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![alt text](assets/deprecated.png) # Deprecated 这个库基本上已经停止维护了,或者说已经被整合进了新的库之中,新的库是GXCI,它包含大恒相机SDK本地相机部分的全部原生实现,并且提供了对应的HAL封装,可以在[github](https://www.github.com/zoneherobrine/gxci)和[crates](https://crates.io/crates/gxci)上查看 This project is deprecated, or it has been integrated into a new project, the new project is GXCI, it's in[github](https://www.github.com/zoneherobrine/gxci) and [crates](https://crates.io/crates/gxci), which has FULL RAW IMPLEMENTATION of the local camera part of Daheng Imaging SDK, and it provides HAL functions. # Introduction gxi_hako是一款用Rust基于GxIAPI的库进行大恒工业相机的接口开发; 目前已实现本地相机的所有接口,enums还没有完全迁移过来,并在utils内便写了一些工具类函数,方便使用 gxi_hako is developing the interface of Daheng Industrial Camera using Rust based on GxIAPI library; At present, all interfaces for the local camera have been implemented, and the enums have not been completely migrated. Some utility functions have been written in utils to facilitate use. # Overview The sdk-dev-doc is contained in ./doc/sdk,here I only provide the English version of the sdk-dev-doc, and the Chinese version is not provided here(Because the 10MB limitation of crates.io). You can also get the sdk-dev-doc from the SDK of Daheng Imaging you have installed. # Quick Start Following code is same as the list_devices_info.rs in the examples directory: ```rust use std::mem::size_of; use gxi_hako::{ gx::{ gx_interface::*, gx_struct::*, }, utils::{ debug::print_device_info, builder::GXDeviceBaseInfoBuilder, }, }; fn main() { unsafe { // You can change the library path as you need let gx = GXInstance::new("C:\\Program Files\\Daheng Imaging\\GalaxySDK\\APIDll\\Win64\\GxIAPI.dll").expect("Failed to load library"); gx.gx_init_lib().expect("Failed to initialize library"); let mut device_num = 0; gx.gx_update_device_list(&mut device_num, 1000) .expect("Failed to update device list"); if device_num > 0 { let mut base_info: Vec = (0..device_num).map(|_| { GXDeviceBaseInfoBuilder::new().build() }).collect(); // or you can use the following code to initialize the vector without using the builder // let mut base_info = vec![ // GX_DEVICE_BASE_INFO { // szVendorName: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_32_BYTE], // szModelName: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_32_BYTE], // szSN: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_32_BYTE], // szDisplayName: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_128_BYTE], // szDeviceID: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_64_BYTE], // szUserID: [0; GX_INFO_LENGTH_64_BYTE], // accessStatus: GX_ACCESS_STATUS_CMD::Unknown, // deviceClass: GX_DEVICE_CLASS::Unknown, // reserved: [0; 300], // }; // device_num as usize // ]; let mut size = (device_num as usize) * size_of::(); let status = gx .gx_get_all_device_base_info(base_info.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size) .expect("Failed to get all device base info"); if status == 0 { // Assuming 0 is GX_STATUS_SUCCESS println!( "Device base info retrieved successfully. Number of devices: {}", device_num ); for device in &base_info { print_device_info(&device); } } else { println!("Failed to retrieve device base info, status: {}", status); } } else { println!("No Devices found."); } gx.gx_close_lib().expect("Failed to close library"); println!("Library closed.") } } ``` # Usage You can see the GXInstance part(where impl the GXInterface trait with rust-doc) in gx_interface doc , the link is [here](https://docs.rs/gxi_hako/0.1.2/gxi_hako/gx/gx_interface/struct.GXInstance.html) # Example Here 5 examples are provided, which are: - [x] list_devices_info.rs: list all the devices' information - [x] open_device_by_index.rs: open the device by index - [x] open_device_by_sn.rs: open the device by serial number - [x] get_image.rs: get the image from the camera - [x] callback_capture.rs: register the callback function to capture the image realtimely You can run the example by the following command: ```shell cargo run --example list_devices_info ``` # Dependencies ## OpenCV Environment The OpenCV lib here is only used to easily provide a GUI to show the image, so you can ignore this part if you don't want to show the image. ### Install LLVM and OpenCV 4.9.0 In Windows 10/11, I would like using choco as the following command to install LLVM and OpenCV 4.9.0: ```shell choco install llvm opencv ``` Following are the websites: - [LLVM](https://releases.llvm.org/download.html) - [OpenCV](https://opencv.org/releases/) - [choco](https://chocolatey.org/) ### Add the path environment variable You can add the following path to the path environment variable: - opencv bin path ...\opencv\build\bin - opencv x64 bin path ...\opencv\build\x64\vc16\bin - choco bin path C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin - LLVM bin path C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin Here is an example: ``` D:\ProgramUnsigned\Embedded\opencv\build\bin D:\ProgramUnsigned\Embedded\opencv\build\x64\vc16\bin C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin ``` ### Add opencv environment variable(System Variable) OPENCV_INCLUDE_PATHS ...\opencv\build\include OPENCV_LINK_LIBS opencv_world490 OPENCV_LINK_PATHS ...\opencv\build\x64\vc16\lib here is an example: ``` OPENCV_INCLUDE_PATHS D:\ProgramUnsigned\Embedded\opencv\build\include OPENCV_LINK_LIBS opencv_world490 OPENCV_LINK_PATHS D:\ProgramUnsigned\Embedded\opencv\build\x64\vc16\lib ``` ### Copy opencv_world490.dll to the target directory (if needed) Sometimes, you need to copy the opencv_world490.dll to the target directory, which is the same as the exe file. ## GxIAPI Environment You also need to install the GxIAPI SDK, which can be downloaded from the [official website](https://www.daheng-imaging.com/downloads/). Just install the SDK for your platform. ## Camera Environment You need to connect the camera to your computer, and make sure the camera is powered on. Then all the environment is ready. # Camera Support - [x] USB3.0 Camera - [x] Mer Camera (Mono8, Mono10) - [ ] Gige Camera # Platform Support Now, is Windows only. # Licensing Licensed under the MIT License. # Contributing Uhmmm... placeholder # Acknowledgments pLaShOlDeR~ # Todolist - [x] Get-Set 函数补全 - [x] 本地相机函数补全 - [x] 项目重构,等有闲的时候重构 - [x] 基本的example - [x] 发布crate,重构完就发布 - [ ] 更多的examples - [ ] 更多的doc说明 - [ ] async/await的支持,引入tokio - [ ] 补全网络相机(Gige)相关的函数 - [ ] 补全FeatureID的枚举 - [ ] Linux平台支持 - [ ] 更多相机类型 # DLL implemented status - [x] 302 0 0001C020 GXCloseDevice - [x] 101 1 0001BBC0 GXCloseLib - [x] 700 2 0001E9E0 GXExportConfigFile - [ ] 707 3 0001EA50 GXExportConfigFileW ?在开发文档里面没介绍这个函数 - [x] 602 4 0001E920 GXFlushEvent - [x] 505 5 0001E6E0 GXFlushQueue - [x] 201 6 0001BDE0 GXGetAllDeviceBaseInfo - [x] 414 7 0001D5F0 GXGetBool - [x] 419 8 0001E080 GXGetBuffer - [x] 418 9 0001DF50 GXGetBufferLength - [ ] 205 A 0001BE80 GXGetDeviceIPInfo - [ ] 423 B 0001C0B0 GXGetDevicePersistentIpAddress - [x] 411 C 0001D3C0 GXGetEnum - [x] 410 D 0001CF50 GXGetEnumDescription - [x] 409 E 0001CE20 GXGetEnumEntryNums - [x] 506 F 0001E970 GXGetEventNumInQueue - [x] 422 10 0001C1E0 GXGetFeatureName - [x] 408 11 0001CCF0 GXGetFloat - [x] 406 12 0001C960 GXGetFloatRange - [x] 504 13 0001E670 GXGetImage - [x] 404 14 0001C730 GXGetInt - [x] 403 15 0001C590 GXGetIntRange - [x] 204 16 0001BC40 GXGetLastError - [ ] 709 17 0001F370 GXGetOptimalPacketSize (Windows Only) - [x] 416 18 0001DAA0 GXGetString - [x] 415 19 0001D820 GXGetStringLength - [x] 425 1A 0001D970 GXGetStringMaxLength - [ ] 705 1B 0001EEF0 GXGigEForceIp - [ ] 704 1C 0001ECC0 GXGigEIpConfiguration - [ ] 706 1D 0001F170 GXGigEResetDevice - [x] 701 1E 0001EAC0 GXImportConfigFile - [ ] 708 1F 0001EB40 GXImportConfigFileW ?在开发文档里面没介绍这个函数 - [x] 100 20 0001BB70 GXInitLib - [x] 400 21 0001C260 GXIsImplemented - [x] 401 22 0001C370 GXIsReadable - [x] 402 23 0001C480 GXIsWritable - [x] 301 24 0001BFB0 GXOpenDevice - [x] 300 25 0001BF10 GXOpenDeviceByIndex - [ ] 702 26 0001EBC0 GXReadRemoteDevicePort - [ ] 710 27 0001F3E0 GXReadRemoteDevicePortStacked - [x] 500 28 0001E5B0 GXRegisterCaptureCallback - [x] 600 29 0001E730 GXRegisterDeviceOfflineCallback - [x] 603 2A 0001E820 GXRegisterFeatureCallback - [x] 421 2B 0001E480 GXSendCommand - [x] 507 2C 0001F100 GXSetAcqusitionBufferNumber - [x] 413 2D 0001D720 GXSetBool - [x] 420 2E 0001E350 GXSetBuffer - [ ] 424 2F 0001C160 GXSetDevicePersistentIpAddress - [x] 412 30 0001D4F0 GXSetEnum - [x] 407 31 0001CBE0 GXSetFloat - [x] 405 32 0001C860 GXSetInt - [x] 417 33 0001DDC0 GXSetString - [x] 501 34 0001E620 GXUnregisterCaptureCallback - [x] 601 35 0001E7B0 GXUnregisterDeviceOfflineCallback - [x] 604 36 0001E8B0 GXUnregisterFeatureCallback - [x] 206 37 0001BD70 GXUpdateAllDeviceList - [x] 200 38 0001BD00 GXUpdateDeviceList - [ ] 703 39 0001EC40 GXWriteRemoteDevicePort - [ ] 711 3A 0001F450 GXWriteRemoteDevicePortStacked (Windows Only)