use clap::Parser; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus, Stdio}; const TOOLS: [&str; 2] = [ "target/release/gxf2bed -i {bed} -o ./test/output.bed", "target/release/gxf2bed -i {bed} -o ./test/output.bed.gz", ]; const GTFILES: [&str; 4] = [ "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.112.gtf", "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.112.gtf.gz", "gencode.v46.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gff3.gz", "gencode.v46.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gff3", ]; const STDOUT: &str = "*.bed"; const CSV: &str = "bed.files.csv"; const MD: &str = ""; #[derive(Debug, Parser)] pub struct Args { #[clap( short = 'd', long = "dir", help = "Path to the test files directory", default_value = "assets" )] assets: PathBuf, #[clap(short = 'a', value_delimiter = ',', num_args = 1.., help = "Extra arguments to pass to hyperfine" )] hyperfine_args: Vec, } pub struct HyperfineCall { pub warmup: u32, pub min_runs: u32, pub max_runs: Option, pub export_csv: Option, pub export_markdown: Option, pub parameters: Vec<(String, Vec)>, pub setup: Option, pub cleanup: Option, pub commands: Vec, pub extras: Vec, } impl Default for HyperfineCall { fn default() -> Self { Self { warmup: 3, min_runs: 5, max_runs: None, export_csv: None, export_markdown: None, parameters: Vec::new(), setup: None, cleanup: None, commands: Vec::new(), extras: Vec::new(), } } } impl HyperfineCall { pub fn invoke(&self) -> ExitStatus { let mut command = Command::new("hyperfine"); command .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .stdin(Stdio::null()); command.arg("--warmup").arg(self.warmup.to_string()); command.arg("--min-runs").arg(self.min_runs.to_string()); if let Some(export_csv) = &self.export_csv { command.arg("--export-csv").arg(export_csv); } if let Some(export_markdown) = &self.export_markdown { command.arg("--export-markdown").arg(export_markdown); } for (flag, values) in &self.parameters { command.arg("-L").arg(flag).arg(values.join(",")); } if let Some(setup) = &self.setup { command.arg("--setup").arg(setup); } if let Some(cleanup) = &self.cleanup { command.arg("--cleanup").arg(cleanup); } if let Some(max_runs) = self.max_runs { command.arg("--max-runs").arg(max_runs.to_string()); } if !self.extras.is_empty() { command.args(&self.extras); } for cmd in &self.commands { command.arg(cmd); } command.status().expect("Failed to run hyperfine") } } fn benchmark() -> Result<(String, String), Box> { let args = Args::parse(); std::fs::create_dir_all("runs")?; let assets = args.assets.to_string_lossy(); #[allow(clippy::needless_update)] let code = HyperfineCall { warmup: 5, min_runs: 5, max_runs: Some(20), export_csv: Some(format!("runs/{}", CSV).to_string()), export_markdown: Some(format!("runs/{}", MD).to_string()), parameters: vec![( "bed".to_string(), GTFILES .iter() .map(|s| format!("{}/{}", assets, s)) .collect(), )], setup: Some("cargo build --release".to_string()), cleanup: Some(format!("rm -f {} test/*.bed", STDOUT)), commands: TOOLS .iter() .map(|cmd| cmd.to_string()) .collect::>(), extras: args .hyperfine_args .iter() .map(|s| format!("--{}", s)) .collect(), ..Default::default() } .invoke() .code() .expect("Benchmark terminated unexpectedly"); if code != 0 { return Err(format!("Benchmark failed with exit code {}", code).into()); } Ok((format!("runs/{}", CSV), format!("runs/{}", MD))) } fn main() { match benchmark() { Ok((csv, md)) => { println!("Benchmark results saved to:"); println!(" - {}", csv); println!(" - {}", md); } Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e), } }