use alloc::collections::BTreeSet; use geo::{coord, polygon, LineString}; use h3o::{ geom::{ContainmentMode, PolyfillConfig, Polygon, Rect, ToCells}, CellIndex, LatLng, Resolution, }; use std::f64::consts::PI; const PI_2: f64 = PI / 2.; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro_rules! world_test { ($name:ident, $resolution: literal, $expected: literal) => { #[test] #[allow(unused_comparisons)] // When `$exact_count` is 0. fn $name() { let resolution = Resolution::try_from($resolution).expect("resolution"); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(resolution); let expected_count = usize::try_from(resolution.cell_count()) .expect("cell count cast"); let shape1 = polygon![ (x: -PI, y: -PI_2), (x: -PI, y: PI_2), (x: 0., y: PI_2), (x: 0., y: -PI_2), (x: -PI, y: -PI_2) ]; let poly1 = Polygon::from_radians(shape1).expect("poly 1"); let count1 = poly1.max_cells_count(config); let cells1 = poly1.to_cells(config).collect::>(); assert_eq!(count1, $expected); assert!(count1 >= cells1.len()); let shape2 = polygon![ (x: 0., y: -PI_2), (x: 0., y: PI_2), (x: PI, y: PI_2), (x: PI, y: -PI_2), (x: 0., y: -PI_2) ]; let poly2 = Polygon::from_radians(shape2).expect("poly 2"); let count2 = poly2.max_cells_count(config); let cells2 = poly2.to_cells(config).collect::>(); assert_eq!(count2, $expected); assert!(count2 >= cells2.len()); assert_eq!( cells1.len() + cells2.len(), expected_count, "cell count" ); assert!(cells1.is_disjoint(&cells2), "no overlap"); } }; } // world_test!(entire_world_res0, 0, 192); world_test!(entire_world_res1, 1, 1565); world_test!(entire_world_res2, 2, 10212); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro_rules! test_count { ($name:ident, $polygon:expr, $resolution: literal, $expected_max: literal, $expected: literal) => { #[test] fn $name() { let shape = $polygon; let polygon = Polygon::from_radians(shape).expect("polygon"); let resolution = Resolution::try_from($resolution).expect("resolution"); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(resolution); let count = polygon.max_cells_count(config); let result = polygon.to_cells(config).count(); assert_eq!(count, $expected_max); assert_eq!(result, $expected); } }; } // test_count!(h3js_67, h3js_67_shape(), 7, 13882, 4499); test_count!(h3js_67_2nd, h3js_67_2nd_shape(), 7, 13318, 4609); // test_count!( h3_136, polygon![ (x: 0.8920772174196191, y: 0.10068990369902957), (x: 0.8915914753447348, y: 0.10032914690616246), (x: 0.8915860128746426, y: 0.10033349237998787), (x: 0.8920742194546231, y: 0.10069496685903621), (x: 0.8920772174196191, y: 0.10068990369902957) ], 13, 653548, 4353 ); // test_count!(h3_595, h3_595_shape(), 5, 76, 8); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_count!( san_francisco, polygon![ (x: -2.1364398519396, y: 0.659966917655 ), (x: -2.1359434279405, y: 0.6595011102219), (x: -2.1354884206045, y: 0.6583348114025), (x: -2.1382437718946, y: 0.6581220034068), (x: -2.1384597563896, y: 0.6594479998527), (x: -2.1376771158464, y: 0.6599990002976), (x: -2.1364398519396, y: 0.659966917655 ), ], 9, 5613, 1253 ); test_count!( hole, polygon![ exterior: [ (x: -2.1364398519396, y: 0.659966917655), (x: -2.1359434279405, y: 0.6595011102219), (x: -2.1354884206045, y: 0.6583348114025), (x: -2.1382437718946, y: 0.6581220034068), (x: -2.1384597563896, y: 0.6594479998527), (x: -2.1376771158464, y: 0.6599990002976), (x: -2.1364398519396, y: 0.659966917655), ], interiors: [ [ (x: -2.1371053983433, y: 0.6595072188743), (x: -2.1373141048153, y: 0.6591482046471), (x: -2.1365222838402, y: 0.6592295020837), (x: -2.1371053983433, y: 0.6595072188743), ], ] ], 9, 5613, 1214 ); test_count!( empty, polygon![ (x: -2.1364398519394, y: 0.659966917655), (x: -2.1364398519395, y: 0.659966917655), (x: -2.1364398519396, y: 0.659966917655), (x: -2.1364398519394, y: 0.659966917655), ], 9, 15, 0 ); test_count!(exact, hexagon_shape(), 9, 18, 1); test_count!(pentagon, pentagon_shape(), 9, 16, 1); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_count!( prime_meridian, polygon![ (x: 0.01, y: 0.01), (x: -0.01, y: 0.01), (x: -0.01, y: -0.01), (x: 0.01, y: -0.01), (x: 0.01, y: 0.01), ], 7, 16020, 4228 ); test_count!( transmeridian, polygon![ (x: -PI + 0.01, y: 0.01), (x: PI - 0.01, y: 0.01), (x: PI - 0.01, y: -0.01), (x: -PI + 0.01, y: -0.01), (x: -PI + 0.01, y: 0.01), ], 7, 16020, 4238 ); test_count!( transmeridian_hole, polygon![ exterior: [ (x: -PI + 0.01, y: 0.01), (x: PI - 0.01, y: 0.01), (x: PI - 0.01, y: -0.01), (x: -PI + 0.01, y: -0.01), (x: -PI + 0.01, y: 0.01), ], interiors: [ [ (x: -PI + 0.005, y: 0.005), (x: PI - 0.005, y: 0.005), (x: PI - 0.005, y: -0.005), (x: -PI + 0.005, y: -0.005), (x: -PI + 0.005, y: 0.005), ], ] ], 7, 16020, 3176 ); test_count!( transmeridian_complex, polygon![ (x: -PI + 0.00001, y: 0.1), (x: PI - 0.00001, y: 0.1), (x: PI - 0.2, y: 0.05), (x: PI - 0.00001, y: -0.1), (x: -PI + 0.00001, y: -0.1), (x: -PI + 0.2, y: -0.05), (x: -PI + 0.00001, y: 0.1), ], 4, 5177, 1204 ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro_rules! exhaustive_test { ($name:ident, $resolution: literal) => { #[test] fn $name() { let resolution = Resolution::try_from($resolution).expect("index resolution"); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(resolution); for index in CellIndex::base_cells() .flat_map(|index| index.children(resolution)) { let ring = index.boundary().into(); // Skip index that crosses the meridian. if index_is_transmeridian(&ring) { continue; } let shape = geo::Polygon::new(ring, Vec::new()); let polygon = Polygon::from_radians(shape).expect("polygon"); let result = polygon.to_cells(config).collect::>(); let expected = index.children(resolution).collect::>(); assert_eq!( result, expected, "cell {index} at given resolution" ); let next_res = Resolution::try_from($resolution + 1) .expect("next resolution"); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(next_res); let result = polygon.to_cells(config).collect::>(); let expected = index.children(next_res).collect::>(); assert_eq!(result, expected, "cell {index} at next resolution"); } } }; } // Return true if the cell index crosses the meridian. fn index_is_transmeridian(boundary: &LineString) -> bool { let (min_lng, max_lng) = boundary.coords().fold((PI, -PI), |(min, max), coord| { (coord.x.min(min), coord.x.max(max)) }); max_lng - min_lng > PI - (PI / 4.) } exhaustive_test!(exhaustive_res0, 0); exhaustive_test!(exhaustive_res1, 1); exhaustive_test!(exhaustive_res2, 2); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn h3js_67_shape() -> geo::Polygon { let east = -56.25_f64.to_radians(); let north = -33.13755119234615_f64.to_radians(); let south = -34.30714385628804_f64.to_radians(); let west = -57.65625_f64.to_radians(); polygon![ (x: east, y: north), (x: east, y: south), (x: west, y: south), (x: west, y: north), (x: east, y: north) ] } fn h3js_67_2nd_shape() -> geo::Polygon { let east = -57.65625_f64.to_radians(); let north = -34.30714385628804_f64.to_radians(); let south = -35.4606699514953_f64.to_radians(); let west = -59.0625_f64.to_radians(); polygon![ (x: east, y: north), (x: east, y: south), (x: west, y: south), (x: west, y: north), (x: east, y: north) ] } fn h3_595_shape() -> geo::Polygon { let center = CellIndex::try_from(0x85283473fffffff).expect("center"); let center_ll = LatLng::from(center); // This polygon should include the center cell. The issue here arises // when one of the polygon vertexes is to the east of the index center, // with exactly the same latitude polygon![ (x: -2.121207808248113, y: center_ll.lat_radians()), (x: -2.1281107217935986, y: 0.6565301558937859), (x: -2.1345342663428695, y: 0.6515463604919347), (x: -2.1276313527973842, y: 0.6466583305904194), (x: -2.121207808248113, y: center_ll.lat_radians()) ] } fn hexagon_shape() -> geo::Polygon { let ll = LatLng::from_radians(1., 2.).expect("ll"); let cell = ll.to_cell(Resolution::Nine); let ring = cell .boundary() .iter() .copied() .map(|ll| coord! {x: ll.lng_radians(), y:ll.lat_radians()}) .collect(); geo::Polygon::new(ring, Vec::new()) } fn pentagon_shape() -> geo::Polygon { let pentagon = CellIndex::try_from(0x89300000003ffff).expect("pentagon"); assert!(pentagon.is_pentagon()); let ll = LatLng::from(pentagon); let coord = coord! {x: ll.lng_radians(), y: ll.lat_radians() }; // Length of half an edge of the polygon, in radians. let edge_length_2 = 0.001_f64.to_radians(); polygon![ (x: coord.x - edge_length_2, y: coord.y - edge_length_2), (x: coord.x - edge_length_2, y: coord.y + edge_length_2), (x: coord.x + edge_length_2, y: coord.y + edge_length_2), (x: coord.x + edge_length_2, y: coord.y - edge_length_2), (x: coord.x - edge_length_2, y: coord.y - edge_length_2) ] } #[test] fn fully_in_cell_contained_geometry() { // Build a geometry that is fully contained in the target cell. // The geometry does not touch the cells boundary let ll = LatLng::from_radians(1., 2.).expect("ll"); let cell = ll.to_cell(Resolution::One); let cell_ring: Vec<_> = cell .center_child(Resolution::Four) .expect("center_child") .grid_disk_distances(2); let coord_ring = cell_ring .iter() .filter(|(_, k)| *k == 2) .next() .expect("first k=2 of ring") .0 .boundary() .iter() .copied() .map(|ll| coord! {x: ll.lng_radians(), y:ll.lat_radians()}) .collect(); let shape = geo::Polygon::new(coord_ring, Vec::new()); // to cells let polygon = Polygon::from_radians(shape).expect("polygon"); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(cell.resolution()) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let count = polygon.max_cells_count(config); let result = polygon.to_cells(config).count(); assert_eq!(count, 18); assert_eq!(result, 1); } // #[test] fn issue_21() { let poly = polygon![ (x: 156.0, y: 6.0), (x: 156.0, y: 3.0), (x: 159.0, y: 3.0), (x: 159.0, y: 6.0), (x: 156.0, y: 6.0), ]; let shape = Polygon::from_degrees(poly).unwrap(); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(Resolution::Zero) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let count = shape.to_cells(config).count(); assert_eq!(count, 1); } // #[test] fn issue_23() { let poly = polygon![ (x: 0.0, y: 5.0), (x: 5.0, y: 5.0), (x: 5.0, y: 0.0), (x: -179.0, y: -90.0), (x: 0.0, y: 5.0), ]; let shape = Polygon::from_degrees(poly).unwrap(); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(Resolution::Six) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let count = shape.to_cells(config).count(); assert_eq!(count, 218_375); } macro_rules! cell { ($x: expr) => {{ CellIndex::try_from($x).expect("valid cell") }}; } // Case 1: Non-crossing shape on the west, intersecting with a crossing cell. // // antimeridian // │ ___ // │/ \┌────────────┐ // +--+ │--+ │ // / │ │ \ │ // \ │ │ / │ // + │ │ + │ // / │ │ \ │ // \ │ │ / │ // +--+ │--+ │ // │\___/└────────────┘ // │ #[test] fn bbox_tile_west() { let bbox = geo::Rect::new( coord! { x: -179.9986132979393, y: -16.890643703326294 }, coord! { x: -179.99932676553726, y: -16.889961012741797 }, ); let mut expected = vec![ cell!(0x8a9b4361e757fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e62ffff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e75ffff), ]; let shape = Rect::from_degrees(bbox).unwrap(); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(Resolution::Ten) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let mut result = shape.to_cells(config).collect::>(); expected.sort_unstable(); result.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(result, expected); } // Case 2: Non-crossing shape on the east, intersecting with a crossing cell. // // antimeridian // │ ___ // ┌────────────┐ │/ \ // │ +│-+ +--+ // │ / │ │ \ // │ \ │ │ / // │ +│ │ + // │ / │ │ \ // │ \ │ │ / // │ +│-+ +--+ // └────────────┘ │\___/ // │ #[test] fn bbox_tile_east() { let bbox = geo::Rect::new( coord! { x: 179.9986132979393, y: -16.890643703326294 }, coord! { x: 179.99932676553726, y: -16.889961012741797 }, ); let mut expected = vec![ cell!(0x8a9b4361e297fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e2b7fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e667fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e74ffff), ]; let shape = Rect::from_degrees(bbox).unwrap(); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(Resolution::Ten) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let mut result = shape.to_cells(config).collect::>(); expected.sort_unstable(); result.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(result, expected); } // Case 3: Crossing shape, intersecting with a crossing cell. // // antimeridian // │ ___ // │/ \ // + -+ +--+ // ┌────────┬──────────────┐ // │ \ │ / │ // │ + │ + │ // │ / │ \ │ // └────────┴──────────────┘ // + -+ +--+ // │\___/ // │ #[test] fn bbox_transmeridian() { let bbox = geo::Rect::new( coord! { x: -179.9986132979393, y: -16.890643703326294 }, coord! { x: 179.9986132979393, y: -16.889961012741797 }, ); let mut expected = vec![ cell!(0x8a9b4361e757fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e62ffff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e75ffff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e297fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e2b7fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e667fff), cell!(0x8a9b4361e74ffff), ]; let shape = Rect::from_degrees(bbox).unwrap(); let config = PolyfillConfig::new(Resolution::Ten) .containment_mode(ContainmentMode::Covers); let mut result = shape.to_cells(config).collect::>(); expected.sort_unstable(); result.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(result, expected); }