# H256Only [![crates.io](http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/h256only)](https://crates.io/crates/h256only) A Web Token library forked from [rust-jwt](https://github.com/mikkyang/rust-jwt) Inspired by the [h256only go library](https://github.com/kevinburke/h256only). For more information on this rationale, please read [Kevin Burke's article on JWT](https://kev.inburke.com/kevin/things-to-use-instead-of-jwt/?github) For usage documentation, please see the original JWT [Documentation](http://mikkyang.github.io/rust-jwt/doc/jwt/index.html). ## Usage The library provides a `Token` type that wraps a header and claims. The header and claims can be any types that implement the `Component` trait, which is automatically implemented for types that implement the `Sized`, `Encodable`, and `Decodable` traits. See the examples.