# gXTDB-rs Rust gRPC client for XTDB. ## gXTDB-rs Client Once you have called `Client` you will have an instance of the `gRPC Client` struct which has the following functions to query XTDB via gRPC. - [status](To do: Update to Doc.rs) queries endpoint /status via gRPC. No args. Returns status and status response. ### `Client` code example: ``` let mut client = Client::new("http://localhost", 8080).await.unwrap(); ``` ## Status Example Response: ``` StatusResponse { version: // "1.22.1", index_version: // 22, kv_store: // "xtdb.mem_kv.MemKv", estimate_num_keys: 1, size: //0, revision: > // Some("0823e6b7fbb03f1e93f65c916c6d787ad2b4212c"), consumer_state: > // None } ```