import sublime import sublime_plugin from .helpers import * from .context import * class completionListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations): if is_asm(view): prefixLineStart = view.line(locations[0]) line = view.substr(prefixLineStart).strip() lskip = view.substr(prefixLineStart).index(line) splitLine = line.split(' ', maxsplit=1) # maybe str.partition? if(len(splitLine) > 1): # The user is typing in the middle. Check if the start was a label if is_name(prefixLineStart.begin()+lskip, view): print("Lable first") else: # No a label start, so could be instruction or a support directive print("Instuction context") return self.handleInstructionContext(view, prefix, locations) else: prefix = line # the user is just starting to type if prefix.startswith("%"): return self.handleSupportContext(view, prefix, locations) else: return self.handleInsturctionOpcodeContext(view, prefix, locations) def handleInstructionContext(self, view, prefix, locations): completions = [[name[0]+'\t'+name[1], name[0]] for name in contexts[].getLocals(set()) if name[0].casefold().startswith(prefix.casefold())] return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS) def handleSupportContext(self, view, prefix, locations): return [[si, si] for si in support_set.keys() if si.casefold().startswith(prefix.casefold())] def handleInsturctionOpcodeContext(self, view, prefix, locations): completions= [[instruction.casefold() + " \t" + instruction_set[instruction]["Brief"], instruction.lower()]\ for instruction in instruction_set.keys() if instruction.casefold().startswith(prefix.casefold())] completions.extend(self.handleSupportContext(view, prefix, locations)) completions.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1])) return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS)