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: ErrorEvent) => any;
onfocus: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
onhashchange: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: HashChangeEvent) => any;
onload: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
onmessage: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: MessageEvent) => any;
onoffline: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
ononline: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
onorientationchange: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
onpagehide: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any;
onpageshow: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any;
onpopstate: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: PopStateEvent) => any;
onresize: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onscroll: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onstorage: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: StorageEvent) => any;
onunload: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: Event) => any;
text: any;
vLink: any;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLBodyElement, ev: HTMLBodyElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLBodyElement: {
prototype: HTMLBodyElement;
new(): HTMLBodyElement;
interface HTMLButtonElement extends HTMLElement {
* Provides a way to direct a user to a specific field when a document loads. This can provide both direction and convenience for a user, reducing the need to click or tab to a field when a page opens. This attribute is true when present on an element, and false when missing.
autofocus: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Overrides the action attribute (where the data on a form is sent) on the parent form element.
formAction: string;
* Used to override the encoding (formEnctype attribute) specified on the form element.
formEnctype: string;
* Overrides the submit method attribute previously specified on a form element.
formMethod: string;
* Overrides any validation or required attributes on a form or form elements to allow it to be submitted without validation. This can be used to create a "save draft"-type submit option.
formNoValidate: string;
* Overrides the target attribute on a form element.
formTarget: string;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
status: any;
* Gets the classification and default behavior of the button.
type: string;
* Returns the error message that would be displayed if the user submits the form, or an empty string if no error message. It also triggers the standard error message, such as "this is a required field". The result is that the user sees validation messages without actually submitting.
readonly validationMessage: string;
* Returns a ValidityState object that represents the validity states of an element.
readonly validity: ValidityState;
* Sets or retrieves the default or selected value of the control.
value: string;
* Returns whether an element will successfully validate based on forms validation rules and constraints.
readonly willValidate: boolean;
* Returns whether a form will validate when it is submitted, without having to submit it.
checkValidity(): boolean;
* Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
* @param error Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
setCustomValidity(error: string): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLButtonElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLButtonElement: {
prototype: HTMLButtonElement;
new(): HTMLButtonElement;
interface HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
* Gets or sets the height of a canvas element on a document.
height: number;
* Gets or sets the width of a canvas element on a document.
width: number;
* Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widths, fonts, and other graphic parameters that can be drawn on a canvas.
* @param contextId The identifier (ID) of the type of canvas to create. Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 support only a 2-D context using canvas.getContext("2d"); IE11 Preview also supports 3-D or WebGL context using canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
getContext(contextId: "2d", contextAttributes?: Canvas2DContextAttributes): CanvasRenderingContext2D | null;
getContext(contextId: "webgl" | "experimental-webgl", contextAttributes?: WebGLContextAttributes): WebGLRenderingContext | null;
getContext(contextId: string, contextAttributes?: {}): CanvasRenderingContext2D | WebGLRenderingContext | null;
* Returns a blob object encoded as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format from a canvas image or drawing.
msToBlob(): Blob;
* Returns the content of the current canvas as an image that you can use as a source for another canvas or an HTML element.
* @param type The standard MIME type for the image format to return. If you do not specify this parameter, the default value is a PNG format image.
toDataURL(type?: string, ...args: any[]): string;
toBlob(callback: (result: Blob | null) => void, type?: string, ...arguments: any[]): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLCanvasElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLCanvasElement: {
prototype: HTMLCanvasElement;
new(): HTMLCanvasElement;
interface HTMLCollectionBase {
* Sets or retrieves the number of objects in a collection.
readonly length: number;
* Retrieves an object from various collections.
item(index: number): Element;
[index: number]: Element;
interface HTMLCollection extends HTMLCollectionBase {
* Retrieves a select object or an object from an options collection.
namedItem(name: string): Element | null;
declare var HTMLCollection: {
prototype: HTMLCollection;
new(): HTMLCollection;
interface HTMLDListElement extends HTMLElement {
compact: boolean;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDListElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDListElement: {
prototype: HTMLDListElement;
new(): HTMLDListElement;
interface HTMLDataElement extends HTMLElement {
value: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDataElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDataElement: {
prototype: HTMLDataElement;
new(): HTMLDataElement;
interface HTMLDataListElement extends HTMLElement {
options: HTMLCollectionOf;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDataListElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDataListElement: {
prototype: HTMLDataListElement;
new(): HTMLDataListElement;
interface HTMLDirectoryElement extends HTMLElement {
compact: boolean;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDirectoryElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDirectoryElement: {
prototype: HTMLDirectoryElement;
new(): HTMLDirectoryElement;
interface HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the browser automatically performs wordwrap.
noWrap: boolean;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDivElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDivElement: {
prototype: HTMLDivElement;
new(): HTMLDivElement;
interface HTMLDocument extends Document {
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLDocument, ev: DocumentEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLDocument: {
prototype: HTMLDocument;
new(): HTMLDocument;
interface HTMLElementEventMap extends ElementEventMap {
"abort": UIEvent;
"activate": UIEvent;
"beforeactivate": UIEvent;
"beforecopy": ClipboardEvent;
"beforecut": ClipboardEvent;
"beforedeactivate": UIEvent;
"beforepaste": ClipboardEvent;
"blur": FocusEvent;
"canplay": Event;
"canplaythrough": Event;
"change": Event;
"click": MouseEvent;
"contextmenu": PointerEvent;
"copy": ClipboardEvent;
"cuechange": Event;
"cut": ClipboardEvent;
"dblclick": MouseEvent;
"deactivate": UIEvent;
"drag": DragEvent;
"dragend": DragEvent;
"dragenter": DragEvent;
"dragleave": DragEvent;
"dragover": DragEvent;
"dragstart": DragEvent;
"drop": DragEvent;
"durationchange": Event;
"emptied": Event;
"ended": MediaStreamErrorEvent;
"error": ErrorEvent;
"focus": FocusEvent;
"input": Event;
"invalid": Event;
"keydown": KeyboardEvent;
"keypress": KeyboardEvent;
"keyup": KeyboardEvent;
"load": Event;
"loadeddata": Event;
"loadedmetadata": Event;
"loadstart": Event;
"mousedown": MouseEvent;
"mouseenter": MouseEvent;
"mouseleave": MouseEvent;
"mousemove": MouseEvent;
"mouseout": MouseEvent;
"mouseover": MouseEvent;
"mouseup": MouseEvent;
"mousewheel": WheelEvent;
"MSContentZoom": UIEvent;
"MSManipulationStateChanged": MSManipulationEvent;
"paste": ClipboardEvent;
"pause": Event;
"play": Event;
"playing": Event;
"progress": ProgressEvent;
"ratechange": Event;
"reset": Event;
"scroll": UIEvent;
"seeked": Event;
"seeking": Event;
"select": UIEvent;
"selectstart": Event;
"stalled": Event;
"submit": Event;
"suspend": Event;
"timeupdate": Event;
"volumechange": Event;
"waiting": Event;
interface HTMLElement extends Element {
accessKey: string;
readonly children: HTMLCollection;
contentEditable: string;
readonly dataset: DOMStringMap;
dir: string;
draggable: boolean;
hidden: boolean;
hideFocus: boolean;
innerText: string;
readonly isContentEditable: boolean;
lang: string;
readonly offsetHeight: number;
readonly offsetLeft: number;
readonly offsetParent: Element;
readonly offsetTop: number;
readonly offsetWidth: number;
onabort: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onbeforeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onbeforecopy: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
onbeforecut: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
onbeforedeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onbeforepaste: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
onblur: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
oncanplay: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
oncanplaythrough: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onchange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onclick: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
oncontextmenu: (this: HTMLElement, ev: PointerEvent) => any;
oncopy: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
oncuechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
oncut: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
ondblclick: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
ondeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
ondrag: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondragend: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondragenter: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondragleave: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondragover: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondragstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondrop: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
ondurationchange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onemptied: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onended: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => any;
onerror: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ErrorEvent) => any;
onfocus: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
oninput: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
oninvalid: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onkeydown: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
onkeypress: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
onkeyup: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
onload: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onloadeddata: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onloadedmetadata: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onloadstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onmousedown: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmouseenter: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmouseleave: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmousemove: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmouseout: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmouseover: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmouseup: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
onmousewheel: (this: HTMLElement, ev: WheelEvent) => any;
onmscontentzoom: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onmsmanipulationstatechanged: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MSManipulationEvent) => any;
onpaste: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
onpause: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onplay: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onplaying: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onprogress: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ProgressEvent) => any;
onratechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onreset: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onscroll: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onseeked: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onseeking: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onselect: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onselectstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onstalled: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onsubmit: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onsuspend: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
ontimeupdate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onvolumechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
onwaiting: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
outerText: string;
spellcheck: boolean;
readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
tabIndex: number;
title: string;
blur(): void;
click(): void;
dragDrop(): boolean;
focus(): void;
msGetInputContext(): MSInputMethodContext;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLElement: {
prototype: HTMLElement;
new(): HTMLElement;
interface HTMLEmbedElement extends HTMLElement, GetSVGDocument {
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string;
hidden: any;
* Gets or sets whether the DLNA PlayTo device is available.
msPlayToDisabled: boolean;
* Gets or sets the path to the preferred media source. This enables the Play To target device to stream the media content, which can be DRM protected, from a different location, such as a cloud media server.
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri: string;
* Gets or sets the primary DLNA PlayTo device.
msPlayToPrimary: boolean;
* Gets the source associated with the media element for use by the PlayToManager.
readonly msPlayToSource: any;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
* Retrieves the palette used for the embedded document.
readonly palette: string;
* Retrieves the URL of the plug-in used to view an embedded document.
readonly pluginspage: string;
readonly readyState: string;
* Sets or retrieves a URL to be loaded by the object.
src: string;
* Sets or retrieves the height and width units of the embed object.
units: string;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLEmbedElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLEmbedElement: {
prototype: HTMLEmbedElement;
new(): HTMLEmbedElement;
interface HTMLFieldSetElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
disabled: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
name: string;
* Returns the error message that would be displayed if the user submits the form, or an empty string if no error message. It also triggers the standard error message, such as "this is a required field". The result is that the user sees validation messages without actually submitting.
readonly validationMessage: string;
* Returns a ValidityState object that represents the validity states of an element.
readonly validity: ValidityState;
* Returns whether an element will successfully validate based on forms validation rules and constraints.
readonly willValidate: boolean;
* Returns whether a form will validate when it is submitted, without having to submit it.
checkValidity(): boolean;
* Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
* @param error Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
setCustomValidity(error: string): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLFieldSetElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLFieldSetElement: {
prototype: HTMLFieldSetElement;
new(): HTMLFieldSetElement;
interface HTMLFontElement extends HTMLElement, DOML2DeprecatedColorProperty, DOML2DeprecatedSizeProperty {
* Sets or retrieves the current typeface family.
face: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLFontElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLFontElement: {
prototype: HTMLFontElement;
new(): HTMLFontElement;
interface HTMLFormControlsCollection extends HTMLCollectionBase {
namedItem(name: string): HTMLCollection | Element | null;
declare var HTMLFormControlsCollection: {
prototype: HTMLFormControlsCollection;
new(): HTMLFormControlsCollection;
interface HTMLFormElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves a list of character encodings for input data that must be accepted by the server processing the form.
acceptCharset: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL to which the form content is sent for processing.
action: string;
* Specifies whether autocomplete is applied to an editable text field.
autocomplete: string;
* Retrieves a collection, in source order, of all controls in a given form.
readonly elements: HTMLFormControlsCollection;
* Sets or retrieves the MIME encoding for the form.
encoding: string;
* Sets or retrieves the encoding type for the form.
enctype: string;
* Sets or retrieves the number of objects in a collection.
readonly length: number;
* Sets or retrieves how to send the form data to the server.
method: string;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
* Designates a form that is not validated when submitted.
noValidate: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the window or frame at which to target content.
target: string;
* Returns whether a form will validate when it is submitted, without having to submit it.
checkValidity(): boolean;
* Retrieves a form object or an object from an elements collection.
* @param name Variant of type Number or String that specifies the object or collection to retrieve. If this parameter is a Number, it is the zero-based index of the object. If this parameter is a string, all objects with matching name or id properties are retrieved, and a collection is returned if more than one match is made.
* @param index Variant of type Number that specifies the zero-based index of the object to retrieve when a collection is returned.
item(name?: any, index?: any): any;
* Retrieves a form object or an object from an elements collection.
namedItem(name: string): any;
* Fires when the user resets a form.
reset(): void;
* Fires when a FORM is about to be submitted.
submit(): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLFormElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
[name: string]: any;
declare var HTMLFormElement: {
prototype: HTMLFormElement;
new(): HTMLFormElement;
interface HTMLFrameElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"load": Event;
interface HTMLFrameElement extends HTMLElement, GetSVGDocument {
* Specifies the properties of a border drawn around an object.
border: string;
* Sets or retrieves the border color of the object.
borderColor: any;
* Retrieves the document object of the page or frame.
readonly contentDocument: Document;
* Retrieves the object of the specified.
readonly contentWindow: Window;
* Sets or retrieves whether to display a border for the frame.
frameBorder: string;
* Sets or retrieves the amount of additional space between the frames.
frameSpacing: any;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string | number;
* Sets or retrieves a URI to a long description of the object.
longDesc: string;
* Sets or retrieves the top and bottom margin heights before displaying the text in a frame.
marginHeight: string;
* Sets or retrieves the left and right margin widths before displaying the text in a frame.
marginWidth: string;
* Sets or retrieves the frame name.
name: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the user can resize the frame.
noResize: boolean;
* Raised when the object has been completely received from the server.
onload: (this: HTMLFrameElement, ev: Event) => any;
* Sets or retrieves whether the frame can be scrolled.
scrolling: string;
* Sets or retrieves a URL to be loaded by the object.
src: string;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: string | number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLFrameElement, ev: HTMLFrameElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLFrameElement: {
prototype: HTMLFrameElement;
new(): HTMLFrameElement;
interface HTMLFrameSetElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"afterprint": Event;
"beforeprint": Event;
"beforeunload": BeforeUnloadEvent;
"blur": FocusEvent;
"error": ErrorEvent;
"focus": FocusEvent;
"hashchange": HashChangeEvent;
"load": Event;
"message": MessageEvent;
"offline": Event;
"online": Event;
"orientationchange": Event;
"pagehide": PageTransitionEvent;
"pageshow": PageTransitionEvent;
"popstate": PopStateEvent;
"resize": UIEvent;
"scroll": UIEvent;
"storage": StorageEvent;
"unload": Event;
interface HTMLFrameSetElement extends HTMLElement {
border: string;
* Sets or retrieves the border color of the object.
borderColor: any;
* Sets or retrieves the frame widths of the object.
cols: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether to display a border for the frame.
frameBorder: string;
* Sets or retrieves the amount of additional space between the frames.
frameSpacing: any;
name: string;
onafterprint: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
onbeforeprint: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
onbeforeunload: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: BeforeUnloadEvent) => any;
* Fires when the object loses the input focus.
onblur: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
onerror: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: ErrorEvent) => any;
* Fires when the object receives focus.
onfocus: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
onhashchange: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: HashChangeEvent) => any;
onload: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
onmessage: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: MessageEvent) => any;
onoffline: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
ononline: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
onorientationchange: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
onpagehide: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any;
onpageshow: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: PageTransitionEvent) => any;
onpopstate: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: PopStateEvent) => any;
onresize: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onscroll: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
onstorage: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: StorageEvent) => any;
onunload: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: Event) => any;
* Sets or retrieves the frame heights of the object.
rows: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLFrameSetElement, ev: HTMLFrameSetElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLFrameSetElement: {
prototype: HTMLFrameSetElement;
new(): HTMLFrameSetElement;
interface HTMLHRElement extends HTMLElement, DOML2DeprecatedColorProperty, DOML2DeprecatedSizeProperty {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the horizontal rule is drawn with 3-D shading.
noShade: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLHRElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLHRElement: {
prototype: HTMLHRElement;
new(): HTMLHRElement;
interface HTMLHeadElement extends HTMLElement {
profile: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLHeadElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLHeadElement: {
prototype: HTMLHeadElement;
new(): HTMLHeadElement;
interface HTMLHeadingElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the table alignment.
align: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLHeadingElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLHeadingElement: {
prototype: HTMLHeadingElement;
new(): HTMLHeadingElement;
interface HTMLHtmlElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the DTD version that governs the current document.
version: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLHtmlElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLHtmlElement: {
prototype: HTMLHtmlElement;
new(): HTMLHtmlElement;
interface HTMLIFrameElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"load": Event;
interface HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLElement, GetSVGDocument {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
allowFullscreen: boolean;
allowPaymentRequest: boolean;
* Specifies the properties of a border drawn around an object.
border: string;
* Retrieves the document object of the page or frame.
readonly contentDocument: Document;
* Retrieves the object of the specified.
readonly contentWindow: Window;
* Sets or retrieves whether to display a border for the frame.
frameBorder: string;
* Sets or retrieves the amount of additional space between the frames.
frameSpacing: any;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string;
* Sets or retrieves the horizontal margin for the object.
hspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves a URI to a long description of the object.
longDesc: string;
* Sets or retrieves the top and bottom margin heights before displaying the text in a frame.
marginHeight: string;
* Sets or retrieves the left and right margin widths before displaying the text in a frame.
marginWidth: string;
* Sets or retrieves the frame name.
name: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the user can resize the frame.
noResize: boolean;
* Raised when the object has been completely received from the server.
onload: (this: HTMLIFrameElement, ev: Event) => any;
readonly sandbox: DOMSettableTokenList;
* Sets or retrieves whether the frame can be scrolled.
scrolling: string;
* Sets or retrieves a URL to be loaded by the object.
src: string;
* Sets or retrieves the vertical margin for the object.
vspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLIFrameElement, ev: HTMLIFrameElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLIFrameElement: {
prototype: HTMLIFrameElement;
new(): HTMLIFrameElement;
interface HTMLImageElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.
alt: string;
* Specifies the properties of a border drawn around an object.
border: string;
* Retrieves whether the object is fully loaded.
readonly complete: boolean;
crossOrigin: string | null;
readonly currentSrc: string;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: number;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the border to draw around the object.
hspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves whether the image is a server-side image map.
isMap: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to a long description of the object.
longDesc: string;
lowsrc: string;
* Gets or sets whether the DLNA PlayTo device is available.
msPlayToDisabled: boolean;
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri: string;
* Gets or sets the primary DLNA PlayTo device.
msPlayToPrimary: boolean;
* Gets the source associated with the media element for use by the PlayToManager.
readonly msPlayToSource: any;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
* The original height of the image resource before sizing.
readonly naturalHeight: number;
* The original width of the image resource before sizing.
readonly naturalWidth: number;
sizes: string;
* The address or URL of the a media resource that is to be considered.
src: string;
srcset: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL, often with a bookmark extension (#name), to use as a client-side image map.
useMap: string;
* Sets or retrieves the vertical margin for the object.
vspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: number;
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
msGetAsCastingSource(): any;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLImageElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLImageElement: {
prototype: HTMLImageElement;
new(): HTMLImageElement;
interface HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves a comma-separated list of content types.
accept: string;
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.
alt: string;
* Specifies whether autocomplete is applied to an editable text field.
autocomplete: string;
* Provides a way to direct a user to a specific field when a document loads. This can provide both direction and convenience for a user, reducing the need to click or tab to a field when a page opens. This attribute is true when present on an element, and false when missing.
autofocus: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the border to draw around the object.
border: string;
* Sets or retrieves the state of the check box or radio button.
checked: boolean;
* Retrieves whether the object is fully loaded.
readonly complete: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the state of the check box or radio button.
defaultChecked: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the initial contents of the object.
defaultValue: string;
disabled: boolean;
* Returns a FileList object on a file type input object.
readonly files: FileList | null;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Overrides the action attribute (where the data on a form is sent) on the parent form element.
formAction: string;
* Used to override the encoding (formEnctype attribute) specified on the form element.
formEnctype: string;
* Overrides the submit method attribute previously specified on a form element.
formMethod: string;
* Overrides any validation or required attributes on a form or form elements to allow it to be submitted without validation. This can be used to create a "save draft"-type submit option.
formNoValidate: string;
* Overrides the target attribute on a form element.
formTarget: string;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the border to draw around the object.
hspace: number;
indeterminate: boolean;
* Specifies the ID of a pre-defined datalist of options for an input element.
readonly list: HTMLElement;
* Defines the maximum acceptable value for an input element with type="number".When used with the min and step attributes, lets you control the range and increment (such as only even numbers) that the user can enter into an input field.
max: string;
* Sets or retrieves the maximum number of characters that the user can enter in a text control.
maxLength: number;
* Defines the minimum acceptable value for an input element with type="number". When used with the max and step attributes, lets you control the range and increment (such as even numbers only) that the user can enter into an input field.
min: string;
* Sets or retrieves the Boolean value indicating whether multiple items can be selected from a list.
multiple: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
* Gets or sets a string containing a regular expression that the user's input must match.
pattern: string;
* Gets or sets a text string that is displayed in an input field as a hint or prompt to users as the format or type of information they need to enter.The text appears in an input field until the user puts focus on the field.
placeholder: string;
readOnly: boolean;
* When present, marks an element that can't be submitted without a value.
required: boolean;
selectionDirection: string;
* Gets or sets the end position or offset of a text selection.
selectionEnd: number;
* Gets or sets the starting position or offset of a text selection.
selectionStart: number;
size: number;
* The address or URL of the a media resource that is to be considered.
src: string;
status: boolean;
* Defines an increment or jump between values that you want to allow the user to enter. When used with the max and min attributes, lets you control the range and increment (for example, allow only even numbers) that the user can enter into an input field.
step: string;
* Returns the content type of the object.
type: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL, often with a bookmark extension (#name), to use as a client-side image map.
useMap: string;
* Returns the error message that would be displayed if the user submits the form, or an empty string if no error message. It also triggers the standard error message, such as "this is a required field". The result is that the user sees validation messages without actually submitting.
readonly validationMessage: string;
* Returns a ValidityState object that represents the validity states of an element.
readonly validity: ValidityState;
* Returns the value of the data at the cursor's current position.
value: string;
valueAsDate: Date;
* Returns the input field value as a number.
valueAsNumber: number;
* Sets or retrieves the vertical margin for the object.
vspace: number;
webkitdirectory: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: string;
* Returns whether an element will successfully validate based on forms validation rules and constraints.
readonly willValidate: boolean;
minLength: number;
* Returns whether a form will validate when it is submitted, without having to submit it.
checkValidity(): boolean;
* Makes the selection equal to the current object.
select(): void;
* Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
* @param error Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
setCustomValidity(error: string): void;
* Sets the start and end positions of a selection in a text field.
* @param start The offset into the text field for the start of the selection.
* @param end The offset into the text field for the end of the selection.
setSelectionRange(start?: number, end?: number, direction?: string): void;
* Decrements a range input control's value by the value given by the Step attribute. If the optional parameter is used, it will decrement the input control's step value multiplied by the parameter's value.
* @param n Value to decrement the value by.
stepDown(n?: number): void;
* Increments a range input control's value by the value given by the Step attribute. If the optional parameter is used, will increment the input control's value by that value.
* @param n Value to increment the value by.
stepUp(n?: number): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLInputElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLInputElement: {
prototype: HTMLInputElement;
new(): HTMLInputElement;
interface HTMLLIElement extends HTMLElement {
type: string;
* Sets or retrieves the value of a list item.
value: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLLIElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLLIElement: {
prototype: HTMLLIElement;
new(): HTMLLIElement;
interface HTMLLabelElement extends HTMLElement {
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the object to which the given label object is assigned.
htmlFor: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLLabelElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLLabelElement: {
prototype: HTMLLabelElement;
new(): HTMLLabelElement;
interface HTMLLegendElement extends HTMLElement {
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
align: string;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLLegendElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLLegendElement: {
prototype: HTMLLegendElement;
new(): HTMLLegendElement;
interface HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement, LinkStyle {
* Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
charset: string;
disabled: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves a destination URL or an anchor point.
href: string;
* Sets or retrieves the language code of the object.
hreflang: string;
* Sets or retrieves the media type.
media: string;
* Sets or retrieves the relationship between the object and the destination of the link.
rel: string;
* Sets or retrieves the relationship between the object and the destination of the link.
rev: string;
* Sets or retrieves the window or frame at which to target content.
target: string;
* Sets or retrieves the MIME type of the object.
type: string;
import?: Document;
integrity: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLLinkElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLLinkElement: {
prototype: HTMLLinkElement;
new(): HTMLLinkElement;
interface HTMLMapElement extends HTMLElement {
* Retrieves a collection of the area objects defined for the given map object.
readonly areas: HTMLAreasCollection;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMapElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMapElement: {
prototype: HTMLMapElement;
new(): HTMLMapElement;
interface HTMLMarqueeElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"bounce": Event;
"finish": Event;
"start": Event;
interface HTMLMarqueeElement extends HTMLElement {
behavior: string;
bgColor: any;
direction: string;
height: string;
hspace: number;
loop: number;
onbounce: (this: HTMLMarqueeElement, ev: Event) => any;
onfinish: (this: HTMLMarqueeElement, ev: Event) => any;
onstart: (this: HTMLMarqueeElement, ev: Event) => any;
scrollAmount: number;
scrollDelay: number;
trueSpeed: boolean;
vspace: number;
width: string;
start(): void;
stop(): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMarqueeElement, ev: HTMLMarqueeElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMarqueeElement: {
prototype: HTMLMarqueeElement;
new(): HTMLMarqueeElement;
interface HTMLMediaElementEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap {
"encrypted": MediaEncryptedEvent;
"msneedkey": MSMediaKeyNeededEvent;
interface HTMLMediaElement extends HTMLElement {
* Returns an AudioTrackList object with the audio tracks for a given video element.
readonly audioTracks: AudioTrackList;
* Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to start playing the media automatically.
autoplay: boolean;
* Gets a collection of buffered time ranges.
readonly buffered: TimeRanges;
* Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the client provides a set of controls for the media (in case the developer does not include controls for the player).
controls: boolean;
crossOrigin: string | null;
* Gets the address or URL of the current media resource that is selected by IHTMLMediaElement.
readonly currentSrc: string;
* Gets or sets the current playback position, in seconds.
currentTime: number;
defaultMuted: boolean;
* Gets or sets the default playback rate when the user is not using fast forward or reverse for a video or audio resource.
defaultPlaybackRate: number;
* Returns the duration in seconds of the current media resource. A NaN value is returned if duration is not available, or Infinity if the media resource is streaming.
readonly duration: number;
* Gets information about whether the playback has ended or not.
readonly ended: boolean;
* Returns an object representing the current error state of the audio or video element.
readonly error: MediaError;
* Gets or sets a flag to specify whether playback should restart after it completes.
loop: boolean;
readonly mediaKeys: MediaKeys | null;
* Specifies the purpose of the audio or video media, such as background audio or alerts.
msAudioCategory: string;
* Specifies the output device id that the audio will be sent to.
msAudioDeviceType: string;
readonly msGraphicsTrustStatus: MSGraphicsTrust;
* Gets the MSMediaKeys object, which is used for decrypting media data, that is associated with this media element.
readonly msKeys: MSMediaKeys;
* Gets or sets whether the DLNA PlayTo device is available.
msPlayToDisabled: boolean;
* Gets or sets the path to the preferred media source. This enables the Play To target device to stream the media content, which can be DRM protected, from a different location, such as a cloud media server.
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri: string;
* Gets or sets the primary DLNA PlayTo device.
msPlayToPrimary: boolean;
* Gets the source associated with the media element for use by the PlayToManager.
readonly msPlayToSource: any;
* Specifies whether or not to enable low-latency playback on the media element.
msRealTime: boolean;
* Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the audio (either audio or the audio track on video media) is muted.
muted: boolean;
* Gets the current network activity for the element.
readonly networkState: number;
onencrypted: (this: HTMLMediaElement, ev: MediaEncryptedEvent) => any;
onmsneedkey: (this: HTMLMediaElement, ev: MSMediaKeyNeededEvent) => any;
* Gets a flag that specifies whether playback is paused.
readonly paused: boolean;
* Gets or sets the current rate of speed for the media resource to play. This speed is expressed as a multiple of the normal speed of the media resource.
playbackRate: number;
* Gets TimeRanges for the current media resource that has been played.
readonly played: TimeRanges;
* Gets or sets the current playback position, in seconds.
preload: string;
readyState: number;
* Returns a TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the current media resource that can be seeked.
readonly seekable: TimeRanges;
* Gets a flag that indicates whether the the client is currently moving to a new playback position in the media resource.
readonly seeking: boolean;
* The address or URL of the a media resource that is to be considered.
src: string;
srcObject: MediaStream | null;
readonly textTracks: TextTrackList;
readonly videoTracks: VideoTrackList;
* Gets or sets the volume level for audio portions of the media element.
volume: number;
addTextTrack(kind: string, label?: string, language?: string): TextTrack;
* Returns a string that specifies whether the client can play a given media resource type.
canPlayType(type: string): string;
* Resets the audio or video object and loads a new media resource.
load(): void;
* Clears all effects from the media pipeline.
msClearEffects(): void;
msGetAsCastingSource(): any;
* Inserts the specified audio effect into media pipeline.
msInsertAudioEffect(activatableClassId: string, effectRequired: boolean, config?: any): void;
msSetMediaKeys(mediaKeys: MSMediaKeys): void;
* Specifies the media protection manager for a given media pipeline.
msSetMediaProtectionManager(mediaProtectionManager?: any): void;
* Pauses the current playback and sets paused to TRUE. This can be used to test whether the media is playing or paused. You can also use the pause or play events to tell whether the media is playing or not.
pause(): void;
* Loads and starts playback of a media resource.
play(): void;
setMediaKeys(mediaKeys: MediaKeys | null): Promise;
readonly HAVE_CURRENT_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_FUTURE_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_METADATA: number;
readonly HAVE_NOTHING: number;
readonly NETWORK_EMPTY: number;
readonly NETWORK_IDLE: number;
readonly NETWORK_LOADING: number;
readonly NETWORK_NO_SOURCE: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMediaElement, ev: HTMLMediaElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMediaElement: {
prototype: HTMLMediaElement;
new(): HTMLMediaElement;
readonly HAVE_CURRENT_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_FUTURE_DATA: number;
readonly HAVE_METADATA: number;
readonly HAVE_NOTHING: number;
readonly NETWORK_EMPTY: number;
readonly NETWORK_IDLE: number;
readonly NETWORK_LOADING: number;
readonly NETWORK_NO_SOURCE: number;
interface HTMLMenuElement extends HTMLElement {
compact: boolean;
type: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMenuElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMenuElement: {
prototype: HTMLMenuElement;
new(): HTMLMenuElement;
interface HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
charset: string;
* Gets or sets meta-information to associate with httpEquiv or name.
content: string;
* Gets or sets information used to bind the value of a content attribute of a meta element to an HTTP response header.
httpEquiv: string;
* Sets or retrieves the value specified in the content attribute of the meta object.
name: string;
* Sets or retrieves a scheme to be used in interpreting the value of a property specified for the object.
scheme: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL property that will be loaded after the specified time has elapsed.
url: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMetaElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMetaElement: {
prototype: HTMLMetaElement;
new(): HTMLMetaElement;
interface HTMLMeterElement extends HTMLElement {
high: number;
low: number;
max: number;
min: number;
optimum: number;
value: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMeterElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLMeterElement: {
prototype: HTMLMeterElement;
new(): HTMLMeterElement;
interface HTMLModElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves reference information about the object.
cite: string;
* Sets or retrieves the date and time of a modification to the object.
dateTime: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLModElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLModElement: {
prototype: HTMLModElement;
new(): HTMLModElement;
interface HTMLOListElement extends HTMLElement {
compact: boolean;
* The starting number.
start: number;
type: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLOListElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLOListElement: {
prototype: HTMLOListElement;
new(): HTMLOListElement;
interface HTMLObjectElement extends HTMLElement, GetSVGDocument {
* Retrieves a string of the URL where the object tag can be found. This is often the href of the document that the object is in, or the value set by a base element.
readonly BaseHref: string;
align: string;
* Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.
alt: string;
* Gets or sets the optional alternative HTML script to execute if the object fails to load.
altHtml: string;
* Sets or retrieves a character string that can be used to implement your own archive functionality for the object.
archive: string;
border: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL of the file containing the compiled Java class.
code: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL of the component.
codeBase: string;
* Sets or retrieves the Internet media type for the code associated with the object.
codeType: string;
* Retrieves the document object of the page or frame.
readonly contentDocument: Document;
* Sets or retrieves the URL that references the data of the object.
data: string;
declare: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the height of the object.
height: string;
hspace: number;
* Gets or sets whether the DLNA PlayTo device is available.
msPlayToDisabled: boolean;
* Gets or sets the path to the preferred media source. This enables the Play To target device to stream the media content, which can be DRM protected, from a different location, such as a cloud media server.
msPlayToPreferredSourceUri: string;
* Gets or sets the primary DLNA PlayTo device.
msPlayToPrimary: boolean;
* Gets the source associated with the media element for use by the PlayToManager.
readonly msPlayToSource: any;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
readonly readyState: number;
* Sets or retrieves a message to be displayed while an object is loading.
standby: string;
* Sets or retrieves the MIME type of the object.
type: string;
* Sets or retrieves the URL, often with a bookmark extension (#name), to use as a client-side image map.
useMap: string;
* Returns the error message that would be displayed if the user submits the form, or an empty string if no error message. It also triggers the standard error message, such as "this is a required field". The result is that the user sees validation messages without actually submitting.
readonly validationMessage: string;
* Returns a ValidityState object that represents the validity states of an element.
readonly validity: ValidityState;
vspace: number;
* Sets or retrieves the width of the object.
width: string;
* Returns whether an element will successfully validate based on forms validation rules and constraints.
readonly willValidate: boolean;
* Returns whether a form will validate when it is submitted, without having to submit it.
checkValidity(): boolean;
* Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
* @param error Sets a custom error message that is displayed when a form is submitted.
setCustomValidity(error: string): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLObjectElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLObjectElement: {
prototype: HTMLObjectElement;
new(): HTMLObjectElement;
interface HTMLOptGroupElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the status of an option.
defaultSelected: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the ordinal position of an option in a list box.
readonly index: number;
* Sets or retrieves a value that you can use to implement your own label functionality for the object.
label: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selected: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the text string specified by the option tag.
readonly text: string;
* Sets or retrieves the value which is returned to the server when the form control is submitted.
value: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLOptGroupElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLOptGroupElement: {
prototype: HTMLOptGroupElement;
new(): HTMLOptGroupElement;
interface HTMLOptionElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the status of an option.
defaultSelected: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the ordinal position of an option in a list box.
readonly index: number;
* Sets or retrieves a value that you can use to implement your own label functionality for the object.
label: string;
* Sets or retrieves whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selected: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the text string specified by the option tag.
text: string;
* Sets or retrieves the value which is returned to the server when the form control is submitted.
value: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLOptionElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLOptionElement: {
prototype: HTMLOptionElement;
new(): HTMLOptionElement;
interface HTMLOptionsCollection extends HTMLCollectionOf {
length: number;
selectedIndex: number;
add(element: HTMLOptionElement | HTMLOptGroupElement, before?: HTMLElement | number): void;
remove(index: number): void;
declare var HTMLOptionsCollection: {
prototype: HTMLOptionsCollection;
new(): HTMLOptionsCollection;
interface HTMLOutputElement extends HTMLElement {
defaultValue: string;
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
readonly htmlFor: DOMSettableTokenList;
name: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly validationMessage: string;
readonly validity: ValidityState;
value: string;
readonly willValidate: boolean;
checkValidity(): boolean;
reportValidity(): boolean;
setCustomValidity(error: string): void;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLOutputElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLOutputElement: {
prototype: HTMLOutputElement;
new(): HTMLOutputElement;
interface HTMLParagraphElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves how the object is aligned with adjacent text.
align: string;
clear: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParagraphElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLParagraphElement: {
prototype: HTMLParagraphElement;
new(): HTMLParagraphElement;
interface HTMLParamElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves the name of an input parameter for an element.
name: string;
* Sets or retrieves the content type of the resource designated by the value attribute.
type: string;
* Sets or retrieves the value of an input parameter for an element.
value: string;
* Sets or retrieves the data type of the value attribute.
valueType: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLParamElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLParamElement: {
prototype: HTMLParamElement;
new(): HTMLParamElement;
interface HTMLPictureElement extends HTMLElement {
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLPictureElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLPictureElement: {
prototype: HTMLPictureElement;
new(): HTMLPictureElement;
interface HTMLPreElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or gets a value that you can use to implement your own width functionality for the object.
width: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLPreElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLPreElement: {
prototype: HTMLPreElement;
new(): HTMLPreElement;
interface HTMLProgressElement extends HTMLElement {
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Defines the maximum, or "done" value for a progress element.
max: number;
* Returns the quotient of value/max when the value attribute is set (determinate progress bar), or -1 when the value attribute is missing (indeterminate progress bar).
readonly position: number;
* Sets or gets the current value of a progress element. The value must be a non-negative number between 0 and the max value.
value: number;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLProgressElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLProgressElement: {
prototype: HTMLProgressElement;
new(): HTMLProgressElement;
interface HTMLQuoteElement extends HTMLElement {
* Sets or retrieves reference information about the object.
cite: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLQuoteElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLQuoteElement: {
prototype: HTMLQuoteElement;
new(): HTMLQuoteElement;
interface HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLElement {
async: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
charset: string;
crossOrigin: string | null;
* Sets or retrieves the status of the script.
defer: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the event for which the script is written.
event: string;
* Sets or retrieves the object that is bound to the event script.
htmlFor: string;
* Retrieves the URL to an external file that contains the source code or data.
src: string;
* Retrieves or sets the text of the object as a string.
text: string;
* Sets or retrieves the MIME type for the associated scripting engine.
type: string;
integrity: string;
addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLScriptElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;
declare var HTMLScriptElement: {
prototype: HTMLScriptElement;
new(): HTMLScriptElement;
interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement {
* Provides a way to direct a user to a specific field when a document loads. This can provide both direction and convenience for a user, reducing the need to click or tab to a field when a page opens. This attribute is true when present on an element, and false when missing.
autofocus: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
* Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
readonly form: HTMLFormElement;
* Sets or retrieves the number of objects in a collection.
length: number;
* Sets or retrieves the Boolean value indicating whether multiple items can be selected from a list.
multiple: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the name of the object.
name: string;
readonly options: HTMLOptionsCollection;
* When present, marks an element that can't be submitted without a value.
required: boolean;
* Sets or retrieves the index of the selected option in a select object.
selectedIndex: number;
selectedOptions: HTMLCollectionOf